Regional geological framework of South Island, New Zealand, and its significance for understanding the active plate boundary

Simon C. Cox ◽  
Rupert Sutherland
2016 ◽  
Vol 445 ◽  
pp. 125-135 ◽  
Catriona D. Menzies ◽  
Damon A.H. Teagle ◽  
Samuel Niedermann ◽  
Simon C. Cox ◽  
Dave Craw ◽  

The subduction zone under the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand comprises, from east to west, a frontal wedge, a fore-arc basin, uplifted basement forming the arc and the Central Volcanic Region. Reconstructions of the plate boundary zone for the Cainozoic from seafloor spreading data require the fore-arc basin to have rotated through 60° in the last 20 Ma which is confirmed by palaeomagnetic declination studies. Estimates of shear strain from geodetic data show that the fore-arc basin is rotating today and that it is under extension in the direction normal to the trend of the plate boundary zone. The extension is apparently achieved by normal faulting. Estimates of the amount of sediments accreted to the subduction zone exceed the volume of the frontal wedge: underplating by the excess sediments is suggested to be the cause of late Quaternary uplift of the fore-arc basin. Low-temperature—high-pressure metamorphism may therefore be occurring at depth on the east coast and high-temperature—low-pressure metamorphism is probable in the Central Volcanic Region. The North Island of New Zealand is therefore a likely setting for a paired metamorphic belt in the making.

2021 ◽  
Jan Robert Baur

<p>This study investigates the nature, origin, and distribution of Cretaceous to Recent sediment fill in the offshore Taranaki Basin, western New Zealand. Seismic attributes and horizon interpretations on 30,000 km of 2D seismic reflection profiles and three 3D seismic surveys (3,000 km²) are used to image depositional systems and reconstruct paleogeography in detail and regionally, across a total area of ~100,000 km² from the basin's present-day inner shelf to deep water. These data are used to infer the influence of crustal tectonics and mantle dynamics on the development of depocentres and depositional pathways. During the Cretaceous to Eocene period the basin evolved from two separate rifts into a single broad passive margin. Extensional faulting ceased before 85 Ma in the present-day deep-water area of the southern New Caledonia Trough, but stretching of the lithosphere was higher (β=1.5-2) than in the proximal basin (β<1.5), where faulting continued into the Paleocene (~60 Ma). The resulting differential thermal subsidence caused northward tilting of the basin and influenced the distribution of sedimentary facies in the proximal basin. Attribute maps delineate the distribution of the basin's main petroleum source and reservoir facies, from a ~20,000 km²-wide, Late Cretaceous coastal plain across the present-day deep-water area, to transgressive shoreline belts and coastal plains in the proximal basin. Rapid subsidence began in the Oligocene and the development of a foredeep wedge through flexural loading of the eastern boundary of Taranaki Basin is tracked through the Middle Miocene. Total shortening within the basin was minor (5-8%) and slip was mostly accommodated on the basin-bounding Taranaki Fault Zone, which detached the basin from much greater Miocene plate boundary deformation further east. The imaging of turbidite facies and channels associated with the rapidly outbuilding shelf margin wedge illustrates the development of large axial drainage systems that transported sediment over hundreds of kilometres from the shelf to the deep-water basin since the Middle Miocene. Since the latest Miocene, south-eastern Taranaki Basin evolved from a compressional foreland to an extensional (proto-back-arc) basin. This structural evolution is characterised by: 1) cessation of intra-basinal thrusting by 7-5 Ma, 2) up to 700 m of rapid (>1000 m/my) tectonic subsidence in 100-200 km-wide, sub-circular depocentres between 6-4 Ma (without significant upper-crustal faulting), and 3) extensional faulting since 3.5-3 Ma. The rapid subsidence in the east caused the drastic modification of shelf margin geometry and sediment dispersal directions. Time and space scales of this subsidence point to lithospheric or asthenospheric mantle modification, which may be a characteristic process during back-arc basin development. Unusual downward vertical crustal movements of >1 km, as inferred from seismic facies, paleobathymetry and tectonic subsidence analysis, have created the present-day Deepwater Taranaki Basin physiography, but are not adequately explained by simple rift models. It is proposed that the distal basin, and perhaps even the more proximal Taranaki Paleogene passive margin, were substantially modified by mantle processes related to the initiation of subduction on the fledgling Australia-Pacific plate boundary north of New Zealand in the Eocene.</p>

