scholarly journals A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria)

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Andreas J. M. Kropp

Abstract This article examines the iconography of a type of Caracalla tetradrachm that has been newly attributed to Neapolis in Roman Palestine and whose reverse depicts a monumental altar decorated with statues of Tyche, Ephesian Artemis, and Kore Persephone. The study contextualizes these deities in the religious life of Neapolis and identifies the monument as an altar often depicted as a miniscule element in panoramic views of Mount Gerizim on the bronze coins of Neapolis. The tetradrachms provide, for the first time, a close-up view of this long-lost civic monument.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 336-350
Ramil K. Adygamov ◽  

Research objectives: The “Mustafad al-akhbar…” is one of the earliest and most important works on the history of the Bulgars and their descendants – the Tatars. After evaluating this source, we can rightly say that it is the first attempt at a scholarly description and analysis of the history of the Bulgars and Tatars. To achieve this purpose, Sh. Marjani used a large array of different sources, among which a special place was occupied by theological sources. In revealing religious life, the theologian used mainly written sources, but he did not limit himself to quoting them. The presentation of these texts is accompanied by Sh. Marjnani’s analysis of the information’s reliability. The author compares the facts and makes reasonable conclusions about the biographies of theologians, as well as the content of their works. The purpose of the study is to identify the authors’ names and the titles of their theological works that Sh. Marjani used in the first volume of the mentioned work. Research materials: The source basis of the study was the first volume of the “Mustafad al-akhbar…” by Sh. Marjani, as well as reference works by Muslim biographers. Throughout the study, the author used the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the historical and comparative method. Research results: This study established the titles of the theological treatises to which Sh. Marjani referred in the first volume of the “Mustafad al-akhbar…”, their content, the names of their authors, and years of their deaths. The study of the personalities of theolo­gians and their works has allowed for a division of them into respective Bulgar and Golden Horde periods. However, it should be noted that Sh. Marjani partly goes beyond these pe­riods and mentions some theologians who lived after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate in 1552. Research novelty: The author described, for the first time ever, the titles and topics of theological works mentioned in the first volume of the “Mustafad al-akhbar…”. Also, he identified the names of their authors and divided the works according to a historical prin­ciple into the works of the Bulgar and Golden Horde periods.

PMLA ◽  
1964 ◽  
Vol 79 (5) ◽  
pp. 594-603
Francis J. Carmody

The use that Rimbaud made of the definitive version of La Tentation de Saint Antoine, first published on 5 April 1874, throws light on the evolution of his poetics as well as his ideologies. The source book, one of the most distinguished vulgarizations of Hindu and gnostic thought, presents eastern illuminism and panoramic views of Alexandria in passages that Flaubert composed for the first time in 1871, after serious study of thousands of pages of ancient texts, and his new portrait of Saint Anthony is of special interest in that no sources have been located for it.

