scholarly journals Inquiry into the Average Longevity of Vegetarians, compared with that of Persons who live on a Mixed Diet

T. Forster

Among the many curious facts relative to the duration of human life which have resulted from the persevering inquiries of persons interested in Life Assurance Offices, one very essential question appears to me to have been left undecided—namely, whether, and in what degree, a diet of vegetable food alone increases the length of life. The Vegetarian Society of Manchester pretend, not only that pure vegetable diet renders man almost exempt from many of the most fatal complaints to which we are subject, but also, that it has actually prolonged the average duration of human life. To this question I beg leave to call the attention of your readers: I should like to see it fully investigated and developed. My attention has been directed to the effects of different sorts of food on different kinds of constitution for many years past, and the conclusion to which I have come is certainly in the highest degree favourable to the views of the Society alluded to, particularly as respects longevity, to which the pure vegetarian diet seems to be particularly favourable. Now this circumstance, of which I have not the least doubt, brings the question of diet immediately into the category of facts which are the proper objects of inquiry for all Assurance Companies. Having thus ventured to call the attention of these Companies to the subject, I shall take the liberty of submitting the following facts and experiments to the notice of your readers: they are the result of nearly half a hundred years' observation and experience, made in various countries of Europe.

1913 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 263-354
John A. Rankin

The subject is one which may seem of somewhat minor importance, but, on investigation, it will be found that, even under present-day conditions, it requires careful attention by life assurance offices and by all societies and funds which have liabilities depending upon the duration of human life. As an illustration of its importance it may be mentioned that it is well known that statements of ages made in the past by the public for the purposes of census and death returns contain a considerable number of errors, both intentional and unintentional: and it can readily be understood that life assurance offices would certainly involve themselves in serious loss if they dispensed with satisfactory proof of age. Were they to do so the resulting errors in age would be relatively far in excess of the corresponding errors contained in census returns, owing to the monetary advantages which could be gained by understating the age at the date of effecting a policy of assurance, and to these advantages acting as an incentive to fraud. Accordingly, it is recognised by all life assurance offices—though not always by their assured—that proof of age is a requirement which must be complied with before payment of a claim.

1905 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 343-386
Alfred Ernest Sprague

The chief object for which insurance offices exist is to pay claims; but before any claim can be paid, the question arises—who is the proper person to receive the payment ? If any mistake be made in this, the office may find itself involved in troublesome and expensive legal proceedings, and be compelled to pay the claim twice over. This consideration shows the necessity of insurance officials having some knowledge of law, as it is almost impracticable for them to refer every legal question to their solicitors; and my present object is to draw attention to some of the elementary points which arise in the ordinary course of our business. On the shelves of the library there are to be found papers by Mr. Barrand, Mr. Warren Crosbie, and Mr. Hayter, which should be studied carefully (in addition to the text books) by every one desirous of qualifying himself for a position of responsibility in the claims or law department of his office; but these papers do not exhaust the subject, and I do not propose to allude to the points discussed therein, except in the cases where some further explanation seems desirable or where there has been an alteration in the law or in the practice of the offices.

Annarita Teodosio

Abstract: The relationship between Le Corbusier and the visual arts (drawing, photography and cinema) is deep and complex and, although the subject of numerous publications and research since the late 60s, still arouses much interest, as evidenced by the many events organized in the last years - "Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer ", Maison La Roche, Paris, 2012; "Construire the image: Le Corbusier et la Photographie", Musée des Beaux-Arts, the Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; or the recent "Le Corbusier and photography", IUAV, Venice, May 2015-. The paper, starting out from the researches already developed, proposes a further reflection on the relationship between the Swiss architect and the photography, paying particular interest to the shooting made in first person. The study analyzes the different approaches and the different subjects photographed in the course of his life and it is proposed to include the work of Le Corbusier in the broader cultural context of the twentieth century, a period in which the relationship between architecture and visual communication, thanks to the many possibilities offered by technological innovations, it becomes increasingly close and inevitable. Resumen: La relación entre Le Corbusier y las artes visuales (dibujo, fotografía y cine) es profunda y articulada y, aunque es objeto de numerosas publicaciones y investigaciónes desde el finales de los años 60es, todavía despierta mucho interés, como lo demuestran los diversos eventos realizados en los últimos años - “Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer”, Maison La Roche, Parìs, 2012; “Construire l’image: Le Corbusier et la photographie”, Musée des Beaux-Arts, la Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; o la más reciente “Le Corbusier e la fotografia”, IUAV , Venezia, mayo 2015-. El articulo, a partir desde investigación ya desarrollado, propone una reflexión más sobre la relación entre el arquitecto suizo y la fotografía, prestando especial interés a las realizata en primera persona. El estudio analiza los diferentes enfoques y diferentes sujetos fotografiados en el curso de su vida y se propone de insertar la obra de Le Corbusier en el contexto cultural más amplio del siglo XX, un período en el que la relación entre la arquitectura y la comunicación visual, gracias a las muchas posibilidades que ofrecen las innovaciones tecnológicas, se vuelve cada vez más estrecha e inevitable.  Keywords: Le Corbusier; photography; representation of architecture. Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; fotografia; representaciones de la arquitectura. DOI:

Samuel Brown

The application of the doctrine of chances to questions connected with the money values of contingencies depending on human life is now become so common, in this and many other countries, that we may he apt to forget its origin and the process by which it arrived at its present degree of improvement. Although the history of this calculus may be well known to some members of this Institute, there may be others whose time is, perhaps, too occupied to allow of more than the mere study of the calculations and formulæ necessary for the daily routine of a Life Assurance Office, and who may not be aware of the number of other subjects to which, at an early period, the calculus of probabilities was suggested to be applied. I hope, therefore, that in taking a rapid glance at the changes and improvements effected since the first crude ideas on the subject, I may not only be able to excite an increased interest in the science, but induce a further extension of its usefulness.

Hongwen LI

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.莊子的生命自由觀是一種用自由來定義生命的哲學觀念,其核心內容是追求無待的絕對自由觀,以“吾喪我”來消解人的主體意識、“齊萬物”的平等精神,以及同生死的觀念。無待的自由是指一種絕對的、不依賴於外在條件的自由,它體現為無己、無功和無名。“無待”的主旨就是超越主觀和客觀的對立,超越有限的自我,達到無限而自由的自我。“喪我”便是摒棄偏執的我、固執的我。這個偏執的“我”是封閉的我,是假我;喪失了“我”的“吾”才是開放的我,才是拋棄了偏執的本真之我。莊子的“吾喪我”乃是一種消解主體意識的方式,超越了西方主體哲學的主觀和客觀的二元對立模式。“齊物論”闡發的是平等思想,它包括三個方面:即物物平等、人人平等、人與萬物平等。莊子認為人的生死是自然世界中的一個普通事件,人的身體乃是由外在物質世界元素(氣)假借而成,只是暫時的湊集,終究是要滅亡的。這些哲學觀念對中國生命倫理學的建構具有重要的意義,主要表現在:消解人的主體性和自主性,以區別於西方生命倫理學尊重自主性原則;物物平等、人人平等以及人與萬物平等的思想對生命倫理學提出了更高的要求;以貴生、養生的方法來善待生命,反對對生命的強干涉主義。Freedom is a key concept in the philosophy of Zhuangzi. This kind of freedom requires a deconstruction of the “subject…predicate” logic and an attitude that views all things equally. The ethical views of Zhuangzi focus on the notion of “losing oneself” or “forgetting oneself”, the purpose of which is to subvert the position between subject and object and to see things as they are. Unlike the Western idea of individual autonomy, Zhuangzi’s concept of freedom is based on the interconnectedness between individuals. This essay contends that the Daoist position on the meaning of human life and freedom can serve as a source of inspiration when we consider the many bioethical issues we face today—including the issue of life and death—and how to interpret those issues within the Chinese context.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 4268 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

1911 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-335
Arthur Rhys Barrand

There will, I venture to think, be no difference of opinion among the members of this Institute as to the advisability of an early and adequate discussion of the many points of difficulty presented by the new Assurance Companies Act. Neither will there be any doubt as to this Institute being the proper place for such a discussion, consisting as it does of an unrivalled body of experts on the subject of life assurance. In these circumstances I have ventured to undertake the task of bringing the matter before the Institute, confident in the fact that however inadequate my treatment of the subject may be, those before whom the paper is to be read are fully competent to make good any shortcomings on my part, and will be both able and willing to correct any errors into which I may have fallen.

1888 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-80
William Hughes

The profession of an Actuary, though mainly concerned with the science of finance as applied to transactions dependent upon the duration of human life, involves the consideration, more or less minute, of many other subjects not immediately connected with scientific analysis and computations. There is a practical side to our profession which has, perhaps, been sometimes in danger of being overlooked, and it has been hinted, if not openly stated, that the Institute too exclusively concerns itself with the mathematical aspect of life assurance to the neglect of other matters which might very properly engage its attention. Among the most obvious of such subjects are those which deal with questions of law, the forms of the contracts between assurants and assurers, and the numerous questions which arise as to their interpretation and execution. Such questions arise daily in our official practice, but have seldom formed the subject of our deliberations as an Institute. The great interest, however, which was excited last session by Mr. C. D. Higham's paper on the Assignment of Life Policies, naturally suggested that papers on other legal questions would be welcomed by the Institute; and it may be incidentally remarked that a subject of a legal character is peculiarly appropriate to the occasion of what is practically our first ordinary meeting in this ancient hall, formerly the seat of one of the Inns of Chancery.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 825-833
Sheng-Pin Kuan ◽  
Hsien-Mo Liao ◽  

