panoramic views
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Hashmath Ara ◽  
Chandrasekaran Krithika ◽  
Chitathoor Sridhar

Routine panoramic radiographs often reveal hidden lesions other than those related to the patient's chief complaint [1]. The study aims to determine the prevalence of incidental radiopacities in panoramic views. There are several conditions where calcifications can occur in soft tissue, including major and minor salivary glands, lymph nodes, and blood vessels, such as sialolith, phlebolith, exostosis, dystrophic calcifications, etc. [2]. Interpretation of panoramic radiograph should consider the possibilities of soft tissue calcification super-imposed in bone. Three hundred and sixty (360) panoramic radiographs are included in the study. The prevalence and distribution of radiopacities were documented along with the probable diagnosis. In addition, statistical analysis was done by SPSS software to evaluate the age and gender-related distribution of radiopacities in panoramic radiographs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 91
Kuang-Ting Huang ◽  
Meng-Yan Zhou

Taipei Metro, since its inception in 1996, has become the most important public transport option for commuters and travelers in the metropolitan Taipei area, delivering over two million daily rides. Nevertheless, the interior environment of Taipei Metro has a reputation for being disorienting, especially to the infrequent passengers. By incorporating the methods of behavioral mapping and visibility analysis, this study argues that the occurrence of disorientation is highly dependent on visual properties of Taipei Metro’s interior layout. Specifically, the number of decision-making stops and the visibility conditions of stairs and escalators are found to be particularly influential. To enhance the passengers’ wayfinding experience, a mobile application comprised of two components is proposed. The Route Planner is to advise the passengers to avoid the areas that cause disorientation, while the Navigator, by providing the panoramic views of certain locations, can help the passengers reach their destinations more easily.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Bo Dai ◽  
Liang Zhang ◽  
Chenglong Zhao ◽  
Hunter Bachman ◽  
Ryan Becker ◽  

AbstractAfter half a billion years of evolution, arthropods have developed sophisticated compound eyes with extraordinary visual capabilities that have inspired the development of artificial compound eyes. However, the limited 2D nature of most traditional fabrication techniques makes it challenging to directly replicate these natural systems. Here, we present a biomimetic apposition compound eye fabricated using a microfluidic-assisted 3D-printing technique. Each microlens is connected to the bottom planar surface of the eye via intracorporal, zero-crosstalk refractive-index-matched waveguides to mimic the rhabdoms of a natural eye. Full-colour wide-angle panoramic views and position tracking of a point source are realized by placing the fabricated eye directly on top of a commercial imaging sensor. As a biomimetic analogue to naturally occurring compound eyes, the eye’s full-colour 3D to 2D mapping capability has the potential to enable a wide variety of applications from improving endoscopic imaging to enhancing machine vision for facilitating human–robot interactions.

2021 ◽  
Li Chuzhong ◽  
Li Zhenye ◽  
Gui Songbai ◽  
Zhao Peng ◽  
Bai Jiwei ◽  

Abstract Objective In the past ten years, a fully endoscopic technique has also been widely used. Exoscope has also been developed for microneurosurgery which offers quality image and convenient manipulation. This article aims at introducing an endoscopic-exoscopic technique for the resection of epidermoid cysts. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the patients with intracranial epidermoid cysts who received whole course combined endoscopic and exoscopic resection between 2017 and 2020 at our institution, to explore the benefit of combined endoscopic and exoscopic resection of intracranial epidermoid cysts and evaluated the clinical utility of endoscopic-exoscopic technique. Results A total of 17 patients were enrolled in the study. Of all patients, 6 patients (6/17, 35.3%) underwent total resection, 10 patients (10/17, 58.8%) underwent subtotal resection (residual capsule and/or) and 1 patients (1/17, 5.9%) underwent partial resection. Postoperative surgical complications were seen in 3 patients (3/17, 17.6%), including intracranial infection in 2 patients (2/17, 11.8%), and a delayed postoperative hematoma observed in the seventh day after operation for 1 patient (1/17, 5.9%), who was treated in a conservative manner and recovered smoothly from the hemorrhage. The median follow-up time was 33.3 months (range 14.5-54.5 months). During the follow-up period, there was no recurrence of the tumors that received total resection. 2 patients developed residual tumor regrowth but did not show any symptom therefore no further surgery was required. Conclusions Endoscopic-exoscopic technique is safe and efficient in the resection of intracranial epidermoid cysts with panoramic views and superior maneuverability. With further development and accumulation of practical experiences, the endoscopic-exoscopic technique can also be applied in the resection of other intracranial tumors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Toshiyuki Hata ◽  
Aya Koyanagi ◽  
Tomomi Kawahara ◽  
Miyu Konishi ◽  
Riko Takayoshi ◽  

Abstract Objectives To assess fetal cardiac structures using HDlive Flow Silhouette with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) at 12 to 14 + 6 weeks of gestation, and verify the feasibility of obtaining five cardiac views in the late first and early second trimesters of pregnancy. The fetal cardiac shape and the aspect of the descending aorta were also evaluated. Methods Eighty normal fetuses at 12 to 14 + 6 weeks of gestation were studied using trans-abdominal HDlive Flow Silhouette with STIC to assess the feasibility of five fetal cardiac views (frontal, spatial three-vessel, panoramic, posterior, and right lateral views). Target structures in each cardiac view were evaluated. ‘Good’ was assigned when all structures were noted, ‘Fair’ when only one structure was missed, and ‘Poor’ when two and more structures could not be detected. Frequencies of an elongated heart and those of a tortuous descending aorta were counted. Results Forty-nine fetuses were effectively included in the analysis. Success rates of ‘Good’ and ‘Fair’ were significantly higher with spatial three-vessel (p<0.01) and panoramic views (p<0.05). Frequencies of “Elongated heart”, “Elongated left ventricle”, and “Spherical heart” were 12.2, 6.2, and 81.6%, respectively. Frequencies of “Tortuous descending aorta” and “Straight descending aorta” were 12.2 and 87.8%, respectively. Conclusions The feasibility of obtaining fetal five cardiac views using HDlive Flow Silhouette with STIC is good, and this technique provides useful information for evaluating fetal cardiac structures in the late first and early second trimesters of pregnancy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Andreas J. M. Kropp

