dietary practices
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BMC Nutrition ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Meseret Belete Fite ◽  
Abera Kenay Tura ◽  
Tesfaye Assebe Yadeta ◽  
Lemessa Oljira ◽  
Kedir Teji Roba

Abstract Introduction Appropriate dietary practices in pregnancy are critical to meet the increased metabolic and physiological demands; however, information about dietary practices among pregnant women, particularly rural residents, is limited. The study aimed to assess the level of appropriate dietary practices and associated determinants among pregnant women in Haramaya District, eastern Ethiopia, 2021. Methods A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 448 pregnant women in Haramaya District, Eastern Ethiopia. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews by trained research assistants, using a validated frequency questionnaire. The pregnant women were labeled as “appropriate dietary practice” when they consumed at least four meals daily, had a good food variety score, high dietary diversity score, and high consumption of animal source foods during the reference period. Otherwise, they were defined as “inappropriate.” A Poisson regression model with robust variance estimation was used to investigate the association of the independent variables with the dietary practice. An adjusted prevalence ratio with a 95% confidence interval was reported to show an association using a p-value < 0.05. Results The appropriate dietary practice among the study participants was 15.2% (95% CI = 12–18%). Of the respondents, 29.46, 37.5, and 24.7% had a high dietary diversity, high food variety score, and high consumption of animal source foods. The appropriate dietary practice was more prevalent among merchant women (APR = 2.07; 95% CI 1.07–4.02) and those whose husbands have at least a high school educational level (APR = 1.96; 95% CI 1.06–3.46). However, the prevalence of appropriate dietary practice was significantly lower among those who chewed khat (APR = 0.58; 95% CI 0.37–0.90) and among respondents who reported restriction of the intake of some foods (APR = 0.36; 95% CI 0.20–0.65). Conclusion We found sup-optimal appropriate dietary practice among pregnant women in this predominantly rural setting. Additionally, the lower appropriate dietary practice was observed among women who reported chewing khat and experienced restriction of dietary consumption during pregnancy. Therefore, nutrition policy programs and interventions aimed at encouraging maternal nutritional guidance and counseling are recommended.

Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
Valentina A. Andreeva ◽  
Manon Egnell ◽  
Katarzyna Stoś ◽  
Beata Przygoda ◽  
Zenobia Talati ◽  

Dietary practices are a key behavioral factor in chronic disease prevention; one strategy for improving such practices population-wise involves front-of-package labels (FoPL). This online randomized study, conducted in a quota-based sample of 1159 Polish adults (mean age = 40.9 ± 15.4 years), assessed the objective understanding of five FoPL: Health Star Rating, Multiple Traffic Lights, NutriScore, Reference Intakes (RI) and Warning Label. Objective understanding was evaluated by comparing results of two nutritional quality ranking tasks (without/with FoPL) using three food categories (breakfast cereals, cakes, pizza). Associations between FoPL exposure and objective understanding were assessed via multivariable ordinal logistic regression. Compared to RI and across food categories, significant improvement in objective understanding was seen for NutriScore (OR = 2.02; 95% CI: 1.41–2.91) and Warning Label (OR = 1.61; 95% CI: 1.12–2.32). In age-stratified analyses, significant improvement in objective understanding compared to RI emerged mainly among adults aged 18–30 years randomized to NutriScore (all food categories: OR = 3.88; 95% CI: 2.04–7.36; cakes: OR = 6.88; 95% CI: 3.05–15.51). Relative to RI, NutriScore was associated with some improvement in objective understanding of FoPL across and within food categories, especially among young adults. These findings contribute to the ongoing debate about an EU-wide FoPL model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 237796082110548
Rupinder M Deol ◽  
Lisa M Thompson ◽  
Kevin M Chun ◽  
Catherine Chesla

Introduction Diabetes management and control remain poor in Asian Indians (AI) and is influenced by personal beliefs and cultural practices. Since AIs have a high prevalence of diabetes and are more likely develop complications earlier than any other ethnic group, understanding their beliefs and practices of diabetes management is essential. The purpose of this study was to examine and understand beliefs and practices about diabetes self-management in first-generation AI Hindus and Sikhs. Method Interpretative phenomenology was used to interview 12 first generation AI participants with type 2 diabetes to elicit beliefs and daily self-management practices of diabetes. Interpretative and thematic analysis were completed. Results Diabetes self-management was a balancing act influenced by Ayurvedic principles, allopathy and dietary practices; gender roles, insufficient knowledge and culturally inappropriate diabetes education. Discussion Culturally appropriate strategies that incorporate Ayurvedic principles, dietary practices, gender roles should be developed to improve diabetes management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-119
Oluwadamilare Akingbade ◽  
Ogechukwu Emmanuel Okondu ◽  
Matthew Akinola ◽  
Julius Olatade Maitanmi ◽  
Khadija Abubakar ◽  

