Twin Models

1970 ◽  
Vol 19 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 141-141
L. Gedda ◽  
G. Brenci ◽  
M. T. Lun

The theoretical relationship between the distribution of a given trait in a population of twin pairs and several genetic parameters has been examined. In particular, a series of mathematical models has been worked out, that, when applied to a twin population, nonselected for the occurrence of a given trait and nondiagnosed as to zygosity, leads to an estimate of:1) The MZ: DZ ratio in the population;2) The frequency of the genotype responsible for a given trait;3) The probability of manifestation of the trait;4) The value of epistatic factors.A further mathematical model affords the estimate of linkage in the hypothesis of simultaneous recording of more than one trait.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-55
V. B. Rudakov ◽  
V. M. Makarov ◽  
M. I. Makarov

The article considers the problem of determining the rational plans of the input sampling reliability and technical parameters of components of space technology, the totality of which is supplied to the Assembly plants for the manufacture of complex products of space technology. Problem statement and mathematical model based on the minimization of the economic costs of control and losses related to the risks of taking wrong decisions, are given in the article. The properties of the mathematical models are investigated, the algorithm for its optimization is developed. The result is an optimal plan for the sampling of sets of components, which includes: an optimal product mix subject to mandatory control of the aggregate and optimum risks of first and second kind, when acceptance number of statistical plan is zero. The latter circumstance is due to the high requirements of reliability and technical parameters of products of space technology.

1998 ◽  
Vol 84 (6) ◽  
pp. 2154-2162 ◽  
Cord Sturgeon ◽  
Albert D. Sam ◽  
William R. Law

Rapid measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by an inulin single-bolus technique would be useful, but its accuracy has been questioned. We hypothesized that reported inaccuracies reflect the use of inappropriate mathematical models. GFR was measured in 14 intact and 5 unilaterally nephrectomized conscious male Sprague-Dawley rats (mean weight 368 ± 12 g) by both single-bolus (25 mg/kg) and constant-infusion techniques (0.693 mg ⋅ kg−1 ⋅ min−1). The temporal decline in plasma inulin concentration was analyzed through biexponential curve fitting, which accounted for renal inulin loss before complete vascular and interstitial mixing. We compared our mathematical model based on empirical rationale with those of other investigators whose studies suggest inaccuracy of single-bolus methods. Our mathematical model yielded GFR values by single bolus that agreed with those obtained by constant infusion [slope = 0.94 ± 0.16 (SE); y intercept = 0.23 ± 0.64; r = 0.82]. In comparison to the data obtained by constant inulin infusion, this method yielded a very small bias of −0.0041 ± 0.19 ml/min. Two previously reported models yielded unsatisfactory values (slope = 1.46 ± 0.34, y intercept = 0.47 ± 1.5, r = 0.72; and slope = 0.17 ± 1.26, y intercept = 17.15 ± 5.14, r = 0.03). The biases obtained by using these methods were −2.21 ± 0.42 and −13.90 ± 1.44 ml/min, respectively. The data indicate that when appropriate mathematical models are used, inulin clearance after single-bolus delivery can be used to measure GFR equivalent to that obtained by constant infusion of inulin. Attempts to use methods of analysis for simplicity or expediency can result in unacceptable measurements relative to the clinical range of values seen.

Андрей Геннадьевич Деменков ◽  
Геннадий Георгиевич Черных

С применением математической модели, включающей осредненные уравнения движения и дифференциальные уравнения переноса нормальных рейнольдсовых напряжений и скорости диссипации, выполнено численное моделирование эволюции безымпульсного закрученного турбулентного следа с ненулевым моментом количества движения за телом вращения. Получено, что начиная с расстояний порядка 1000 диаметров от тела течение становится автомодельным. На основе анализа результатов численных экспериментов построены упрощенные математические модели дальнего следа. Swirling turbulent jet flows are of interest in connection with the design and development of various energy and chemical-technological devices as well as both study of flow around bodies and solving problems of environmental hydrodynamics, etc. An interesting example of such a flow is a swirling turbulent wake behind bodies of revolution. Analysis of the known works on the numerical simulation of swirling turbulent wakes behind bodies of revolution indicates lack of knowledge on the dynamics of the momentumless swirling turbulent wake. A special case of the motion of a body with a propulsor whose thrust compensates the swirl is studied, but there is a nonzero integral swirl in the flow. In previous works with the participation of the authors, a numerical simulation of the initial stage of the evolution of a swirling momentumless turbulent wake based on a hierarchy of second-order mathematical models was performed. It is shown that a satisfactory agreement of the results of calculations with the available experimental data is possible only with the use of a mathematical model that includes the averaged equations of motion and differential equations for the transfer of normal Reynolds stresses along the rate of dissipation. In the present work, based on the above mentioned mathematical model, a numerical simulation of the evolution of a far momentumless swirling turbulent wake with a nonzero angular momentum behind the body of revolution is performed. It is shown that starting from distances of the order of 1000 diameters from the body the flow becomes self-similar. Based on the analysis of the results of numerical experiments, simplified mathematical models of the far wake are constructed. The authors dedicate this work to the blessed memory of Vladimir Alekseevich Kostomakha.

