scholarly journals Jets from neutron star X-ray binaries: towards a unified scheme

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S275) ◽  
pp. 233-241
Simone Migliari

AbstractSystematic multi-wavelength studies of neutron stars (NSs) have shown a jet and disk-jet coupling phenomenology which resembles, although with some important differences, that observed in black holes; ultra-relativistic transient ejection, steady compact jets, accretion-ejection cycles are indeed observed in NSs. I will review our observational knowledge of jet in NS X-ray binaries, focusing on the role of the parameters of the system which might be involved in the production of jets. First, I will discuss the role of the accretion rate, presenting a unified scheme for accretion-jet production throughout the different sub-classes of low-magnetic field NSs. Then, I will attempt to (make the first steps to) quantify the role of spin and magnetic field in powering the jet.

2012 ◽  
Vol 08 ◽  
pp. 108-113 ◽  

A variety of different models for jet formation have been developed over the years (mainly) for black hole systems and young stellar objects. Conclusive observational constraints which would favor one particular mechanism are difficult to obtain. Neutron star X-ray binaries are crucial for advancing our understanding of jet formation in general, building a bridge between the two most studied jet-producing classes of systems: black holes, i.e. non-magnetized, relativistic objects, and young stellar objects, i.e. non-relativistic, magnetized stars. I will briefly review the status of our observational knowledge of jets in neutron star X-ray binaries, with a focus on the parameters which might be involved in the production of jets. I will present recent works and current observational programs aiming to quantify the role of the compact object in the formation of jets in neutron star systems. Finally, I will test a jet model developed for young stellar objects, the X–wind model, on a neutron star system.

2010 ◽  
Vol 719 (1) ◽  
pp. 201-212 ◽  
Jeroen Homan ◽  
Michiel van der Klis ◽  
Joel K. Fridriksson ◽  
Ronald A. Remillard ◽  
Rudy Wijnands ◽  

2004 ◽  
Vol 194 ◽  
pp. 71-72
R. Barnard

AbstractWe have devised a new technique for identifying stellar mass black holes in low mass X-ray binaries, and have applied it to XMM-Newton observations of two X-ray sources in M31. In particular we search for low accretion rate power density spectra; these are very similar for all LMXB, whether the primary is a black hole or a neutron star. Galactic neutron star LMXB exhibit these distinctive PDS at very low luminosities (~ 1036 erg s–1) while black hole LMXB can exhibit them at luminosities > 1038 erg s–1! Following the work of van der Klis (1994), we assume a maximum accretion rate (as a fraction of the Eddington limit) for low accretion rate PDS that is constant for all LMXB, and obtain an empirical value of ~10% Eddington. We have so far discovered two candidate black hole binaries in M31, exhibiting low accretion rate PDS at up to 3 x 1038 and 5 x 1037 erg s–1. If we assume that they are at <10% Eddington, they have minimum masses of 20 and 4 M⊙ respectively. Furthermore, any LMXB exhibiting a low accretion rate power density spectrum at a luminosity > 5 x 1037 erg s–1 is likely to have a black hole primary.

1998 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-253
Jianke Li ◽  
Dayal T. Wickramasinghe

AbstractX-ray binaries in which the accreting component is a neutron star commonly exhibit significant changes in their spin. In the system Cen X-3, a disk accreting binary system, the pulsar was observed to spin up at a rate ḟ = 8 × 10−13 Hz s−1 when averaged over the past twenty years, but significant fluctuations were observed above this mean. Recent BASTE observations have disclosed that these fluctuations are much larger than previously noted, and appeared to be a system characteristic. The change in the spin state from spin-up to spin-down or vice-versa occurs on a time scale that is much shorter than the instrument can resolve (≤1 d), but appears always to be a similar amplitude, and to occur stochastically. These observations have posed a problem for the conventional torque–mass accretion relation for accreting pulsars, because in this model the spin rate is closely related to the accretion rate, and the latter needs to be finely tuned and to change abruptly to explain the observations. Here we review recent work in this direction and present a coherent picture that explains these observations. We also draw attention to some outstanding problems for future studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49 ◽  
Wynn C G Ho ◽  
M J P Wijngaarden ◽  
Nils Andersson ◽  
Thomas M Tauris ◽  
F Haberl

