scholarly journals Forecasting the Gulf Stream Path using Buoyancy and Wind Forcing over the North Atlantic

Adrienne Silver ◽  
Avijit Gangopadhyay ◽  
Glen Gawarkiewicz ◽  
Arnold Taylor ◽  
Alejandra Sanchez‐Franks
2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (6) ◽  
pp. 1281-1289 ◽  
A. M. Treguier ◽  
C. Lique ◽  
J. Deshayes ◽  
J. M. Molines

AbstractCorrelations between temperature and velocity fluctuations are a significant contribution to the North Atlantic meridional heat transport, especially at the northern boundary of the subtropical gyre. In satellite observations and in a numerical model at ⅞° resolution, a localized pattern of positive eddy heat flux is found northwest of the Gulf Stream, downstream of its separation at Cape Hatteras. It is confined to the upper 500 m. A simple kinematic model of a meandering jet can explain the surface eddy flux, taking into account a spatial shift between the maximum velocity of the jet and the maximum cross-jet temperature gradient. In the Gulf Stream such a spatial shift results from the nonlinear temperature profile and the vertical tilting of the velocity profile with depth. The numerical model suggests that the meandering of the Gulf Stream could account, at least in part, for the large eddy heat transport (of order 0.3 PW) near 36°N in the North Atlantic and for its compensation by the mean flow.

Ocean Science ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-438 ◽  
G. Candille ◽  
J.-M. Brankart ◽  
P. Brasseur

Abstract. A realistic circulation model of the North Atlantic ocean at 0.25° resolution (NATL025 NEMO configuration) has been adapted to explicitly simulate model uncertainties. This is achieved by introducing stochastic perturbations in the equation of state to represent the effect of unresolved scales on the model dynamics. The main motivation for this work is to develop ensemble data assimilation methods, assimilating altimetric data from past missions Jason-1 and Envisat. The assimilation experiment is designed to provide a description of the uncertainty associated with the Gulf Stream circulation for years 2005/2006, focusing on frontal regions which are predominantly affected by unresolved dynamical scales. An ensemble based on such stochastic perturbations is first produced and evaluated using along-track altimetry observations. Then each ensemble member is updated by a square root algorithm based on the SEEK (singular evolutive extended Kalman) filter (Brasseur and Verron, 2006). These three elements – stochastic parameterization, ensemble simulation and 4-D observation operator – are then used together to perform a 4-D analysis of along-track altimetry over 10-day windows. Finally, the results of this experiment are objectively evaluated using the standard probabilistic approach developed for meteorological applications (Toth et al., 2003; Candille et al., 2007). The results show that the free ensemble – before starting the assimilation process – correctly reproduces the statistical variability over the Gulf Stream area: the system is then pretty reliable but not informative (null probabilistic resolution). Updating the free ensemble with altimetric data leads to a better reliability with an information gain of around 30% (for 10-day forecasts of the SSH variable). Diagnoses on fully independent data (i.e. data that are not assimilated, like temperature and salinity profiles) provide more contrasted results when the free and updated ensembles are compared.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (10) ◽  
pp. 2283-2303 ◽  
René Schubert ◽  
Arne Biastoch ◽  
Meghan F. Cronin ◽  
Richard J. Greatbatch

