scholarly journals X-Shaped Radio Galaxies and the Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Background

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (A29B) ◽  
pp. 319-320
David H. Roberts ◽  
Lakshmi Saripalli ◽  
Ravi Subrahmanyan

AbstractCoalescence of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galaxy mergers is potentially the dominant contributor to the low frequency gravitational wave background (GWB). It was proposed by Merritt & Ekers that X-shaped radio galaxies are signposts of such coalescences and that their abundance might be used to predict the magnitude of the GWB. Cheung identified a sample of 100 candidate X-shaped radio galaxies using the NRAO FIRST survey; these are small-axial-ratio extended radio sources with off-axis emission. In Roberts et al. we made radio images of 52 of these sources with resolution of about 1 arcsecond using archival Very Large Array data. Fifty-one of the 52 were observed at 1.4 GHz, seven were observed at 1.4 and 5 GHz, and one was observed only at 5 GHz. Our higher resolution VLA images along with FIRST survey images of the sources in the sample reveal that extended extragalactic radio sources with small axial ratios are largely (60%) cases of double radio sources with twin lobes that have off-axis extensions, usually with inversion-symmetric structure. The available radio images indicate that at most 20% of sources might be genuine X-shaped radio sources that could have formed by a restarting of beams in a new direction following an interruption and axis flip. The remaining 20% are in neither of these categories.These images indicate that at most a small fraction of the candidates might be genuine X-shaped radio sources that were formed by a restarting of beams in a new direction following a major merger, or by spin drift caused by BH-BH interaction. This suggests that fewer than 1.3% of extended radio sources appear to be candidates for genuine axis reorientations (“spin flips”), or 2.2% if possible “axis drift” sources are included, much smaller than the 7% suggested by Leahy & Parma. Thus, the associated GWB may be substantially smaller than previous estimates. These results can be used to normalize detailed calculations of the SMBH coalescence rate and the GWB.

2019 ◽  
Vol 631 ◽  
pp. A176 ◽  
A. Capetti ◽  
R. D. Baldi ◽  
M. Brienza ◽  
R. Morganti ◽  
G. Giovannini

Using the alternative data release of the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS), we studied the low-frequency properties of FR 0 radio galaxies, the large population of compact radio sources associated with red massive early-type galaxies revealed by surveys at 1.4 GHz. We considered TGSS observations from FR0CAT, a sample formed by 104 FR 0s at z <  0.05: all but one of them are covered by the TGSS, and 43 of them are detected above a 5σ limit of 17.5 mJy. No extended emission has been detected around the FR 0s, corresponding to a luminosity limit of ≲4 × 1023 W Hz−1 over an area of 100 kpc × 100 kpc. All but eight FR 0s have a flat or inverted spectral shape (α <  0.5) between 150 MHz and 1.4 GHz: this spectral behavior confirms the general paucity of optically thin extended emission within the TGSS beam, as is expected for their compact 1.4 GHz morphology. Data at 5 GHz were used to build their radio spectra, which are also generally flat at higher frequencies. By focusing on a sub-sample of FR 0s with flux density > 50 mJy at 1.4 GHz, we found that ∼75% of them have a convex spectrum, but with a smaller curvature than the more powerful gigahertz peaked-spectrum sources (GPS). The typical FR 0s radio spectrum is better described by a gradual steepening toward high frequencies, rather than to a transition from an optically-thick to an optically-thin regime, possibly observed in only ∼15% of the sample.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (S313) ◽  
pp. 231-235
Leah K. Morabito ◽  
Adam Deller ◽  
J. B. R. Oonk ◽  
Huub Röttgering ◽  
George Miley

AbstractThe correlation between radio spectral steepness and redshift has been successfully used to find high redshift (z ⩾ 2) radio galaxies, but the origin of this relation is unknown. The ultra-steep spectra of high-z radio sources make them ideally suited for studies with the Low Band Antenna of the new Low Frequency Array, which covers 10–80 MHz and has baselines up to about 1300 km. As part of an ongoing survey, we use the longest baselines to map the low-frequency (< 70 MHz) spatial distributions along the jets of 5 bright extended steep spectrum high-z radio sources. From this, we will determine whether the spectra change over these spatially resolved sources, thereby constraining particle acceleration processes. We present early results from our low-frequency survey of ultra-steep spectrum radio galaxies. The first low frequency long baseline images of these objects are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Anna Wójtowicz ◽  
Łukasz Stawarz ◽  
Jerzy Machalski ◽  
Luisa Ostorero

Abstract The dynamical evolution and radiative properties of luminous radio galaxies and quasars of the FR II type, are well understood. As a result, through the use of detailed modeling of the observed radio emission of such sources, one can estimate various physical parameters of the systems, including the density of the ambient medium into which the radio structure evolves. This, however, requires rather comprehensive observational information, i.e., sampling the broadband radio continua of the targets at several frequencies, and imaging their radio structures with high resolution. Such observations are, on the other hand, not always available, especially for high-redshift objects. Here, we analyze the best-fit values of the source physical parameters, derived from extensive modeling of the largest currently available sample of FR II radio sources, for which good-quality multiwavelength radio flux measurements could be collected. In the analyzed data set, we notice a significant and nonobvious correlation between the spectral index of the nonthermal radio emission continuum, and density of the ambient medium. We derive the corresponding correlation parameters, and quantify the intrinsic scatter by means of Bayesian analysis. We propose that the discovered correlation could be used as a cosmological tool to estimate the density of ambient medium for large samples of distant radio galaxies. Our method does not require any detailed modeling of individual sources, and relies on limited observational information, namely, the slope of the radio continuum between the rest-frame frequencies 0.4 and 5 GHz, possibly combined with the total linear size of the radio structure.