ABSTRACT The application of standard accretion theory to observations of X-ray binaries provides valuable insights into neutron star (NS) properties, such as their spin period and magnetic field. However, most studies concentrate on relatively old systems, where the NS is in its late propeller, accretor, or nearly spin equilibrium phase. Here, we use an analytic model from standard accretion theory to illustrate the evolution of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) early in their life. We show that a young NS is unlikely to be an accretor because of the long duration of ejector and propeller phases. We apply the model to the recently discovered ∼4000 yr old HMXB XMMU J051342.6−672412 and find that the system’s NS, with a tentative spin period of 4.4 s, cannot be in the accretor phase and has a magnetic field B &gt; a few × 1013 G, which is comparable to the magnetic field of many older HMXBs and is much higher than the spin equilibrium inferred value of a few × 1011 G. The observed X-ray luminosity could be the result of thermal emission from a young cooling magnetic NS or a small amount of accretion that can occur in the propeller phase.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (S346) ◽  
pp. 193-196
Swetlana Hubrig ◽  
Lara Sidoli ◽  
Konstantin A. Postnov ◽  
Markus Schöller ◽  
Alexander F. Kholtygin ◽  

Abstract. A fraction of high-mass X-ray binaries are supergiant fast X-ray transients. These systems have on average low X-ray luminosities, but display short flares during which their X-ray luminosity rises by a few orders of magnitude. The leading model for the physics governing this X-ray behaviour suggests that the winds of the donor OB supergiants are magnetized. In agreement with this model, the first spectropolarimetric observations of the SFXT IGR J11215-5952 using the FORS 2 instrument at the Very Large Telescope indicate the presence of a kG longitudinal magnetic field. Based on these results, it seems possible that the key difference between supergiant fast X-ray transients and other high-mass X-ray binaries are the properties of the supergiant’s stellar wind and the physics of the wind’s interaction with the neutron star magnetosphere.

1998 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 775-778
Simon Portegies Zwart ◽  
Frank Verbunt ◽  
Ene Ergma

We study the formation of low-mass X-ray binaries with a black hole as accreting object. The performed semi-analytic analysis reveals that the formation rate of black holes in low-mass X-ray binaries is about two orders of magnitude smaller than that of systems with a neutron star as accretor. This is contradicted by the six observed systems, which are all transients, which suggest that the majority of these systems has not been seen jet. The birthrate for both type of objects are expected to be similar (for reviews see Cowley 1992, Tanaka & Lewin 1995).

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Teresa Panurach ◽  
Jay Strader ◽  
Arash Bahramian ◽  
Laura Chomiuk ◽  
James C. A. Miller-Jones ◽  

Abstract Accreting neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries show outflows—and sometimes jets—in the general manner of accreting black holes. However, the quantitative link between the accretion flow (traced by X-rays) and outflows and/or jets (traced by radio emission) is much less well understood for neutron stars than for black holes, other than the general observation that neutron stars are fainter in the radio at a given X-ray luminosity. We use data from the deep MAVERIC radio continuum survey of Galactic globular clusters for a systematic radio and X-ray study of six luminous (L X > 1034 erg s−1) persistent neutron star X-ray binaries in our survey, as well as two other transient systems also captured by our data. We find that these neutron star X-ray binaries show an even larger range in radio luminosity than previously observed. In particular, in quiescence at L X ∼ 3 × 1034 erg s−1, the confirmed neutron star binary GRS 1747–312 in Terzan 6 sits near the upper envelope of the black hole radio/X-ray correlation, and the persistently accreting neutron star systems AC 211 (in M15) and X1850–087 (in NGC 6712) show unusual radio variability and luminous radio emission. We interpret AC 211 as an obscured “Z source” that is accreting at close to the Eddington limit, while the properties of X1850–087 are difficult to explain, and motivate future coordinated radio and X-ray observations. Overall, our results show that neutron stars do not follow a single relation between inflow and outflow, and confirm that their accretion dynamics are more complex than for black holes.

2003 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 236-239
Wenfei Yu

Kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) has been regarded as representing the Keplerian frequency at the inner disk edge in the neutron star X-ray binaries. The so-called “parallel tracks” on the plot of the kHz QPO frequency vs. X-ray flux in neutron star X-ray binaries, on the other hand, show the correlation between the kHz QPO frequency and the X-ray flux on time scales from hours to days. This is suspected as caused by the variations of the mass accretion rate through the accretion disk surrounding the neutron star. We show here that by comparing the correlation between the kHz QPO frequency and the X-ray count rate on a certain QPO time scale observed approximately simultaneous in the Fourier power spectra of the X-ray light curve, we have found evidences that the X-ray flux of millihertz QPOs in neutron star X-ray binaries is generated inside the inner disk edge if adopting that the kilohertz QPO frequency is an orbital frequency at the inner disk edge.

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