Periodic Silver and Gold Nanodot Array Fabrication on Nanosphere Lithography-Based Patterns Using Electroless Deposition

2020 ◽  
Vol 124 (28) ◽  
pp. 15646-15655
Sasanka B. Ulapane ◽  
Nilan J. B. Kamathewatta ◽  
Ashley K. Borkowski ◽  
Samuel J. Steuart ◽  
Cindy L. Berrie
2015 ◽  
Vol 2015.7 (0) ◽  
pp. _30pm1-B-5-_30pm1-B-5
Masahiko YOSHINO ◽  
Satoshi NAKAJIMA ◽  

S. Cao ◽  
A. J. Pedraza ◽  
L. F. Allard

Excimer-laser irradiation strongly modifies the near-surface region of aluminum nitride (AIN) substrates. The surface acquires a distinctive metallic appearance and the electrical resistivity of the near-surface region drastically decreases after laser irradiation. These results indicate that Al forms at the surface as a result of the decomposition of the Al (which has been confirmed by XPS). A computer model that incorporates two opposing phenomena, decomposition of the AIN that leaves a metallic Al film on the surface, and thermal evaporation of the Al, demonstrated that saturation of film thickness and, hence, of electrical resistance is reached when the rate of Al evaporation equals the rate of AIN decomposition. In an electroless copper bath, Cu is only deposited in laser-irradiated areas. This laser effect has been designated laser activation for electroless deposition. Laser activation eliminates the need of seeding for nucleating the initial layer of electroless Cu. Thus, AIN metallization can be achieved by laser patterning followed by electroless deposition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-71
A.B. Drovosekov

Corrosion resistance properties, such as porosity, stability in the atmosphere of NaCl mist, and anodic electrochemical activity in a sulfuric acid solution are studied and compared for Ni-W-P and Ni-P coatings obtained by electroless deposition. The studied coatings were obtained from solutions with glycine as the main ligand and contained 10.2 to 15.6 at.% of phosphorus and up to 3.3 at.% of tungsten. It is shown that Ni-W-P coatings with a tungsten content of 2.3 to 3.3 at.% and a thickness of 15 μm have a significantly lower porosity as compared with nickel-phosphorus coatings of the same thickness. Also, significantly better stability of Ni-W-P coatings in a NaCl mist atmosphere was observed, their corrosion damage degree is less than that of Ni-P coatings, and relatively little depends on the duration of exposure in a corrosive environment. Analysis of anodic polarization curves showed an almost similar electrochemical activity upon dissolution of Ni-P and Ni-W-P coatings in sulfuric acid. Both these types of electroless coatings showed a markedly better tendency to anodic dissolution than pure nickel. Taking into account the obtained experimental data, a conclusion is made as to the better protective characteristics of Ni-W-P coatings in comparison with nickel-phosphorus coatings. The main reason of the inferior protective properties of Ni-P coatings is their relatively high porosity.

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