Р.П. Кулумбегов

В статье рассматриваются гендерные различия в традиционной религиозной обрядности осетинского народа. Участие женщин в сакральных практиках намного значительнее, чем принято считать. Недооценка роли женщины в религиозной жизни общества обусловлена устоявшимися стереотипами, в основе которых лежит представление о том, что место женщины в этой сфере второстепенно и является всего лишь производной от мужской, главенствующей роли. Женская обрядность сопровождалась ритуальными действиями, содержание которых менялось в зависимости от аграрного календаря. Зимой и весной они были связаны с необходимостью уберечь нивы от оползней и наводнений, успешным прорастанием злаков, летом — с просьбами к небесным силам уберечь нивы от града и засухи, а осенью — с магическими действиями, направленными на сохранность урожая, защиту зерна от грызунов и червей. Женщина начинала участвовать в сакральных практиках уже в течение первого года после замужества. Молодая невестка в качестве субъекта обрядовых действий впервые выступала во время празднования Доныскъæфæн. Именно с этого дня молодая женщина формально допускалась в сакральную сферу своей новой семьи, а через нее и в религиозную жизнь всего сельского общества. В Осетии помимо ситуационной обрядности, вызываемой текущими проблемами (ливни, засуха), существовали ежегодные, имевшие строгие временные координаты, женские праздники. Среди последних наиболее известны Остæлти кувд и Фыдуани. В основном женщины всегда находились в числе активных участников всех ритуалов, кроме тех, где участие мужчин было исключительным. Но даже в этом случае женщины вносят свой вклад в отправление обряда посредством выпекания ритуальных пирогов, приготовления хмельных напитков. Особенностью части обрядов аграрных верований с участием женщин была их эротическая составляющая. Это было обусловлено представлениями о плодовитости природы, которую необходимо стимулировать эротическими действиями. Рассмотренный в статье материал позволяет сделать вывод о том, что в осетинском обществе женская сакральность была объективной реальностью, при этом она отличалась от мужской, являясь ее ярким дополнением. Women’s participation in sacred practices could have been much more significant than it is commonly believed. The underestimation of the role of women in the religious life of the society is due to the established stereotypes, which are based on the idea that the place of women in this area is secondary and subordinate to the dominant role of men. Female ritualism was accompanied by sacral actions the contents of which varied according to the agrarian calendar. During winter and spring they were related to the need to protect crop field from flow slides and floods, to provide successful seeds germination, in summer — to request the heavenly host to protect crop fields from hail and drought, in autumn — to provide magical actions, focused on keeping harvest in safety, protecting corn from rodents and worms. Woman would become involved in sacral practices during the first year after her marriage. As a participant of ritual actions a young wife appeared for the first time during the celebration of Donyskafan. From that day on young woman was allowed to sacral sphere of her new family, and through this sphere to the religious life of the whole rural community. Besides situational ritualism, caused by current problems (rainstorms, drought), annual female holidays existed in Ossetia. The most famous among them are Ostalty Kuvd and Fyduani. Mostly, women were important participants in rituals, except exclusively men’s ceremonies. But even in these cases, women gave a boost in ceremonies by baking ritual pies, brewing hopped beverages. Rituals of agricultural beliefs were often accompanied by erotic actions, which in accordance with the ideas of the fertility of nature were supposed to stimulate it. The material of the article suggests that special female sacralization existed in the Ossetian society, which differed from the male sacralization, being its objective complement.

PMLA ◽  
1937 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 880-891
Heinz Bluhm

Nietszche's most famous work, Also sprach Zarathustra, is still one of the most baffling books in modern philosophical literature. It presents such a complete revaluation of all established religious values that any new light thrown on the religious development of its author is sure to be welcomed. There can be little doubt that the man who gave the world what he thought and many others still think to be a New Gospel must have lived an unusually rich religious life. It is only natural that anyone vitally interested in the unconventional religious views of the mature Nietzsche should feel constrained to inquire into their origin and early stages of evolution. Now one of the most remarkable facts about Nietzsche is that, thanks to the foresight of his sister, more records of his early intellectual development have been preserved than of any other writer of comparable significance. Thus far, however, even detailed books on Nietzsche, including the most painstaking of them all, Charles Andler's six volumes entitled Nietzsche, sa vie et sa pensée, have failed to give an adequate analysis of his early religious development. This serious gap in scholarship concerning Nietzsche was due in part to the non-existence of an edition of Nietzsche's complete works. The recent publication of the first three volumes of the Historisch-kritische Gesamtausgabe of Nietzsche's works allows us, for the first time, to trace as fully as we may hope to trace, Nietzsche's religious development from his early boyhood to the end of his student days.

