life insurance company
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2021 ◽  
pp. e1-e9
Mónica García

The earliest sickness survey of the US Public Health Service, which started in 1915, was the Service’s first socioeconomic study of an industrial community. It was also the first to define illness as a person’s inability to work. The survey incorporated the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company’s definition of illness, which, instead of sickness rates, focused on duration of illness as a proxy of time lost from work. This kind of survey took place in the broader context of the reform movements of the Progressive Era and the social surveys conducted in the United States, which led to the creation of the Federal Commission on Industrial Relations, where the Service’s sickness survey originated. The Service’s focus on the socioeconomic classification of families and definition of illness as the inability to work enabled it to show the strong link between poverty and illness among industrial workers. The leader of the survey, Edgar Sydenstricker, and the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company came up with new ways to measure the health of the population, which also influenced the Service’s studies of the effects of the Great Depression on public health and the National Health Survey of 1935–1936. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print October 28, 2021: e1–e9. )

Dr. R. S. N. Sharma

Insurance is nothing but giving assurance for recovery of Loss. If Head of the family dies unfortunately, suddenly due to any reason, the dependent family members may land in troubles and may not in a position to earn their livelihood. If the life of that head of the family is insured, certain amount of money will be paid to the legal heirs which they can use it for their needs. In this context which life insurance company is to be considered for taking the life policy is a problem. Agents of different life insurance companies approach them for their profession. All the public may be in dilemma in choosing the life insurance company. They may take different policies of different companies. At this juncture, the researcher has thought it necessary to conduct survey in the selected locations to know more about the awareness of people with regard to life insurance and to know about which life insurance company has more public confidence. For this the study has been conducted basing on primary data collected directly from the respondents. The collected information has been tabulated, graphically represented and analysed with the help of calculations and finally conclusions drawn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 68-76
P. Ravindran Pathmananathan ◽  
Khairi Aseh

Insurance fraud affects nearly every industry in the world, costing companies and others that pay insurance premiums billions of dollars per year. Insurance fraud can be found in almost any area of business where liability insurance is carried and intended to protect consumers; illegal activity can be detected in almost any field of business where liability insurance is carried and intended to protect consumers. The aim of this study is to study the predictor/s of anti-insurance fraud among non-insurer companies in Vietnam. This study was conducted using a questionnaire that was completed by 51employees who are currently working in the 11 non-life insurance company in Vietnam. It can be concluded that there exists a significant relationship between all the three independent variables which are namely claim procedure as well as business operation management and the dependent variable which is anti fraud procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 93-102
P. Ravindran Pathmananathan ◽  
Khairi Aseh

Insurance fraud is the most common form of fraud in the world, aside from tax evasion. By its very existence, the insurance industry is prone to deception. Basic income levels in Vietnam have a tendency to steadily rise as a result of improving socioeconomic conditions. As a result, the need for citizen security has increased and become more diverse.The aim of this study is to study the predictor/s of anti-insurance fraud among non-insurer companies in Vietnam. This study was conducted using a questionnaire that was completed by 51 employees who are currently working in the 11 non-life insurance company in Vietnam. It can be concluded that there exists a significant relationship between all the four independent variables which are namely external regulations, public context, management functions as well as underwriting guidance.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1369
Mohammad Farhan Khan ◽  
Farnaz Haider ◽  
Ahmed Al-Hmouz ◽  
Mohammad Mursaleen

Consumer behaviour is one of the most important and complex areas of research. It acknowledges the buying behaviour of consumer clusters towards any product, such as life insurance policies. Among various factors, the three most well-known determinants on which human conjecture depends for preferring a product are demographic, economic and psychographic factors, which can help in developing an accurate market design and strategy for the sustainable growth of a company. In this paper, the study of customer satisfaction with regard to a life insurance company is presented, which focused on comparing artificial intelligence-based, data-driven approaches to classical market segmentation approaches. In this work, an artificial intelligence-based decision support system was developed which utilises the aforementioned factors for the accurate classification of potential buyers. The novelty of this paper lies in developing supervised machine learning models that have a tendency to accurately identify the cluster of potential buyers with the help of demographic, economic and psychographic factors. By considering a combination of the factors that are related to the demographic, economic and psychographic elements, the proposed support vector machine model and logistic regression model-based decision support systems were able to identify the cluster of potential buyers with collective accuracies of 98.82% and 89.20%, respectively. The substantial accuracy of a support vector machine model would be helpful for a life insurance company which needs a decision support system for targeting potential customers and sustaining its share within the market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1123-1138
Dinora Alisherovna Baratova

This article presents an econometric assessment of the role of the insurance industry in the economy of Uzbekistan and the factors influencing the development of life insurance. It also covers the scientific theoretical research of scientists studying the economics of insurance. In addition, the development of accumulative life insurance in Uzbekistan was econometrically analyzed and Uzbekinvest Life Insurance Company was selected as a sample from the package. The econometric analysis of the development of insurance activities of the insurance company "Uzbekinvest Life" identifies the main factors influencing its development. Factors influencing the development of Uzbekinvest Life insurance company through econometric models were assessed. In addition, proposals were made for the development of funded life insurance in Uzbekistan.

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