Can A Systematic Participative Method For Processing Workplace Survey Data Enhance Organizational Communication Skills?

2017 ◽  
Per Lindberg ◽  
Thomas Karlsson ◽  
Annika Stromberg ◽  
Susanne Gustafsson ◽  
Ingrid Anderzen
2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 530-559 ◽  
Yannick C. Atouba ◽  
Elizabeth J. Carlson ◽  
John C. Lammers

This study explores how the dialogue—or lack thereof—between employees’ opinions and organization-wide communications relates to employees’ identification with the organization. Using survey data from a sample of 111 IT workers, we performed cross-level tests to explore how employee voice, the perceived adequacy of organization-wide downward communication, and job satisfaction related to employees’ organizational identification. The results of the hierarchical regression and mediation analyses revealed that higher levels of employee voice were associated with higher levels of organizational identification and fully mediated by job satisfaction. Similarly, higher levels of organization-wide communication adequacy were associated with higher levels of organizational identification and partially mediated by job satisfaction. The findings suggest that inclusive and participative organizational communication practices are most likely to foster organizational identification when they are viewed favorably by employees and positively impact their job experiences.

Rima Rizki Syahputri ◽  
Suhairi Suhairi ◽  
Sri Aderafika Sani ◽  
Soibatul Aslamia Nasution

This study aims to determine the role of organizational communication for leaders in the work environment. Communication activities within an organization aim to establish mutual understanding and equate experiences among members of the organization. With good communication, an organization can run smoothly. On the other hand, lacking or absent communication, organizations can fall apart. Therefore, leadership in organizational communication is very important because the presence of the leader is one of the spearheads of success in the organization. The results of the study concluded that communication in a leadership is a very important element in achieving the success of the goals to be achieved by an organization. Therefore, a leader should be good at communicating both verbally and non-verbally. Good communication will be able to increase motivation, so that the information conveyed can be well received and this will be able to improve performance and work control will also be carried out properly. In an organization the leader is a communicator. Effective leaders generally have effective communication skills, so that more or less will be able to stimulate the participation of the people they lead.  

Sanjeev Bedi ◽  
Carol Hulls ◽  
Chris Rennick ◽  
Mary Robinson ◽  
William Melek

  Abstract - In their first semester at UWaterloo, Mechatronics Engineering students take a course which introduces them to their chosen discipline, and which has a focus on communication skills (MTE 100 – Mechatronics Engineering). In 2010, a multi-year refresh of MTE 100 was initiated to address shortcomings in both the course, and the semester as a whole.  The first semester instructors have now completed the refresh of MTE 100. Multiple hands-on, integrative activities that connect the other first semester courses to MTE 100 were added throughout the first semester.  The introduction of these integrative activities has improved the first semester of the Mechatronics program. Survey data and feedback from end of term course critiques show an increased appreciation of foundational courses like Chemistry. From focus groups conducted with upper year students, there is a strong desire for similar experiences in upper years.  

Н. Г. Карпенко

Впровадження інтерактивних методик у викла-данні фахових дисциплін дає змогу докорінно змінитиставлення до об’єкта навчання, перетворивши йогона суб’єкт. Студент стає співавтором лекції, семі-нарського заняття тощо. У статті досліджено по-рядок застосування інтерактивних форм навчаннядля виховання у студентів таких якостей майбут-нього фахівця, що сприяли б виконанню поставленихперед ними завдань, формування комплексу аналітич-них, прогностичних, інноваційних і організаційно-комунікативних здібностей. Introduction of interactive teaching methods in professional disciplines enables to change the attitude to learning object, turning it into a subject. The student becomes a co-author lectures, seminars, etc. In the article the procedure for applying interactive forms of education for the education in the students such qualities of the future specialist that facilitate the implementation of their tasks, the development of complex analytical, forecasting, innovation and organizational communication skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Redi Panuju ◽  
I Kadek Narena