2021 ◽  
Ed Rutgers Durner

Abstract Plants are studied to understand their growth and development so that their quality and productivity can be optimised. Models are developed that can be simple and descriptive, or quite complex with numerous mathematical equations; their level of complexity is linked to their purpose. This summary serves as an introduction to mathematical models in horticulture. It is not a manual for modelling itself, but rather an overview of how important mathematical models are in horticultural production. Mathematical models are used extensively in horticulture both extrinsically, i.e. when calculating chilling hour accumulations and intrinsically, i.e. when applying fertilizer to a crop. In chilling calculations, developed models are used directly. Fertilizer recommendations were probably developed using a mathematical model. The first part of this article discusses models in general and reviews general characteristics of mathematical models. The second part outlines the major uses of mathematical modelling in modern horticultural production. Presentations of specific models are limited in order to present a general discussion of models with examples that will interest most horticulturists.

A. Y Kuzyshyn ◽  
S. A Kostritsia ◽  
Yu. H Sobolevska ◽  
А. V Batih

Purpose. Taking into account the production and commissioning of modern high-speed rolling stock, the authors are aimed to analyze the currently created mathematical models describing the dynamic behavior of the air spring, systematize them and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each model type. Methodology. For the analysis, a comparative chronological method was used, which makes it possible to trace the development of several points of view, concepts, theories. In accordance with the adopted decision equations, the existing models of air springs were divided into three groups: mechanical, thermodynamic and finite-elements. When analyzing mathematical models, the influence of a number of parameters on the dynamic behavior of the air spring, such as disturbing force frequency, heat transfer, nonlinear characteristics of materials, the shape of the membrane, etc., was considered. Findings. A feature of mechanical models is the determination of input parameters based on the analysis of experimental results, requires access to complex measuring equipment and must be performed for each new model of an air spring separately. Unlike mechanical models, which allow taking into account the damping effect of an air spring in the horizontal and vertical direction, thermodynamic models are mainly focused on studying the dynamic behavior of an air spring in the vertical direction. The use of the finite element method makes it possible to most accurately reproduce the dynamic behavior of an air spring, however, it requires significant expenditures of time and effort to create a finite element model and perform calculations. Originality. Mathematical models of the dynamic behavior of an air spring are systematized, and the importance of their study in conjunction with a spatial mathematical model of high-speed rolling stock is emphasized. Practical value. The analysis of the mathematical models of the dynamic behavior of the air spring shows the ways of their further improvement, indicates the possibility of their use in the spatial mathematical model of the rolling stock in accordance with the tasks set. It will allow, even at the design stage of high-speed rolling stock, to evaluate its dynamic characteristic and traffic safety indicators when interacting with a railway track.

