Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory
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Published By NAS RA Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory After V. A. Ambartsumian


Emir E. Ashursky

In this article, the author, as possible, subjects to a comprehensive (though mostly, it's true, critical) analysis the one-sided attempts of a number of current Western astrophysicists to somehow substantiate the well-known Fermi paradox. Is it a joke to say: in own perverted designs, some of them even go so far as to unceremoniously rearrange the cause with the effect! However, so to speak, "for greater pluralism of views", we'll along the way quote many other, much clearer and sapider opinions on this topic | right from the lips of alternatively thinking scholars (and besides - I note - with a world name!). Wherein some of them frankly assess the today stalemate uncertainty as a kind of creative stagnation; second are inclined towards the version of consumerity-driven global theoretical shift; while third directly declare that it is time for representatives of the exact sciences, obviously, to prepare for the change of the old starry paradigm to cardinally updated one. But still, without waiting for the weather by the sea (as well as just for spite the arrogant purse-proud Yankees, who, alas, do not seriously recognize our current potential capabilities, or even past truly grandiose achievements), here we will try independently to resolve some of the most controversial issues.

R. R. Andreasyan ◽  
H. V. Abrahamyan

It is brought the physical and morphological data of 267 nearby radio galaxies identified with elliptical galaxies brighter than 18th magnitude (sample 1) and for 280 extragalactic radio sources with known position angles between the integrated intrinsic radio polarization and radio axes (sample 2).

K. S. Gigoyan ◽  
G. R. Kostandyan

We study in this paper variability of the late-type M giants found in the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) spectroscopic data base. We used phase dependent light – curves from large sky area variability data bases such as Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) and All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We used also the distance information derived from Gaia EDR3 to construct the Galactic distribution of the M – type giants from the second edition of the FBS Late-Type Stars catalogue including various kinds of long period variables.

R. R. Andreasyan

We bring results of some our investigations of magnetic field of our Galaxy and extragalactic radio sources. For the study were used data of Faraday rotation of pulsars and extragalactic radio sources as well as data of physical and morphological properties of more than 500 radio galaxies of different morphological classes.

E. A. Mikhailov ◽  
M. V. Pashentsevay

Accretion discs surround different compact astrophysical objects such as black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs. Also they are situated in systems of variable stars and near the galaxy center. Magnetic fields play an important role in evolution and hydrodynamics of the accretion discs: for example, they can describe such processes as the transition of the angular momentum. There are different approaches to explain the magnetic fields, but most interesting of them are connected with dynamo generation. As for disc, it is quite useful to take no-$z$ approximation which has been developed for galactic discs to solve the dynamo equations. It takes into account that the disc is quite thin, and we can solve the equations only for two plane components of the field. Here we describe the time dependence of the magnetic field for different distances from the center of the disc. Also we compare the results with another approaches which take into account more complicated field structure.

G. Ter-Kazarian

We review the Ambartsumian’s cosmogony, which involves his fundamental ideas on Stellar Associations and eruptive Activity of Galactic Nuclei, where the creation process is at work. Itis caused by the violent outburst events of transformations of superdense matter in supermassive compact bodies in galaxies, away from the accretion physics. We discuss the pioneering works of V.A. Armbartsumyan and G.S. Saakyan carried out at Byurakan Observatory in the earlier of 1960’s towards the physics of equilibrium configurations of degenerate superdense gas of elementary particles, particularity, the hyperon configurations of stellar masses. These issues have been comprehensively developed later on by G. Ter-Kazarian in the proposed theory of distortion of space-time continuum(DSTC) at huge energies (respectively, at short distances < 0.4fm), which underlies the microscopic theory of black hole (MTBH). The MTBH has further proved to be quite fruitful for ultra-high energy astrophysics. The MTBH explores the most important process of spontaneous breaking of gravitation gauge symmetry at huge energies, and thereof for that of re-arrangement of vacuum state. As a corollary, MTBH has smeared out the central singularities of BHs, and makes room for their growth and merging behavior, with implications of vital interest for high energy astrophysics.

A. A. Akopian

The review presents works carried out in BAO in the period 1947-70. It tells about the history and significance of one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century - stellar associations. Among the fundamental works of Ambartsumian and BAO studies of stellar associations occupy a special place. Their discovery radically changed the existing theories of star formation and evolution and "revived" the slowly dying (as previously assumed) Universe. The discovery of stellar associations proved that star formation occurs in our era. Ambartsumian's ideas clarified the existing and somewhat confusing theory of stellar evolution and gradually became one of the generally accepted directions of the theory of stellar evolution. For more than 75 years, scientists from the BAO and many observatories around the world have been studying stellar associations, but surprises and discoveries are not exhausted. Metaphorically, one can say that for a long time astronomers will follow the path illuminated by stellar associations.

A. M. Mickaelian

Markarian survey (or the First Byurakan Survey, FBS) was the first systematic survey for active galaxies and was a new method for search for such objects. Until now, it is the largest objective prism survey of the sky (17,000 deg2). It was carried out in 1965-1980 by B. E. Markarian and his colleagues and resulted in discovery of 1517 UV-excess (Markarian) galaxies. They contain many active galaxies, as well as powerful gamma-, X-ray, IR and radio sources (Mrk 180, 231, 421, 501, etc.), BCDGs (Mrk 116) and interacting/merging systems (Mrk 266, 273, etc.). They led to the classification of Seyfert galaxies into Sy1 and Sy2 and the definition of Starbursts (SB). Several catalogs of Markarian galaxies have been published (Bicay et al., 1995, Markarian et al., 1989, Mazzarella & Balzano, 1986, Petrosian et al., 2007) and they are accessible in all corresponding databases. Markarian survey also served as a basis for search for UVX stellar objects (including QSOs and Seyferts), late-type stars and optical identification of IR sources. At present the survey is digitized and DFBS database is available. We review the main characteristics of the Markarian survey, its comparison with other similar surveys and the importance of Markarian galaxies in modern astrophysics.

G. Ter-Kazarian

Continuing along the line of our previous report (Ter-Kazarian, 2021a), in present communication we briefly outline several closely related issues, carried out also in Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, not touched in it for brevity reasons. These issues reveal and further develop novel aspects of the fundamental nature and structure of the space-time geometry and the high energy physics, the inertia effects, the intense radiation physics, and the notion of relative velocity in a curved space-time.

A. M. Mickaelian ◽  
L. A. Sargsyan ◽  
G. A. Mikayelyan ◽  
K. S. Gigoyan ◽  
R. Nesci ◽  

The famous Markarian Survey (or the First Byurakan Survey, FBS) was carried out in 1965-1980. Its 2000 plates were digitized in 2002-2007 and the Digitized FBS (DFBS, was created. New science projects have been conducted based on this low-dispersion spectroscopic material. The Armenian Virtual Observatory (ArVO, database accommodates all new data. The project was conducted in collaboration with the Italian, USA and German scientists, as well as the Armenian Institute of Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) and continued during 6 years in 2002-2007. Markarian Survey and its digitized version were included in UNESCO Documentary Heritage “Memory of the World” International Register in 2011 as one of the rare heritage items from science.

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