R. R. Andreasyan ◽  
H. V. Abrahamyan

It is brought the physical and morphological data of 267 nearby radio galaxies identified with elliptical galaxies brighter than 18th magnitude (sample 1) and for 280 extragalactic radio sources with known position angles between the integrated intrinsic radio polarization and radio axes (sample 2).

1984 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 39-40
P. D. Barthel ◽  
G. K. Miley ◽  
R. T. Schilizzi ◽  
E. Preuss ◽  
T. J. Cornwell

The Nuclear Radio cores of several nearby extended radio galaxies (e.g. M87, 3C236) consist not only of optically thick (< 1 pc) components, but also of emission on somewhat larger scale. As extended radio sources associated with quasars have on average stronger and more luminous radio cores (see e.g. Miley, 1980, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 18, 165), we have started a project to study the properties of these quasar cores.

1994 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 425-425
D. Dallacasa ◽  
C. Fanti ◽  
R. Fanti

GHz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) radio sources are intrinsically small (< 1 kpc) and unbeamed objects. The galaxies considered here (0316+161, 0404+768, 0428+205, 1323+321, 1358+624, 1819+39, 1829+29) have been selected from the Peacock and Wall (1981) catalogue, and belong to a complete sample of Compact Steep-Spectrum (CSS) radio sources (Fanti et al., 1990). Their radio spectra show a turnover which could be explained in terms of synchrotron self-absorption. It occurs at frequencies ranging from about 100 MHz to 5 GHz and for this reason they do not appear in the 3CR catalogue.

1996 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 569-570
R.D. Dagkesamanskii

Cosmological evolution of synchrotron spectra of the powerful extragalactic radio sources was studied by many authors. Some indications of such an evolution had been found firstly by analysis of ‘spectral index - flux density’ (α – S) relation for the sample of relatively strong radio sources. Later Gopal-Krishna and Steppe extended the analysis to weaker sources and found that the slope of αmed(S) curve changes dramatically at intermediate flux densities. Gopal-Krishna and Steppe pointed out that the maxima of the αmed(S) curve and of differential source counts are at almost the same flux density ranges (see, Fig. 2). It has to be noticed that the all mentioned results were obtained using the low-frequency spectral indices and on the basis of low frequency samples.

2020 ◽  
Vol 494 (2) ◽  
pp. 2053-2067
J C S Pierce ◽  
C N Tadhunter ◽  
R Morganti

ABSTRACT In the past decade, high-sensitivity radio surveys have revealed that the local radio active galactic nucleus population is dominated by moderate-to-low power sources with emission that is compact on galaxy scales. High-excitation radio galaxies (HERGs) with intermediate radio powers (22.5 &lt; log (L1.4 GHz) &lt; 25.0 W Hz−1) form an important sub-group of this population, since there is strong evidence that they also drive multiphase outflows on the scales of galaxy bulges. Here, we present high-resolution Very Large Array observations at 1.5, 4.5, and 7.5 GHz of a sample of 16 such HERGs in the local universe (z &lt; 0.1), conducted in order to investigate the morphology, extent, and spectra of their radio emission in detail, down to sub-kpc scales. We find that the majority (56 per cent) have unresolved structures at the limiting angular resolution of the observations (∼0.3 arcsec). Although similar in the compactness of their radio structures, these sources have steep radio spectra and host galaxy properties that distinguish them from local low-excitation radio galaxies that are unresolved on similar scales. The remaining sources exhibit extended radio structures with projected diameters ∼1.4–19.0 kpc and a variety of morphologies: three double-lobed; two large-scale diffuse; one jetted and ‘S-shaped’; one undetermined. Only 19 per cent of the sample therefore exhibit the double-lobed/edge-brightened structures often associated with their counterparts at high and low radio powers: radio-powerful HERGs and Seyfert galaxies, respectively. Additional high-resolution observations are required to investigate this further, and to probe the ≲300 pc scales on which some Seyfert galaxies show extended structures.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (01) ◽  
pp. 1341008 ◽  

In the last decade, the use of an ensemble of radio pulsars to constrain the characteristic strain caused by a stochastic gravitational wave background has advanced the cause of detection of very low frequency gravitational waves (GWs) significantly. This electromagnetic means of GW detection, called Pulsar Timing Array (PTA), is reviewed in this paper. The principle of operation of PTA, the current operating PTAs and their status are presented along with a discussion of the main challenges in the detection of GWs using PTA.

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