spatial dimensions
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We all aspire to urbanism that recognizes the social, economic, political, cultural and physical-spatial dimensions of cities. Urbanism, which, based on working tools (SDAU, Planning Regulations, etc.) based on a quality model, will allow good practice and good translation of these systems on the territory (neighborhood, city, rural environment, etc). Due to that, we are interested in our article to propose and develop an automated urban planning management platform for the generation of updates proposed by urban planning experts in order to improve the quality of amenagement regulations.

Lamyae Alaoui ◽  
Rachida Ait Abdelouahid ◽  
Abdelaziz Marzak ◽  
Abdellah Lakhouili

We all aspire to urbanism that recognizes the social, economic, political, cultural and physical-spatial dimensions of cities. Urbanism, which, based on working tools (SDAU, Planning Regulations, etc.) based on a quality model, will allow good practice and good translation of these systems on the territory (neighborhood, city, rural environment, etc). Due to that, we are interested in our article to propose and develop an automated urban planning management platform for the generation of updates proposed by urban planning experts in order to improve the quality of amenagement regulations.

2022 ◽  
David Moss

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), inspired by biological visual cortex systems, are a powerful category of artificial neural networks that can extract the hierarchical features of raw data to greatly reduce the network parametric complexity and enhance the predicting accuracy. They are of significant interest for machine learning tasks such as computer vision, speech recognition, playing board games and medical diagnosis [1-7]. Optical neural networks offer the promise of dramatically accelerating computing speed to overcome the inherent bandwidth bottleneck of electronics. Here, we demonstrate a universal optical vector convolutional accelerator operating beyond 10 Tera-OPS (TOPS - operations per second), generating convolutions of images of 250,000 pixels with 8-bit resolution for 10 kernels simultaneously — enough for facial image recognition. We then use the same hardware to sequentially form a deep optical CNN with ten output neurons, achieving successful recognition of full 10 digits with 900 pixel handwritten digit images with 88% accuracy. Our results are based on simultaneously interleaving temporal, wavelength and spatial dimensions enabled by an integrated microcomb source. We show that this approach is scalable and trainable to much more complex networks for demanding applications such as unmanned vehicle and real-time video recognition.Keywords: Optical neural networks, neuromorphic processor, microcomb, convolutional accelerator

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Bruno Mera ◽  
Anwei Zhang ◽  
Nathan Goldman

Quantum geometry has emerged as a central and ubiquitous concept in quantum sciences, with direct consequences on quantum metrology and many-body quantum physics. In this context, two fundamental geometric quantities are known to play complementary roles:~the Fubini-Study metric, which introduces a notion of distance between quantum states defined over a parameter space, and the Berry curvature associated with Berry-phase effects and topological band structures. In fact, recent studies have revealed direct relations between these two important quantities, suggesting that topological properties can, in special cases, be deduced from the quantum metric. In this work, we establish general and exact relations between the quantum metric and the topological invariants of generic Dirac Hamiltonians. In particular, we demonstrate that topological indices (Chern numbers or winding numbers) are bounded by the quantum volume determined by the quantum metric. Our theoretical framework, which builds on the Clifford algebra of Dirac matrices, is applicable to topological insulators and semimetals of arbitrary spatial dimensions, with or without chiral symmetry. This work clarifies the role of the Fubini-Study metric in topological states of matter, suggesting unexplored topological responses and metrological applications in a broad class of quantum-engineered systems.

2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Jeffrey S Lantis ◽  
Carmen Wunderlich

Abstract Constructivist theories of norm dynamics offer a variety of analytical tools to understand the complex processes of norm emergence, diffusion, and evolution over time. As the literature has developed, though, it lacks a general framing of the interconnections between norms, norm clusters or configurations, and principles or “normativity.” This article advances a new three-dimensional model of constructivist theories of norms that emphasizes the spatial dimensions of norm meanings, legitimacy, and impact and identifies promising avenues for research progress. First, individual norms represent a primary intersubjective structural component that is both developed and contested. Second, theories of norm interrelations or norm clusters provide additional critical dimensions of structuration that may promote resiliency in the face of contestation. Third, norms exist within a larger constellation of norm structures, representing the broadest dimension in world politics. Collisions can occur in this environment, but broader normativity and institutionalization often become activated in the face of serious challenges. As demonstrated using the illustration of international responses to the Syrian civil war (2011 till present), only by attending to all three dimensions of norms can we gain a more accurate understanding of real-world circumstances of norm connections, norm collisions, and the variable effects of norm contestation. The article concludes by identifying promising research avenues building from the three-dimensional framework.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Anal Bhowmik ◽  
Ofir E. Alon

