scholarly journals Engaging with Decolonisation, Tackling Antigypsyism: Lessons from Teaching Romani Studies at the Central European University in Hungary

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ethel Brooks ◽  
Colin Clark ◽  
Iulius Rostas

In discussions about ‘race’, empire, imperialism – and the decolonisation of the curriculum in European universities – the discipline of Romani Studies has, until recently, been relatively quiet. This article seeks to address this silence and offers commentary on the institutional silences, via both disciplinary historical and contemporary country-specific analysis. A case study is investigated to tease out the ontological and epistemological transitions from early 19th Century Gypsylorism to 21st Century Critical Romani Studies: the teaching and learning of Romani Studies at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. We argue that the legacy of Gypsylorism, as much as the political climate in which the teaching and learning of contemporary Romani Studies occurs, are important aspects to consider. In moving forwards, we suggest that the models and pedagogies adopted at CEU since 2015 offer a useful and critical template for other universities and departments to consider adopting in progressing Romani knowledge production.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-225 ◽  
Kieran Bonner

In what way can social action be simultaneously inquired into and ethically evaluated by social theory? This paper explores the responsibility sociology has with regard to the political and ethical implications of its knowledge production and does so through a case study examination of the sociological concept of role. It compares and evaluates the different orientations that ground the concept of role and Arendt’s concept of action, which is then expanded to address the critique of the social sciences by theorists like Arendt and Foucault. The paper engages a particular tradition of reflexive sociology in the context of the danger of banal evil (Eichmann) and in the context of modern structures of domination that makes that danger more prevalent. Arguing that a theoretical non-empirical reflexivity is called for, and drawing on the phenomenological reflexivity of Berger and the constitutive reflexivity of Blum and McHugh, the paper seeks to demonstrate the need for a reflexive awareness of the actor’s responsibility for action and the theorist’s responsibility for formulating action that can make conceptual space for reasoned evaluation oriented by and to principle.

Kristina Dietz

The article explores the political effects of popular consultations as a means of direct democracy in struggles over mining. Building on concepts from participatory and materialist democracy theory, it shows the transformative potentials of processes of direct democracy towards democratization and emancipation under, and beyond, capitalist and liberal democratic conditions. Empirically the analysis is based on a case study on the protests against the La Colosa gold mining project in Colombia. The analysis reveals that although processes of direct democracy in conflicts over mining cannot transform existing class inequalities and social power relations fundamentally, they can nevertheless alter elements thereof. These are for example the relationship between local and national governments, changes of the political agenda of mining and the opening of new spaces for political participation, where previously there were none. It is here where it’s emancipatory potential can be found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
Haruo Nakagawa

Akin to the previous, 2014 event, with no data on voter ethnicity, no exit polls, and few post-election analyses, the 2018 Fiji election results remain something of a mystery despite the fact that there had been a significant swing in voting in favour of Opposition political parties. There have been several studies about the election results, but most of them have been done without much quantitative analyses. This study examines voting patterns of Fiji’s 2018 election by provinces, and rural-urban localities, as well as by candidates, and also compares the 2018 and 2014 elections by spending a substantial time classifying officially released data by polling stations and individual candidates. Some of the data are then further aggregated according to the political parties to which those candidates belonged. The current electoral system in Fiji is a version of a proportional system, but its use is rare and this study will provide an interesting case study of the Open List Proportional System. At the end of the analyses, this study considers possible reasons for the swing in favour of the Opposition.

Somatechnics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 188-205
Sofia Varino

This article follows the trajectories of gluten in the context of Coeliac disease as a gastrointestinal condition managed by lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Oriented by the concept of gluten as an actant (Latour), I engage in an analysis of gluten as a participant in volatile relations of consumption, contact, and contamination across coeliac eating. I ask questions about biomedical knowledge production in the context of everyday dietary practices alongside two current scientific research projects developing gluten-degrading enzymes and gluten-free wheat crops. Following the new materialisms of theorists like Elizabeth A. Wilson, Jane Bennett, Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour, I approach gluten as an alloy, an impure object, a hybrid assemblage with self-organizing and disorganizing capacity, not entirely peptide chain nor food additive, not only allergen but also the chewy, sticky substance that gives pizza dough its elastic, malleable consistency. Tracing the trajectories of gluten, this article is a case study of the tricky, slippery capacity of matter to participate in processes of scientific knowledge production.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Nang Randu Utama

