On the Alphabetic Nature of Brahmi-Derived Writing System: Evidence From Devanagari/Hindi

2013 ◽  
Anurag Rimzhim ◽  
Carol A. Fowler ◽  
Leonard Katz
Sandra Godinho ◽  
Margarida V. Garrido ◽  
Oleksandr V. Horchak

Abstract. Words whose articulation resembles ingestion movements are preferred to words mimicking expectoration movements. This so-called in-out effect, suggesting that the oral movements caused by consonantal articulation automatically activate concordant motivational states, was already replicated in languages belonging to Germanic (e.g., German and English) and Italic (e.g., Portuguese) branches of the Indo-European family. However, it remains unknown whether such preference extends to the Indo-European branches whose writing system is based on the Cyrillic rather than Latin alphabet (e.g., Ukrainian), or whether it occurs in languages not belonging to the Indo-European family (e.g., Turkish). We replicated the in-out effect in two high-powered experiments ( N = 274), with Ukrainian and Turkish native speakers, further supporting an embodied explanation for this intriguing preference.

Norhazlina Husin ◽  
Nuranisah Tan Abdullah ◽  
Aini Aziz

Abstract The teaching of Japanese language as third language to foreign students has its own issues and challenges. It does not merely involve only teaching the four language skills. Japanese language has its own unique values. These unique values also tend to differentiate the teaching of Japanese language as a third language from other third language acquisitions. The teaching of Japanese language as third language to foreign students also involves the teaching of its writing system. This makes the teaching of Japanese language rather complicated because Japanese language has three forms of writings, namely: Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Students are required to fully understand the Hiragana system of writing first before proceeding to learn the other two forms of writings. The main challenge in the teaching of Japanese writing systems is the time allocated that can be considered as very limited as other language aspects need to be taught too. This, which relates directly to students’ factor very much contribute to the challenges foreseen. Students are likely to face problems in understanding and using the writings as they simultaneously need to adhere to the findings teaching and learning schedules. This article discusses on the analysis conducted in terms of the learning of the Hiragana and Katagana systems of writing among foreign students. The discussion in this article is based on the teaching of Japanese language to students of Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM), Shah Alam. Keywords: Third language, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji

2007 ◽  
Vol 278 ◽  
pp. 67
Won Soo Jeong

2012 ◽  
Vol 298 ◽  
pp. 107
Tai Hyun Chun ◽  
Tae Young Cho

Pascal Vernus

Egyptian hieroglyphic script is figurative; its signs are images depicting the realia of the pharaonic universe in the same manner as do the figurative arts. To become script signs these images undergo three constraints: calibration, dense and harmonious arrangement, and orientation (i.e. direction of reading). Its figurativity, its flexible manner of engaging with the writing surfaces, and its complex system of encoding the linguistic data provide the hieroglyphic script with important specific potentialities that were carefully exploited in its symbiotic adaptation to objects and monuments and in its enriching the linguistic messages it conveyed with ideological connotations. Egyptian hieroglyphs—but not the very hieroglyphic writing system!—were borrowed in the Meroitic hieroglyphic script and chiefly in the Proto-Sinaitic alphabet. Via this alphabet and its Semitic successors, some hieroglyphs are ultimately the ancestors of European characters.

Wenqiang Chen ◽  
Lin Chen ◽  
Meiyi Ma ◽  
Farshid Salemi Parizi ◽  
Shwetak Patel ◽  

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and head-mounted devices (HMD), demand new input devices for a natural, subtle, and easy-to-use way to input commands and text. In this paper, we propose and investigate ViFin, a new technique for input commands and text entry, which harness finger movement induced vibration to track continuous micro finger-level writing with a commodity smartwatch. Inspired by the recurrent neural aligner and transfer learning, ViFin recognizes continuous finger writing, works across different users, and achieves an accuracy of 90% and 91% for recognizing numbers and letters, respectively. We quantify our approach's accuracy through real-time system experiments in different arm positions, writing speeds, and smartwatch position displacements. Finally, a real-time writing system and two user studies on real-world tasks are implemented and assessed.

J. Lewi ◽  
K. Vlaminck ◽  
J. Huens ◽  
P. Mertens

2005 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-163 ◽  
Richard L. Venezky

Philologists, linguists, and educators have insisted for several centuries that the ideal orthography has a one-to-one correspondence between grapheme and phoneme. Others, however, have suggested deviations for such functions as distinguishing homophones, displaying popular alternative spellings, and retaining morpheme identity. If, indeed, the one-to-one ideal were accepted, the International Phonetic Alphabet should become the orthographic standard for all enlightened nations, yet the failure of even a single country to adopt it for practical writing suggests that other factors besides phonology are considered important for a writing system. Whatever the ideal orthography might be, the practical writing systems adopted upon this earth reflect linguistic, psychological, and cultural considerations. Knowingly or unknowingly, countries have adopted orthographies that favour either the early stages of learning to read or the advanced stages, that is, the experienced reader. The more a system tends towards a one-to-one relationship between graphemes and phonemes, the more it assists the new reader and the non-speaker of the language while the more it marks etymology and morphology, the more it favours the experienced reader. The study of psychological processing in reading demonstrates that human capacities for processing print are so powerful that complex patterns and irregularities pose only a small challenge. Orthographic regularity is extracted from lexical input and used to recognise words during reading. To understand how such a system develops, researchers should draw on the general mechanisms of perceptual learning.

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