AbstractWe unravel the out-of-equilibrium quantum dynamics of a few interacting bosonic clouds in a two-dimensional asymmetric double-well potential at the resonant tunneling scenario. At the single-particle level of resonant tunneling, particles tunnel under the barrier from, typically, the ground-state in the left well to an excited state in the right well, i.e., states of different shapes and properties are coupled when their one-particle energies coincide. In two spatial dimensions, two types of resonant tunneling processes are possible, to which we refer to as longitudinal and transversal resonant tunneling. Longitudinal resonant tunneling implies that the state in the right well is longitudinally-excited with respect to the state in the left well, whereas transversal resonant tunneling implies that the former is transversely-excited with respect to the latter. We show that interaction between bosons makes resonant tunneling phenomena in two spatial dimensions profoundly rich, and analyze these phenomena in terms of the loss of coherence of the junction and development of fragmentation, and coupling between transverse and longitudinal degrees-of-freedom and excitations. To this end, a detailed analysis of the tunneling dynamics is performed by exploring the time evolution of a few physical quantities, namely, the survival probability, occupation numbers of the reduced one-particle density matrix, and the many-particle position, momentum, and angular-momentum variances. To accurately calculate these physical quantities from the time-dependent many-boson wavefunction, we apply a well-established many-body method, the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree for bosons (MCTDHB), which incorporates quantum correlations exhaustively. By comparing the survival probabilities and variances at the mean-field and many-body levels of theory and investigating the development of fragmentation, we identify the detailed mechanisms of many-body longitudinal and transversal resonant tunneling in two dimensional asymmetric double-wells. In particular, we find that the position and momentum variances along the transversal direction are almost negligible at the longitudinal resonant tunneling, whereas they are substantial at the transversal resonant tunneling which is caused by the combination of the density and breathing mode oscillations. We show that the width of the interparticle interaction potential does not affect the qualitative physics of resonant tunneling dynamics, both at the mean-field and many-body levels. In general, we characterize the impact of the transversal and longitudinal degrees-of-freedom in the many-boson tunneling dynamics at the resonant tunneling scenarios.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Benoit Estienne ◽  
Jean-Marie Stéphan ◽  
William Witczak-Krempa

AbstractUnderstanding the fluctuations of observables is one of the main goals in science, be it theoretical or experimental, quantum or classical. We investigate such fluctuations in a subregion of the full system, focusing on geometries with sharp corners. We report that the angle dependence is super-universal: up to a numerical prefactor, this function does not depend on anything, provided the system under study is uniform, isotropic, and correlations do not decay too slowly. The prefactor contains important physical information: we show in particular that it gives access to the long-wavelength limit of the structure factor. We exemplify our findings with fractional quantum Hall states, topological insulators, scale invariant quantum critical theories, and metals. We suggest experimental tests, and anticipate that our findings can be generalized to other spatial dimensions or geometries. In addition, we highlight the similarities of the fluctuation shape dependence with findings relating to quantum entanglement measures.

Shivan Jumaa

In this study, we discuss the properties of absolute vacuum space and how these properties can play a vital role in creating a mechanism in which the very first particle gets created simultaneously everywhere and we find the limit in which when the absolute vacuum volume reaches will lead to the collapse that leads to the creation of the first particle. This discussion is made following to the elementary dimensions theory study that was peer-reviewed at the end of 2020, everything in the universe is made from four elementary dimensions, these dimensions are the three spatial dimensions (X, Y, and Z) and the Vacuum resistant as the factor of change among the four, time itself wasn’t considered as the fourth dimension, rather time corresponds to a factor of change, and during the research it was found out that the Vacuum resistant is the factor of change in the Absolute Vacuum space, where time is a hypothetical concept, that represents changes during certain events compared to a constant change rate event.Therefore, time does exist, but as a factor of change, and as the Vacuum resistant in the absolute vacuum space, Time= factor of change= Vacuum resistant. In the study, the internal and external vacuum resistant volume equivalent is found, External Vacuum resistant=3.2857602*10^15 *mass. This equation is used to identify the amount of Free external vacuum resistant created during nuclear fission and fusion: Initial mass of the excited nucleuses mass of the created new nucleuses+ 3.2857602*10^15 * the lost Mass. In elementary dimensions, the energy created during nuclear reactions is equivalent to the free External vacuum resistant created through nuclear reactions, and mass is equivalent to the internal Vacuum resistant.

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Fedor Vybornov ◽  
Olga Sheiner ◽  
Alexey Kolchev ◽  
Evgeniy Zykov ◽  
Aleksandr Chernov ◽  

We present the results of observations of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) based on the data of the operation of the network of chirp oblique sounding stations of the ionosphere on 18–19 December 2019. For observations, four stations of the same type located in Vasilsursk (56.3° N; 46.08° E), Yoshkar-Ola (56.62° N; 47.87° E), Kazan (55.8° N; 49.12° E), and Nizhny Novgorod (56.32° N; 44.02° E) were used. They formed six synchronous sounding paths with lengths from 120 km to 320 km. The registration of the amplitude-frequency and distance-frequency characteristics (AFC and DFC) by the chirp oblique sounding stations was carried out every minute. Additionally, two vertical sounding stations of the ionosphere as ionosondes CADI and Cyclone (Vasilsursk and Kazan) were used. The passage of several types of TIDs has been observed. Based on the measurements of the DFC of the ionosphere, as obtained on different paths by simultaneously operated chirp stations, and ionograms obtained by vertical ionosondes, estimates of the spatial dimensions and TID velocity were made, and their direction was identified.

Wasilij Barsukow ◽  
Christian Klingenberg

The acoustic equations derived as a linearization of the Euler equations are a valuable system for studies of multi-dimensional solutions. Additionally they possess a low Mach number limit analogous to that of the Euler equations. Aiming at understanding the behaviour of the multi-dimensional Godunov scheme in this limit, first the exact solution of the corresponding Cauchy problem in three spatial dimensions is derived. The appearance of logarithmic singularities in the exact solution of the 4-quadrant Riemann Problem in two dimensions is discussed. The solution formulae are then used to obtain the multidimensional Godunov finite volume scheme in two dimensions. It is shown to be superior to the dimensionally split upwind/Roe scheme concerning its domain of stability and ability to resolve multi-dimensional Riemann problems. It is shown experimentally and theoretically that despite taking into account multi-dimensional information it is, however, not able to resolve the low Mach number limit.

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