AbstractBenthic storms are important for both the energy budget of the ocean and for sediment resuspension and transport. Using 30 years of output from a high-resolution model of the North Atlantic, it is found that most of the benthic storms in the model occur near the western boundary in association with the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current, in regions that are generally collocated with the peak near-bottom eddy kinetic energy. A common feature is meander troughs in the near-surface jets that are accompanied by deep low pressure anomalies spinning up deep cyclones with near-bottom velocities of up to more than 0.5 m s−1. A case study of one of these events shows the importance of both baroclinic and barotropic instability of the jet, with energy being extracted from the jet in the upstream part of the meander trough and partly returned to the jet in the downstream part of the meander trough. This motivates examining the 30-yr time mean of the energy transfer from the (annual mean) background flow into the eddy kinetic energy. This quantity is shown to be collocated well with the region in which benthic storms and large increases in deep cyclonic relative vorticity occur most frequently, suggesting an important role for mixed barotropic–baroclinic instability-driven cyclogenesis in generating benthic storms throughout the model simulation. Regions of the largest energy transfer and most frequent benthic storms are found to be the Gulf Stream west of the New England Seamounts and the North Atlantic Current near Flemish Cap.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (22) ◽  
pp. 7697-7712 ◽  
Yu Nie ◽  
Hong-Li Ren ◽  
Yang Zhang

Abstract Considerable progress has been made in understanding the internal eddy–mean flow feedback in the subseasonal variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) during winter. Using daily atmospheric and oceanic reanalysis data, this study highlights the role of extratropical air–sea interaction in the NAO variability during autumn when the daily sea surface temperature (SST) variability is more active and eddy–mean flow interactions are still relevant. Our analysis shows that a horseshoe-like SST tripolar pattern in the North Atlantic Ocean, marked by a cold anomaly in the Gulf Stream and two warm anomalies to the south of the Gulf Stream and off the western coast of northern Europe, can induce a quasi-barotropic NAO-like atmospheric response through eddy-mediated processes. An initial southwest–northeast tripolar geopotential anomaly in the North Atlantic forces this horseshoe-like SST anomaly tripole. Then the SST anomalies, through surface heat flux exchange, alter the spatial patterns of the lower-tropospheric temperature and thus baroclinicity anomalies, which are manifested as the midlatitude baroclinicity shifted poleward and reduced baroclinicity poleward of 70°N. In response to such changes of the lower-level baroclinicity, anomalous synoptic eddy generation, eddy kinetic energy, and eddy momentum forcing in the midlatitudes all shift poleward. Meanwhile, the 10–30-day low-frequency anticyclonic wave activities in the high latitudes decrease significantly. We illustrate that both the latitudinal displacement of midlatitude synoptic eddy activities and intensity variation of high-latitude low-frequency wave activities contribute to inducing the NAO-like anomalies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Reindert J. Haarsma ◽  
Javier García-Serrano ◽  
Chloé Prodhomme ◽  
Omar Bellprat ◽  
Paolo Davini ◽  

Abstract Northern Hemisphere western boundary currents, like the Gulf Stream, are key regions for cyclogenesis affecting large-scale atmospheric circulation. Recent observations and model simulations with high-temporal and -spatial resolution have provided evidence that the associated ocean fronts locally affect troposphere dynamics. A coherent view of how this affects the mean climate and its variability is, however, lacking. In particular the separate role of resolved ocean and atmosphere dynamics in shaping the atmospheric circulation is still largely unknown. Here we demonstrate for the first time, by using coupled seasonal forecast experiments at different resolutions, that resolving meso-scale oceanic variability in the Gulf Stream region strongly affects mid-latitude interannual atmospheric variability, including the North Atlantic Oscillation. Its impact on climatology, however, is minor. Increasing atmosphere resolution to meso-scale, on the other hand, strongly affects mean climate but moderately its variability. We also find that regional predictability relies on adequately resolving small-scale atmospheric processes, while resolving small-scale oceanic processes acts as an unpredictable source of noise, except for the North Atlantic storm-track where the forcing of the atmosphere translates into skillful predictions.