Geology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Steven Kidder ◽  
David J. Prior ◽  
James M. Scott ◽  
Hamid Soleymani ◽  
Yilun Shao

Peridotite xenoliths entrained in magmas near the Alpine fault (New Zealand) provide the first direct evidence of deformation associated with the propagation of the Australian-Pacific plate boundary through the region at ca. 25–20 Ma. Two of 11 sampled xenolith localities contain fine-grained (40–150 mm) rocks, indicating that deformation in the upper mantle was focused in highly sheared zones. To constrain the nature and conditions of deformation, we combine a flow law with a model linking recrystallized fraction to strain. Temperatures calculated from this new approach (625–970 °C) indicate that the observed deformation occurred at depths of 25–50 km. Calculated shear strains were between 1 and 100, which, given known plate offset rates (10–20 mm/yr) and an estimated interval during which deformation likely occurred (&lt;1.8 m.y.), translate to a total shear zone width in the range 0.2–32 km. This narrow width and the position of mylonite-bearing localities amid mylonite-free sites suggest that early plate boundary deformation was distributed across at least ~60 km but localized in multiple fault strands. Such upper mantle deformation is best described by relatively rigid, plate-like domains separated by rapidly formed, narrow mylonite zones.

2019 ◽  
Matthew S. Tarling ◽  
Steven A. F. Smith ◽  
James M. Scott ◽  
Jeremy S. Rooney ◽  
Cecilia Viti ◽  

Abstract. Deciphering the internal structural and composition of large serpentinite-dominated shear zones will lead to an improved understanding of the rheology of the lithosphere in a range of tectonic settings. The Livingstone Fault in New Zealand is a > 1000 km long terrane-bounding structure that separates the basal portions (peridotite; serpentinised peridotite; metagabbros) of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt from quartzofeldspathic schists of the Caples or Aspiring Terranes. Field and microstructural observations from eleven localities along a strike length of c. 140 km show that the Livingstone Fault is a steeply-dipping, serpentinite-dominated shear zone tens to several hundreds of metres wide. The bulk shear zone has a pervasive scaly fabric that wraps around fractured and faulted pods of massive serpentinite, rodingite and partially metasomatised quartzofeldspathic schist up to a few tens of metres long. S-C fabrics and lineations in the shear zone consistently indicate a steep Caples-side-up (i.e. east-side-up) shear sense, with significant local dispersion in kinematics where the shear zone fabrics wrap around pods. The scaly fabric is dominated (> 98 vol %) by fine-grained (&amp;ll; 10 μm) fibrous chrysotile and lizardite/polygonal serpentine, but infrequent (

2020 ◽  
Vol 110 (2) ◽  
pp. 825-849 ◽  
Nicola J. Litchfield ◽  
Kate J. Clark ◽  
Ursula A. Cochran ◽  
Alan S. Palmer ◽  
Joshu Mountjoy ◽  

ABSTRACT Recent earthquakes involving multiple fault ruptures highlight the need to evaluate complex coastal deformation mechanisms, which are important for understanding plate boundary kinematics and seismic and tsunami hazards. We compare ages and uplift of the youngest Holocene marine terraces at Puatai Beach and Pakarae River mouth (∼10  km apart) in the northern Hikurangi subduction margin to examine whether uplift is the result of subduction earthquakes or upper-plate fault earthquakes. From stepped platform-cliff morphology, we infer uplift during 2–3 earthquakes and calculate an average uplift-per-event of 2.9±0.5  m at Puatai Beach and 2.0±0.5  m at Pakarae River mouth. Radiocarbon ages from the youngest beach deposit shells on each terrace and a tephra coverbed on one terrace constrain the timing of earthquakes to 1770–1710, 1100–910, and 420–250 cal. B.P. at Puatai Beach, and 1490–1290 and 660–530 cal. B.P. at Pakarae River mouth. The ages differ at each site indicating uplift is neither the result of subduction earthquakes nor single upper-plate fault earthquakes. A reinterpretation of new and existing bathymetry and seismic reflection data, combined with dislocation modeling, indicates that near-shore fault segmentation is more complex than previously thought and ruptures likely involve multiple upper-plate faults. Future updates of the New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model should revise the northern Hikurangi subduction seismic sources so that rupture does not uplift Puatai Beach and Pakarae River mouth and include new near-shore upper-plate faults as multifault sources.

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