Abstract This article examines the iconography of a type of Caracalla tetradrachm that has been newly attributed to Neapolis in Roman Palestine and whose reverse depicts a monumental altar decorated with statues of Tyche, Ephesian Artemis, and Kore Persephone. The study contextualizes these deities in the religious life of Neapolis and identifies the monument as an altar often depicted as a miniscule element in panoramic views of Mount Gerizim on the bronze coins of Neapolis. The tetradrachms provide, for the first time, a close-up view of this long-lost civic monument.

L.A. Toma

The article highlights the stages of the life and work of the artist from the Republic of Moldova — Sergei Galben, who asserts the value of the emotionality of fine arts and viability of traditions of plastic culture, offering an example of their deep development and individual implementation in his works. Though his achievements were marked by awards in different competitions, being also appreciated by critics in press, and many paintings were purchased by museums and private collectors, the artist's creative way wasn't investigated. The author of the article fills this gap, having studied his numerous works and documentary materials. Most of S. Galben's paintings are connected with the images of Moldavian village. Genre motifs are interpreted as a part of the eternal course of life. His inclination for lyrical expression of feelings helps to reflect the spiritual purity and spontaneity of emotions in his portraits of rural residents, painted with great sympathy. Panoramic views and fragmentary sketches recreate the image of Moldova, “breathing” and emitting a soft light. The “landscape vision” of the artist, who lives in harmony with Nature, is also reflected in those rare semi-abstract compositions, characterized by well considered architectonics and correlation of color spots that express the mobility of the atmosphere. The integrity of the creative personality of Sergei Galben is largely due to the organic connection with the land on which he grew up. The artist is close to the ethical basis of the life of the people and the traditions preserved in everyday life, in the forms of folklore. В статье освещены этапы жизни и творчества молдавского живописца Сергея Галбена, известного c 1970-х годов по многим республиканским и международным выставкам. Его достижения отмечались победами в конкурсах, многие полотна хранятся в музеях и частных коллекциях. В 2020 году на ретроспективной выставке его произведений в Национальном художественном музее Молдовы с презентацией альбома «Сергей Галбен» наиболее полно раскрылось своеобразие творческой личности. Картины, разнообразные по мотивам и экспрессивным средствам, выявили гармоническое единение автора с природным миром, открытость эмоций и умение придать живописи свободное дыхание. Творческий путь художника до недавнего времени не исследовался, и автор статьи восполнил этот пробел, изучив его многочисленные работы и документальные материалы. Сергей Галбен утверждает ценность эмоциональности искусства, жизнеспособность традиций пластической культуры, давая пример их глубинного освоения и индивидуального претворения. Труд этого мастера достоин введения в широкий искусствоведческий оборот.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Dian Riskarini ◽  
Yuli Ardianto ◽  
Reffy Reffy

Tidung Island is one of the islands in the Thousand Islands and has become a tourist attraction for visitors to enjoy panoramic views, water tourism and underwater reefs. Local people take advantage of this opportunity to be managed independently in an effort to support the tourism potential in their area. This study aims to analyze the loyalty of tourists visiting Tidung Island due to the influence of tourist satisfaction which is supported by promotion and awareness of community tourism. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaires. The number of samples of 200 respondents using descriptive quantitative purposive sampling method. The data analysis technique used path analysis. The results showed that promotion and awareness of community tourism had a positive and significant effect on tourist satisfaction. Tourist satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on tourist loyalty. Promotion and awareness of community tourism have a positive and significant effect on tourist loyalty. Keywords: promotion, awareness of community tourism, tourist satisfaction, tourist loyalty.

2021 ◽  
Vol 290 ◽  
pp. 02029
ShiYu Zhang ◽  
YingHao Dong ◽  
Tingting Xie ◽  
Xinying Si ◽  
JinZe Li

In order to reproduce the grand look of Hanqing Stadium and restore the most realistic Hanqing Stadium internal layout and structure, a simulation system based on the virtual reality technology for the internal structure layout design of the stadium was designed and developed. Based on the current development trend of virtual reality technology, a three-dimensional dynamic space model was established to restore the real conditions of Hanqing Stadium. By integrating emerging technologies such as panoramic images, panoramic views, and stereo vision into virtual reality technology, the sense of reality was enhanced. 3Dmaxs was used to establish the Hanqing Stadium scene design model, the surrounding and internal scene models were reconstructed, and the experiencers’ feelings about the real scene were restored 1:1. The use of technologies such as panoramic images and views enhances the realism and three-dimensionality of the picture.

The veins-based biometric systems use the molds and patterns of the veins' images of the human body for identification in standalone systems or a cloud internet of things (IoT)-based networking environment. The beauty of using veins-based systems for identification is that the vein pattern cannot be stolen or duplicated or washed out because of its availability in the human body. Currently, vein patterns of fingers, hand, palm, heart, head, palm-dorsa, and wrist of humans are used for biometric identification purposed in cloud and IoT-based network environments. In this chapter, the authors have described different types of algorithms including parallel algorithms for identifying persons in clouds and IoT-based environments. The authors observed that many researchers have designed and developed several algorithms to improve and extract the veins patterns from different parts of the human body for identification in different types of environments including clouds and the internet of things.

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