scholarly journals The explosion sites of nearby supernovae seen with integral field spectroscopy

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (A29B) ◽  
pp. 276-277
Hanindyo Kuncarayakti

AbstractIntegral field spectroscopy of nearby supernova sites within ~30 Mpc have been obtained using multiple IFU spectrographs in Hawaii and Chile. This technique enables both spatial and spectral information of the explosion sites to be acquired simultaneously, thus providing the identification of the parent stellar population of the supernova progenitor and the estimates for its physical parameters including age and metallicity via the spectrum. While this work has mainly been done in the optical wavelengths using instruments such as VIMOS, GMOS, and MUSE, a near-infrared approach has also been carried out using the AO-assisted SINFONI. By studying the supernova parent stellar population, we aim to characterize the mass and metallicity of the progenitors of different types of supernovae.

2018 ◽  
Vol 613 ◽  
pp. A35 ◽  
H. Kuncarayakti ◽  
J. P. Anderson ◽  
L. Galbany ◽  
K. Maeda ◽  
M. Hamuy ◽  

Context. Observationally, supernovae (SNe) are divided into subclasses according to their distinct characteristics. This diversity naturally reflects the diversity in the progenitor stars. It is not entirely clear, however, how different evolutionary paths leading massive stars to become an SN are governed by fundamental parameters such as progenitor initial mass and metallicity. Aims. This paper places constraints on progenitor initial mass and metallicity in distinct core-collapse SN subclasses through a study of the parent stellar populations at the explosion sites. Methods. Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of 83 nearby SN explosion sites with a median distance of 18 Mpc has been collected and analysed, enabling detection and spectral extraction of the parent stellar population of SN progenitors. From the parent stellar population spectrum, the initial mass and metallicity of the coeval progenitor are derived by means of comparison to simple stellar population models and strong-line methods. Additionally, near-infrared IFS was employed to characterise the star formation history at the explosion sites. Results. No significant metallicity differences are observed among distinct SN types. The typical progenitor mass is found to be highest for SN type Ic, followed by type Ib, then types IIb and II. Type IIn is the least associated with young stellar populations and thus massive progenitors. However, statistically significant differences in progenitor initial mass are observed only when comparing SNe IIn with other subclasses. Stripped-envelope SN progenitors with initial mass estimates lower than 25 M⊙ are found; they are thought to be the result of binary progenitors. Confirming previous studies, these results support the notion that core-collapse SN progenitors cannot arise from single-star channels only, and both single and binary channels are at play in the production of core-collapse SNe. Near-infrared IFS suggests that multiple stellar populations with different ages may be present in some of the SN sites. As a consequence, there could be a non-negligible amount of contamination from old populations, and therefore the individual age estimates are effectively lower limits.

2018 ◽  
Vol 866 (2) ◽  
pp. 79 ◽  
A. Boehle ◽  
J. E. Larkin ◽  
L. Armus ◽  
S. A. Wright

2006 ◽  
pp. 330-333
Andrew Bunker ◽  
Annette Ferguson ◽  
Rachel Johnson ◽  
Richard McMahon ◽  
Ian Parry ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 464 (2) ◽  
pp. 1771-1782 ◽  
Astor J. Schönell ◽  
Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann ◽  
Rogemar A. Riffel ◽  
Rogério Riffel

1997 ◽  
Vol 476 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-104 ◽  
Alfred Krabbe ◽  
Luis Colina ◽  
Niranjan Thatte ◽  
Harald Kroker

2006 ◽  
Daniel Angerhausen ◽  
Alfred Krabbe ◽  
Christof Iserlohe

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (S253) ◽  
pp. 552-555
Daniel Angerhausen ◽  
Alfred Krabbe ◽  
Christof Iserlohe

AbstractTransiting exoplanets provide a unique opportunity for follow up exploration through phase-differential observation of their emission and transmission spectra. From such spectra immediate clues about the atmospheric composition and the planets chemistry can be drawn. Such information is of imminent importance for the theory of the formation of planets in general as well as for their particular evolution. Ground-based spectroscopy of exoplanet transits is a needful extension of results already obtained through space-based observations. We present results of an exploratory study to use near-infrared integral field spectroscopy to observe extrasolar planets. We demonstrate how adaptive optics-assisted integral field spectroscopy compares with other spectroscopic techniques currently applied. An advanced reduction method using elements of a spectral-differential decorrelation method is also discussed. We have tested our concept with a K-Band time series observations of HD209458b and HD189733b obtained with SINFONI at the VLT and OSIRIS at Keck during secondary transits at a spectral resolution of R=3000.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Sebastian F. Sánchez

Here we review some of our more recent results on the observed properties of HIIregions using Integral Field Spectroscopy. In particular, we illustrate the use of this technique to study in detail the ionization conditions across the nebulae for galactic HIIregions (focused on the Orion Nebula) and the statistical study of large samples of extragalactic HIIregions. We review the reported new scaling relation between the local mass density and the oxygen abundance across the disk galaxies and the recently discovered universal gradient for oxygen abundances. We update our previous results the lack of a dependence of the Mass-Metallicity relation with the starformation rate, including new unpublished data. Finally we discuss on the relation between the ionization conditions in the nebulae and the underlying stellar population. All together our results indicate that disk galaxies present a chemical enrichment dominated by an inside-out growth scenario, with a less evident effect of radial migrations and/or outflows.

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