This study aims to obtain a description of the supporting and inhibiting factors in the process of organizational change of education based on management perspective that occurs in the scope of higher health education of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. This study used a qualitative approach by conducting case study at Palangka Raya Health Polytechnic. The research results are as follows: (a) Supporting factor that must be there is the existence of a manual or technical guidance in organizing the organization; (b) Whereas the inhibiting factor is the old habits, the mindset, the mental model is still inhibiting from the organizers and members of the organization; (c) The inhibiting factor is the existence of selfishness of each highly visible party; (d) Inhibitors may also occur if there are still "little kings" and selfishness from each of the former institutions; (e) Other issues that support in this process of change are in terms of facilities and infrastructure, namely the availability of buildings and land; (f) Another inhibiting factor is that in terms of educational qualifications, there are departments that do not meet, for example in the midwifery department there are still many average teachers with Diploma IV education background and non-linear education; (g) Inhibiting factors may also occur if the reason of seniority is always carried around; (h) The inhibiting factor is lack of human resources in using modern health equipment, including the use of teaching aids in accordance with the progress of science and teaching and learning technology.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperolah gambaran mengenai faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam proses perubahan organisasi pendidikan yang ditinjau dari perspektif manajemen yang terjadi di lingkup organisasi pendidikan tinggi kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan studi kasus pada institusi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palangka Raya. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: (a) Faktor pendukung yang harus ada yaitu adanya buku pedoman atau petunjuk teknis dalam penyelenggaraan organisasi; (b) Sedangkan yang menjadi faktor penghambat itu adalah kebiasaan lama, mindset-nya, mental model-nya masih bersifat menghambat dari para pengelola dan anggota organisasi; (c) Faktor penghambat yaitu adanya keegoisan masing-masing pihak yang sangat tampak; (d) Penghambat juga dapat terjadi apabila masih ada “raja-raja kecil” dan keegoisan dari masing-masing institusi yang dulu; (e) Perihal lain yang mendukung dalam proses perubahan ini adalah dari sisi sarana dan prasarana, yaitu tersedianya gedung dan tanah; (f) Faktor penghambat lain yaitu dari sisi kualifikasi pendidikan ternyata ada jurusan yang tidak memenuhi, misalnya di jurusan kebidanan masih banyak rata-rata tenaga pengajar dengan latar pendidikan Diploma IV dan pendidikannya tidak linear; (g) Faktor penghambat juga dapat terjadi apabila alasan senioritas selalu dibawa-bawa; (h) Faktor penghambat yaitu masih kurang kesiapan sumber daya manusia dalam menggunakan alat-alat kesehatan modern termasuk penggunaan alat bantu belajar mengajar yang sesuai dengan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

2004 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-255
Merdan Halilov ◽  
Zdenek Kudrna ◽  
Judit Kapás

[Book reviews] Winiecki, J.: Transition Economies and Foreign Trade. London and New York: Routledge, 2002, 150 pp.; Olson, M.: Power and Prosperity: Outgrowing Communist and Capitalist Dictatorship. New York: Basic Books, 2000, 233 pp.; Krizsán, A. - Zentai, V. (eds): Reshaping Globalization - Multilateral Dialogues and New Initiatives. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2003, 327 pp.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-63
Ruth Roded

Beginning in the early 1970s, Jewish and Muslim feminists, tackled “oral law”—Mishna and Talmud, in Judaism, and the parallel Hadith and Fiqh in Islam, and several analogous methodologies were devised. A parallel case study of maintenance and rebellion of wives —mezonoteha, moredet al ba?ala; nafaqa al-mar?a and nush?z—in classical Jewish and Islamic oral law demonstrates similarities in content and discourse. Differences between the two, however, were found in the application of oral law to daily life, as reflected in “responsa”—piskei halacha and fatwas. In modern times, as the state became more involved in regulating maintenance and disobedience, and Jewish law was backed for the first time in history by a state, state policy and implementation were influenced by the political system and socioeconomic circumstances of the country. Despite their similar origin in oral law, maintenance and rebellion have divergent relevance to modern Jews and Muslims.

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