Three-dimensional neglect phenomena following right anterior
choroidal artery infarction
Neglect in the horizontal and vertical axes of space has been observed after acute right anterior choroidal artery (AChA) lesions. How spatial processing is affected in the radial axis during the acute period following infarction in this region is unknown. We report the case of a 69-year-old man with acute left hemineglect and deficits in 3-dimensional spatial processing following right AChA infarction. His line bisections in 4 spatial conditions, oriented in the 3 primary axes of space, were compared with 6 control participants. The patient's bisections were different from true center and from control performance in all axes. His bisections were to the right, below, and distal to the arithmetic midpoint. This patient's bisection errors show a 3-dimensional neglect pattern following right AChA infarction, supporting the view that processing of all 3 spatial dimensions may be simultaneously disturbed following unilateral right hemisphere lesions. (JINS, 1999, 5, 567–571.)