2020 ◽  
pp. 442-451
А.V. Batig ◽  
A. Ya. Kuzyshyn

One of the most important problems that pose a serious threat to the functioning of railways is the problem of freight cars derailment. However, according to statistics, the number of cases of the derailments of freight cars in trains annually grows. Тo prevent such cases, the necessary preventive measures are developed, and to study the causes of their occurrence, a significant number of mathematical models, programs and software systems created by leading domestic and foreign scientists. Studies of such mathematical models by the authors of this work have led to the conclusion that they are not sufficiently detailed to the extent that it is necessary for analyze the reasons of its derailment. At the same time, an analysis of the causes of the rolling stock derailments on the railways of Ukraine over the past five years showed that in about 20 % of cases they are obvious, and in 7 % of cases they are not obvious and implicitly expressed. The study of such cases of rolling stock derailment during an official investigation by the railway and during forensic railway transport expertises requires the use of an improved mathematical model of a freight car, which would allow a quantitative assessment of the impact of its parameters and rail track on the conditions of railway accidents. Therefore, taking into account the main reasons that caused the occurrence of such railroad accidents over the last five years on the railways of Ukraine, the article selected the main directions for improving the mathematical model of a freight car, allowing to cover all the many factors (explicit and hidden) and identify the most significant ones regarding the circumstances of the derailment rolling stock off the track, established on the basis of a computer experiment. It is proposed in the mathematical model of a freight car to take into account the guiding force, the value of which is one of the main indicators of the stability of the rolling stock. The authors of the article noted that not taking into account the influence of the guiding forces on the dynamics of the freight car can lead to an erroneous determination of the reasons for the rolling stock derailment or even to the impossibility of establishing them.

India is a worldwide agriculture business powerhouse. Future of agriculture-based products depends on the crop production. A mathematical model might be characterized as a lot of equations that speak to the conduct of a framework. By using mathematical model in agriculture field, we can predict the production of crop in particular area. There are various factors affecting crops such as Rainfall, GHG Emissions, Temperature, Urbanization, climate, humidity etc. A mathematical model is a simplified representation of a real-world system. It forms the system using mathematical principles in the form of a condition or a set of conditions. Suppose we need to increase the crop production, at that time the mathematical model plays a major role and our work can be easier, more significant by using the mathematical model. Through the mathematical model we predict the crop production in upcoming years. .AI, ML, IOT play a major role to predict the future of agriculture, but without mathematical models it is not possible to predict crop production accurately. To solve the real-world agriculture problem, mathematical models play a major role for accurate results. Correlation Analysis, Multiple Regression analysis and fuzzy logic simulation standards have been utilized for building a grain production benefit depending model from crop production. Prediction of crop is beneficiary to the farmer to analyze the crop management. By using the present agriculture data set which is available on the government website, we can build a mathematical model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (05) ◽  
pp. 1850061 ◽  
Zirui Jia ◽  
Chongxin Liu

By using fractional-order calculus theory and considering the condition that capacitor and inductor are naturally fractional, we construct the fractional mathematical model of the magnetic coupled boost converter with tapped-inductor in the operation of continuous conduction mode (CCM). The fractional state average model of the magnetic coupled boost converter in CCM operation is built by exploiting state average modeling method. In these models, the effects of coupling factor, which is viewed as one generally, are directly pointed out. The DC component, the AC component, the transfer functions and the requirements of the magnetic coupled boost converter in CCM operation are obtained and investigated on the basis of the state averaged model as well as its fractional mathematical model. Using the modified Oustaloup’s method for filter approximation algorithm, the derived models are simulated and compared using Matlab/Simulink. In order to further verify the fractional model, circuit simulation is implemented. Furthermore, the differences between the fractional-order mathematical models and the corresponding integer-order mathematical models are researched. Results of the model and circuit simulations validate the effectiveness of theoretical analysis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 68-71

The use of mathematical models is of great importance for the automation of the design of technological processes. Representation of the geometric parameters of the part in the form of mathematical models allows automating the development of the structure and calculation of the parameters of the technological process, which is important for the complete digitalization of the technological preparation of production. Keywords: technological process, design, mathematical model, digitalization. [email protected]

Alla A. Mussina

The article defines the basic concepts of filtration theory and provides an overview of the existing mathematical models of inhomogeneous liquids in porous media. The paper considers the Stefan problem. The number of scientific papers devoted to the study of porous structures has recently increased. This is primarily due to the fact that the prob-lems of oil and uranium production have been identified, and the solution of environmental problems is overdue. Therefore, a new device is needed to develop models of liquid filtration. With the advent and development of computer technology, it has become easier to solve problems that require numerical methods for their solution. Understanding the movement of fluids and the mechanism of dissolution of rocks under the action of acids in heterogeneous porous media is of great importance for the extraction and production of oil and the effective management of these processes. The article examines the mathematical model of the theory of isothermal filtration. Possible variants of the solva-bility of the model are shown. The research scheme consists of the output of a mathematical model, the formulation of the problem, one variant of the solution of the problem, the algorithm of the numerical method of solving the problem.

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