Objective: Good nutrition is important in promoting health and is dependent on the quality of food eaten. Little has been researched on the dietary practices among the workforce in Nigeria. This study aimed at assessing the dietary knowledge, practices, and factors influencing dietary practices and work productivity among the non-medical staff of Universities. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional survey of 398 non-medical staff of Babcock University who were selected using the multi-stage sampling technique.  Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 21) to compute frequency distributions, means, and standard deviations. Nutritional knowledge, dietary practices, and barriers to work productivity were assessed. Inferential statistical analysis was conducted using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: The mean age among respondents was 38.68±11.04, with the majority being female 54.6%. of the respondents (61.1%) of Yoruba origin, about three percentiles (66%) were members of staff while (34%) were faculty members. The computed level of knowledge and dietary-based practices scores were (2.57±0.61) and (3.64±1.44) respectively, indicating poor knowledge and dietary practices, while the barriers that influence work productivity among workers (11.34±5.286) were high at 87.2%. No significant association was found between nutritional knowledge and dietary practices of staff and faculty (p=.154), but a significant association was found between dietary practices and work productivity of staff and faculty (p=.019) Conclusion: Health education and promotion of good nutrition should be incorporated in the workplace, interventions that will improve work productivity among workers are also encouraged. This will culminate in a well-fed and healthy workforce.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-58
Isha Gamlath

Historical legacy, as an important constituent for the evaluation of the extent to which the past influences the present, sheds much light on some of the broader issues of the relation between the past and the present. One of the components of historical legacy is human food consumption habits. The domain of food consumption habits, in traditional Greek and Roman culture, contains a fairly noticeable diversity as it fluctuates between what seems to be two wide poles of dietary practices such as a simple diet, with the focus on minimalism and health and a luxury diet, with the focus on excess and extravagance. These poles, upon close analysis, have determined the dietary customs of antiquity while also formed a gastronomic identity. The impact of this historical legacy seems to have not only flavored Porphyry’s discussion of the nature of the philosopher’s diet in On Abstinence from Killing Animals but has also served in characterizing an advanced stage of minimalism in Greek and Roman food consumption habits.

Nutrients ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Clélia M. Bianchi ◽  
François Mariotti ◽  
Elodie Reulet ◽  
Gaëlle Le Goff ◽  
Anne Lluch ◽  

Tailored dietary counseling could be specifically efficient during pregnancy, a period accompanied by a rise in nutrition awareness, but little is known about the expectations of pregnant women in this regard. We studied these expectations regarding tailored dietary advice in French women during their pregnancy, as well as their motivations and the perceived barriers and enablers. In French pregnant women, we evaluated the perceptions of tailored dietary advice provided by stepwise dietary counseling based on three types of dietary changes, consisting of: (1) a modification of the amounts consumed, (2) substitutions within the food subgroups, and (3) substitutions between food subgroups. A sequential explanatory mixed-method approach was designed. Using qualitative data from a focus group study (n = 40), we intended to explore in depth the women’s expectations regarding dietary advice and adherence to a tailored approach. These were combined with quantitative and qualitative data from a 6-week online longitudinal study (n = 115), using questionnaires designed to assess the modifications of dietary habits during pregnancy and to evaluate each type of dietary change. Both studies confirmed that most women in our samples did indeed intend to institute changes regarding healthier dietary practices during pregnancy. The principal motivation behind changes to their habits was to ensure the health and well-being of both their babies and themselves. The proposal of dietary advice that is tailored to both the current diet and the specific needs of pregnant women, but that is also positive and credible, was perceived as enabling implementing healthier dietary practices during pregnancy. Regarding the implementation of the dietary changes proposed, the enablers and barriers identified differed between modifications of the amounts consumed and substitutions. The women displayed interest in all types of dietary changes. This gave relevance to combining different types of changes in order to propose dietary counseling during pregnancy. Tailored dietary counseling was identified by French pregnant women in our samples as enabling them to adopt a healthier diet. However, perceived barriers might limit the implementation of dietary changes, especially when they involved marked modifications to their usual diet.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (105) ◽  
pp. 18824-18838
OF Akinmoladun ◽  
OJ Oluyede ◽  
FA Femi ◽  
OO Olaitan ◽  