The development and promotion of quality related knowledge and technology is not developed independently, it would be developed accompany with the necessary requirements in politics, economy, industrial, and technology of community, society, region, country, and whole world. Everything should observe the world’s status, see the surrounding situation, know the people's thinking, then can understand the future trends, grasp the precise situation. The principle of the operation of an organization should be based on the trend, to obtain the advantages of future development, and then we can do something meaningful. In March 2018, before returning to Taiwan from the holiday of Jingzhou, the author visited the cousin Shipping family for a few days in Wuhan. During the period, we went to the “Wuhan Uprising Military Government Site” next to the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan. After returning to Taiwan, based on our own memory and some literatures, we compiled a list of some important events that occurred in the past 70 years of cross-strait political and economic development. The term “Quality Revolution” first appeared at the Standing Committee of the State Council of China on May 11, 2016, referring to a series of reforms aimed at increasing consumer varieties, improving product quality, creating well-known brands and upgrading people’s consumer demand. Taking steps in all sectors to improve quality, we will work toward meeting the highest international standards, encourage the spirit of workmanship, and launch a “Made in China Quality Revolution”. At this moment, the China proposed the “Made in China Quality Revolution”, which inspired the author’s inner world’s hope, and thus expanded it into the “Chinese Way Quality Revolution”. When we discuss the issue of economic and social development of a country, with quality as its topic, it will get less controversy in ideology. The quality of the subject to the “essence of substance” requirements are precise and accurate; to the “process of business” focus on efficiency, effectiveness and value; to the “conduct oneself” emphasis on words and deeds should be consistent; to the “quality of life” pursue the balance of production, ecology and life; to the society “Datong (The Ideal World)” is our dream. Under the guidance of the above-mentioned quality issues, quality professionals are engaged in scientific research, technological development, and application promotion to improve the quality of human life. There will be many projects that can be carried out, especially the establishment of “The Chinese way TQM” and carry out “The Chinese way Quality Revolution”.

1929 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-223 ◽  
L. S. Vaidyanathan

It is not without some feeling of diffidence that a Paper on the results of an Investigation into the Mortality of Lives Assured with the Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd., conducted jointly by the Actuary, Mr. Douglas Forrest, F.F.A., and the author is submitted. The Journal is more or less barren of Papers relating to the Mortality of Native Indian Assured Lives, though the subject of Indian mortality has often been considered by members of this Institute. Reference might be made in this connection to the investigations of Messrs. S. C. Thomson (T.F.A., vol. i) and A. T. Winter (J.I.A., vol. xliii) on the subject of the Mortality of Indian Assured Lives, but these being based on scanty data, the results must always be accepted with caution. Mr. Arthur Hunter's contribution (J.I.A., vol. lvii) relating to the experience of the Lives Assured with the New York Life Insurance Company from 1885–1921, touches on several points of interest and sounds a strong note of pessimism as follows : “The Mortality among natives of India insured by “our Company has not improved in the later over the earlier “years of observation” and “it is difficult to conceive that the “great increase in knowledge and the improvements in “sanitation have not affected the health of the middle and the “upper classes of India in the same way as they have affected “other (tropical) countries (such as Cuba, Brazil, Chile and “Porto Rico), although possibly not to the same extent.”

2005 ◽  
Vol 56 (7) ◽  
pp. 645 ◽  
G. B. Taylor

Hardseededness (seed coat impermeability) is the main seed dormancy mechanism for regulating germination of annual pasture legumes both within and between years. Progress made in Australia over the past 30 years towards an understanding and better utilisation of the mechanism is the subject of this review, together with relevant overseas studies. Although some legumes produce virtually no hard seeds, newly ripened seeds of most cultivated annual pasture legumes are >90% hard when produced under favourable seed maturation conditions. The pattern of seed softening (loss of impermeability) varies widely among legumes both within and between years and is one of the more important considerations in selection programs. The many factors that influence the longevity of seed hardness are described. Differences among legumes in patterns of summer and autumn seed softening, which may influence the extent of seed losses through false breaks of season, are explained in terms of a 2-stage conceptual model of the seed softening process. This model has led to the development of laboratory techniques that effectively simulate field softening behaviour in a wide range of legumes. Different rates of seed imbibition, which may be attributable to a previously unrecognised stage in the seed softening process, and which can offer some further protection against false breaks of season are also described. The wide range of seed softening characteristics that are now recognised provides opportunities for better adapting pasture legumes to particular management systems, including rotations with crops.

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