Bali tourism is growing rapidly even though there was a decline due to bomb terror and Mount Agung's increased activity. This tourism development is followed by the rapid growth of the hospitality business to support the provision of accommodation services. Each hotel has particular employee who will make it easier for guests to make reservations. Reservations employee have a very complex task that must be considered in order to provide the best service. In general, organizational communication in the Pullman Bali Legian Beach (PBLB) Hotel Reservation (HR) Department has so far run well, but there are things that should be improved if the work appreciation or career level & communication climate needs to be improved related to the factors that influence work motivation. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data obtained by in-depth interviews with key informants from HR in PBLB. Based on the analysis results, it is known that the communication styles used are very diverse ranging from controlling, structured, two-way and very dynamic communication styles. The communication climate at the PBLB reservation office is also good. So far, the communication skills from the reservation team is considered good, and they also realize it is the main capital to carry out their profession as a reservation employee. Pariwisata Bali berkembang pesat meski sempat terjadi penurunan akibat teror bom dan aktifitas Gunung Agung yang meningkat. Perkembangan pariwisata ini diikuti dengan berkembang pesatnya bisnis perhotelan untuk membantu menunjang penyediaan jasa akomodasi. Setiap hotel memiliki karyawan reservasi yang mempermudah tamu untuk melakukan pemesanan. Karyawan bidang reservasi memiliki tugas yang sangat kompleks mengingat banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan guna memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik. Secara umum komunikasi organisasi dibidang Reservasi Hotel Pullman Bali Legian Beach (PBLB) sejauh ini berjalan baik namun ada hal-hal yang perlu ditingkatkan, seperti apresiasi kerja atau jenjang karir dan iklim komunikasi terkait faktor yang mempengaruhi motifasi kerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap informan kunci dari SDM bidang Reservasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui gaya komunikasi yang di pakai sangatlah beragam mulai dari gaya komunikasi mengendalikan, terstruktur, dua arah dan sangat dinamis. Iklim komunikasi di kantor reservasi PBLB juga baik. Sejauh ini terlihat kemampuan berkomunikasi dari tim reservasi baik dan merekapun menyadari itu sebagai modal utama menjalani profesi mereka sebagai seorang karyawan bidang reservasi hotel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1111
Arbresha MEHA ◽  

The main purpose of this paper is to explore the definition of the tourism industry and to examine the forms and importance of managing organizational communication in the tourism industry. Organizational communication deals with the interaction, coordination between individuals in a group, company, or organization. Effective communication results in problem-solving and decision-making at the organizational level. Communication skills regulate behavior and create motivation among people. Motivation is an important part and factor of behavior and should be part of a communication process. To successfully manage communication network and be effective, it must include training and guidance, and that the information is accurate in a timely manner in order to resolve and prevent potential conflicts. The tourism industry brings many economic benefits, jobs and raises the image of the country, and through tourism the country can be recognized and promoted by attracting foreign tourists. The tourism industry is the combination of all sectors related to tourism, a combination of hotels and facilities for accommodation, entertainment, business, and other purposes, so it interacts with many sectors of the economy.

1977 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 256-263
Roberta Chapey ◽  
Geraldine Chapey

Occasionally, it is the responsibility of a supervisor to help a staff speech clinician resolve professional and or personal problems that interfere with the delivery of quality services. To deal with this situation, the supervisor must be equipped with the techniques and procedures for effective organizational communication. This article presents a case study in which a speech clinician demonstrated irresponsibility in various job areas. The supervisor’s philosophy and the procedures used in managing these problems are presented. The behavioral changes suggest that the supervisor’s interventive procedures were clinically significant and warrant further investigation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 367-368 ◽  
Jennifer Chisler Borsch ◽  
Ruth Oaks

This article discusses a collaborative effort between a speech-language pathologist and a regular third grade teacher. The overall goal of the collaboration was to improve communication skills of students throughout the school. The factors that contributed to making the collaboration a success are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 74-85
Sandra M. Grether

Individuals with Rett syndrome (RS) present with a complex profile. They benefit from a multidisciplinary approach for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. In our clinic, the Communication Matrix © (Rowland, 1990/1996/2004) is used to collect data about the communication skills and modalities used by those with RS across the lifespan. Preliminary analysis of this data supports the expected changes in communication behaviors as the individual with RS ages and motor deficits have a greater impact.

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