Nutrition knowledge plays a crucial role in promoting healthier eating practices, leading to the maintenance of healthy body weight. This is because knowledge of dietary guidelines and healthy eating habits among adults has been positively correlated. However, in terms of dietary habits, presumptions that the supposed civil servants in some parts of Western Nigeria are knowledgeable about basic dietary practices are yet to be explored. Therefore, this study was designed to assess the nutrition knowledge, lifestyle, dietary practices, and nutritional status among men and women civil servants in Ado, Ekiti State, Nigeria. A structured interviewer questionnaire was administered to civil servants (180 male and 220 female elderly respondents, <60years old) to collect data on economic and socio-demographic characteristics, nutrition knowledge, lifestyle, and dietary habits. Anthropometric measurements were also taken. The quantitative were coded, collated, and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data from categorical variables. Chi-square test, at a 5% confidence level, was used to establish any significant relationship between food intake parameters and nutrition knowledge. Most of the respondents (66.7%) were affected by the delayed payment of their monthly salaries. The total knowledge scores revealed that 13.25%, 41.25% and 45.50% of the respondents had poor, fair and good nutrition knowledge, respectively. Unfortunately, this higher nutrition knowledge does not translate into good dietary habits. Data obtained revealed bad eating habits, as a more significant percentage of the respondents regularly ate high-fat foods (99.5%), ate outside the home (85.3%) and did not take vegetables (83.3%) nor fruits (60%) daily. There exists, however, a significant and positive relationship between nutrition knowledge and physical activity (P=0.043), high-fat foods consumption (P<0.001), daily fruits consumption (P<0.001) and vegetable consumption (P<0.001). In conclusion, the discrepancy between the respondents' high nutrition knowledge and their seemingly poor lifestyle and dietary behaviour show that nutrition knowledge alone does not translate into good dietary behaviour.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026010602110667
Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor

Background: Although extreme hunger has reduced significantly, people are eating nutrient-poor cheap foods that are unhealthy and environmentally unsustainable. Even though dietary practices are changing in Ghana, there is minimal national-level analysis of the changes and their implication for population health. Aim: This study describes shifts in food availability and consumption in Ghana from 1983–2013. Methods: Data from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) food balance sheets and a scoping review were used. Descriptive analysis was conducted in excel for the FAO data, and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews recommendation was followed for the scoping review. Results: The availability of total calories increased from 1527 kcal in 1983 to 3016 kcal in 2013, representing 608 kcal above the daily recommended allowance for women. Sugar and sweeteners was the food group with the highest increase of 1075%. Vegetables contributed the least to food availability, with less than 40 kcal a day. Rice contributed the most to food availability among cereals (56 kcal in 1983 to 304 kcal in 2013), replacing maise as the primary cereal. Conclusion: After the 1983 famine, there were significant increases in food availability in Ghana. The provision of rice, sugars and tubers meant to end hunger, changed dietary patterns and has resulted in low dietary diversity, high energy intake and overweight/obesity. Therefore, there is a need to intervene and increase the availability of other food groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 8
Pâmela Gracielle Fonseca ◽  
Fabiana de Faria Ghetti ◽  
Sônia Maria De Figueiredo ◽  
Nathália Sernizon Guimarães

Recent studies have observed the role of intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic steatosis (NASH) and described the relationship between alterations in microbiota (called dysbiosis) with inadequate dietary practices and obesity. Through systematic synthesis this review aims to establish which nutraceuticals can be used in the intestinal modulation of animal models with NASH. Based on the search of MeSH and Decs descriptors, searches were performed on the PubMed, Web of Science and LILACS database using the keywords "Microbiota"; "Gastrointestinal Microbioma"; "Disbiosis"; "Bacterial Translocation"; "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease"; "NAFLD", "Nutraceuticals" and "Dietetic Supplements". After the methodological screening, seven studies were included. A total of 246 male Sprangue Dawley rats with a mean age of four to eight weeks were evaluated. More than half of the studies (57.1%) used probiotics as nutraceuticals, 28.7% of the researches used tomato products and 14.3% used symbiotics. The results suggest positive effects of probiotics, tomato products and symbiotics in the composition and functions of microorganisms resident in the intestines of animals with NASH, micro according to different mechanisms. Modulation of intestinal microbiota may contribute to minimize the development and progression of NASH.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (18) ◽  
Fatimah Najihah Baderol Allam ◽  
Siti Sabariah Buhari ◽  
Mohd Ramadan Ab Hamid ◽  
Agil Dhiemitra

The implementation of infection control measures during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in dietary restrictions among hypertensive patients. This study aimed to explore the experience of dietary management among Malay hypertensive patients during COVID-19. The results outlined divergent changes in dietary practices among participants, including improvement, worsening, as well as no changes. The effect of the pandemic has both negatively and positively impacted on dietary, which could have a substantial impact on the population's health in the short and long term if they are sustained. Keywords: Dietary ; Physical Activity ; Covid-19 ; Hypertension eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license ( Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI:

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