Ocean Science ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 247-262 ◽  
D. Béal ◽  
P. Brasseur ◽  
J.-M. Brankart ◽  
Y. Ourmières ◽  
J. Verron

Abstract. In biogeochemical models coupled to ocean circulation models, vertical mixing is an important physical process which governs the nutrient supply and the plankton residence in the euphotic layer. However, vertical mixing is often poorly represented in numerical simulations because of approximate parameterizations of sub-grid scale turbulence, wind forcing errors and other mis-represented processes such as restratification by mesoscale eddies. Getting a sufficient knowledge of the nature and structure of these errors is necessary to implement appropriate data assimilation methods and to evaluate if they can be controlled by a given observation system. In this paper, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to study mixing errors induced by approximate wind forcings in a three-dimensional coupled physical-biogeochemical model of the North Atlantic with a 1/4° horizontal resolution. An ensemble forecast involving 200 members is performed during the 1998 spring bloom, by prescribing perturbations of the wind forcing to generate mixing errors. The biogeochemical response is shown to be rather complex because of nonlinearities and threshold effects in the coupled model. The response of the surface phytoplankton depends on the region of interest and is particularly sensitive to the local stratification. In addition, the statistical relationships computed between the various physical and biogeochemical variables reflect the signature of the non-Gaussian behaviour of the system. It is shown that significant information on the ecosystem can be retrieved from observations of chlorophyll concentration or sea surface temperature if a simple nonlinear change of variables (anamorphosis) is performed by mapping separately and locally the ensemble percentiles of the distributions of each state variable on the Gaussian percentiles. The results of idealized observational updates (performed with perfect observations and neglecting horizontal correlations) indicate that the implementation of this anamorphosis method into sequential assimilation schemes can substantially improve the accuracy of the estimation with respect to classical computations based on the Gaussian assumption.

2020 ◽  
Kristofer Döös ◽  
Sara Berglund ◽  
Trevor Mcdougall ◽  
Sjoerd Groeskamp

<p>The North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre is shown to have a downward spiral flow beneath the mixed layer, where the water slowly gets denser, colder and fresher as it spins around the gyre. This path is traced with Lagrangian trajectories as they enter the Gyre in the Gulf Stream from the south until they exit through the North Atlantic Drift. The preliminary results indicate that these warm, saline waters from the south gradually becomes fresher, colder and denser due to mixing with waters originating from the North Atlantic. There are indications that there is also a diapycnal mixing, in the eastern part of the gyre due to mixing with the saline Mediterranean Waters, which would then be crucial for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning. The mixing in the rest of the gyre is dominated by isopycnic mixing, which transforms gradually the water into colder and fresher water as it spins down the gyre into the abyssal ocean before heading north.</p>

1869 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 701-720 ◽  

During the deep-sea dredging cruise of Her Majesty’s Ship 'Lightning' in the autumn of the year 1868, the 6th of September was occupied in dredging at the depth of 530 fathoms in latitude 59° 36' N., and longitude 7° 20' W., only about 20 miles beyond the 100-fathom line of the Coast Survey of Scotland, slightly to the westward of north of the Butt of the Lews. The minimum temperature indicated by the mean of three thermometers (which registered 47°, 47°∙5, and 47°∙5 Fahr. respectively) was 47°∙3 Fahr, the surface-temperature being 52°5 Fahr. During the day there were four successful hauls of the dredge, which came up each time full of a pale-grey tenacious mud, consisting in a great measure of minute amorphous particles of carbonate of lime mixed with “coccoliths” and “coccospheres.” There was only a small proportion of the Globigerinæ and other minute Rhizopods which are so abundant and characteristic over the whole of the warm or “Gulf-stream” area of the North Atlantic. The mud was glairy, as if it had been mixed with white of egg; and it contained disseminated through it an immense quantity of extremely delicate siliceous organisms, spicules of sponges, and the shells of Radiolarians and Diatoms. Large Rhizopods of the genera Astrorhiza, Rhabdammina, Cristellaria, Cornuspira , and others were abundant; and there was a somewhat scanty sprinkling of small forms belonging to the higher groups, Echinoderms, Annulosa, and Mollusca. Besides a number of dead shells, chiefly of the Boreal or Scandinavian type, and several undescribed Echinoderms and Crustaceans, the following species were procured living.

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