This issue contains a group of papers selected from those presented at the 1st workshop of the SCAR-GLOCHANT and IGBP-PAGES cosponsored programme on the Late Quaternary Sedimentary Record of the Antarctic Ice Margin Evolution (ANTIME), held in Hobart, 6-1 1 July 1997. ANTIME is focused on the circurn Antarctic reconstruction of palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, and ice sheet palaeogeography throughout the last glacial cycle. There were 65 participants from Australia, USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Japan, Sweden, Germany and Russia at the workshop. The participants included representatives of PAGES, IMAGES, and INQUA. The workshop included three scientific sessions on: Extent, timing and regional differences during Glacial Stage 2 (10–30 kyr BP) in Antarctica, from the terrestrial and marine records;Climatic, environmental and glacial events during the Holocene;Late Quaternary geochronological problems in Antarctica.