Speculum ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 276-277
Henrietta Leyser

J. Chakraborty ◽  
A. P. Sinha Hikim ◽  
J. S. Jhunjhunwala

Although the presence of annulate lamellae was noted in many cell types, including the rat spermatogenic cells, this structure was never reported in the Sertoli cells of any rodent species. The present report is based on a part of our project on the effect of torsion of the spermatic cord to the contralateral testis. This paper describes for the first time, the fine structural details of the annulate lamellae in the Sertoli cells of damaged testis from guinea pigs.One side of the spermatic cord of each of six Hartly strain adult guinea pigs was surgically twisted (540°) under pentobarbital anesthesia (1). Four months after induction of torsion, animals were sacrificed, testes were excised and processed for the light and electron microscopic investigations. In the damaged testis, the majority of seminiferous tubule contained a layer of Sertoli cells with occasional spermatogonia (Fig. 1). Nuclei of these Sertoli cells were highly pleomorphic and contained small chromatinic clumps adjacent to the inner aspect of the nuclear envelope (Fig. 2).

M. Rühle ◽  
J. Mayer ◽  
J.C.H. Spence ◽  
J. Bihr ◽  
W. Probst ◽  

A new Zeiss TEM with an imaging Omega filter is a fully digitized, side-entry, 120 kV TEM/STEM instrument for materials science. The machine possesses an Omega magnetic imaging energy filter (see Fig. 1) placed between the third and fourth projector lens. Lanio designed the filter and a prototype was built at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin, Germany. The imaging magnetic filter allows energy-filtered images or diffraction patterns to be recorded without scanning using efficient area detection. The energy dispersion at the exit slit (Fig. 1) results in ∼ 1.5 μm/eV which allows imaging with energy windows of ≤ 10 eV. The smallest probe size of the microscope is 1.6 nm and the Koehler illumination system is used for the first time in a TEM. Serial recording of EELS spectra with a resolution < 1 eV is possible. The digital control allows X,Y,Z coordinates and tilt settings to be stored and later recalled.

Z.L. Wang ◽  
J. Bentley ◽  
R.E. Clausing ◽  
L. Heatherly ◽  
L.L. Horton

Microstructural studies by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of diamond films grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) usually involve tedious specimen preparation. This process has been avoided with a technique that is described in this paper. For the first time, thick as-grown diamond films have been examined directly in a conventional TEM without thinning. With this technique, the important microstructures near the growth surface have been characterized. An as-grown diamond film was fractured on a plane containing the growth direction. It took about 5 min to prepare a sample. For TEM examination, the film was tilted about 30-45° (see Fig. 1). Microstructures of the diamond grains on the top edge of the growth face can be characterized directly by transmitted electron bright-field (BF) and dark-field (DF) images and diffraction patterns.

Shou-kong Fan

Transmission and analytical electron microscopic studies of scale microstructures and microscopic marker experiments have been carried out in order to determine the transport mechanism in the oxidation of Ni-Al alloy. According to the classical theory, the oxidation of nickel takes place by transport of Ni cations across the scale forming new oxide at the scale/gas interface. Any markers deposited on the Ni surface are expected to remain at the scale/metal interface after oxidation. This investigation using TEM transverse section techniques and deposited microscopic markers shows a different result,which indicates that a considerable amount of oxygen was transported inward. This is the first time that such fine-scale markers have been coupled with high resolution characterization instruments such as TEM/STEM to provide detailed information about evolution of oxide scale microstructure.

Yimei Zhu ◽  
J. Tafto

The electron holes confined to the CuO2-plane are the charge carriers in high-temperature superconductors, and thus, the distribution of charge plays a key role in determining their superconducting properties. While it has been known for a long time that in principle, electron diffraction at low angles is very sensitive to charge transfer, we, for the first time, show that under a proper TEM imaging condition, it is possible to directly image charge in crystals with a large unit cell. We apply this new way of studying charge distribution to the technologically important Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+δ superconductors.Charged particles interact with the electrostatic potential, and thus, for small scattering angles, the incident particle sees a nuclei that is screened by the electron cloud. Hence, the scattering amplitude mainly is determined by the net charge of the ion. Comparing with the high Z neutral Bi atom, we note that the scattering amplitude of the hole or an electron is larger at small scattering angles. This is in stark contrast to the displacements which contribute negligibly to the electron diffraction pattern at small angles because of the short g-vectors.

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