New mechanisms for the less-is-more effect: A signal detection approach

2009 ◽  
Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos
2019 ◽  
Tuong-Van Vu ◽  
Catrin Finkenauer ◽  
Lydia Krabbendam

Collectivistic orientation, which entails interdependent self-construal and concern for interpersonal harmony and social adjustment, has been suggested to be associated with detecting emotional expressions that signal social threat than individualistic orientation, which entails independent self-construal. The present research tested if this detection is a result of enhanced perceptual sensitivity or of response bias. We used country as proxy of individualism and collectivism (Country IC), measured IC of individuals with a questionnaire (Individual IC) and manipulated IC with culture priming (Situational IC). Dutch participants in the Netherlands (n = 143) and Chinese participants in China (n = 151) performed a social threat detection task where they had to categorize ambiguous facial expressions as “angry” or “not angry”. As the stimuli varied in degrees of scowling and frequency of presentation, we were able to measure the participants' perceptual sensitivity and response bias following the principles of the Signal Detection Theory. On the Country IC level, the results indicated that individualism-representative Dutch participants had higher perceptual sensitivity than collectivism-representative Chinese participants; whereas, Chinese participants were more biased towards categorizing a scowling face as “angry” than the Dutch (i.e. stronger liberal bias). In both groups, collectivism on the Individual IC was associated with a bias towards recognizing a scowling face as “not angry” (i.e. stronger conservative bias). Culture priming (Situational IC) affected neither perceptual sensitivity nor response bias. Our data suggested that cultural differences were in the form of behavioral tendency and IC entails multiple constructs linked to different outcomes in social threat detection.

1996 ◽  
Vol 86 (1A) ◽  
pp. 221-231 ◽  
Gregory S. Wagner ◽  
Thomas J. Owens

Abstract We outline a simple signal detection approach for multi-channel seismic data. Our approach is based on the premise that the wave-field spatial coherence increases when a signal is present. A measure of spatial coherence is provided by the largest eigenvalue of the multi-channel data's sample covariance matrix. The primary advantages of this approach are its speed and simplicity. For three-component data, this approach provides a more robust statistic than particle motion polarization. For array data, this approach provides beamforming-like signal detection results without the need to form beams. This approach allows several options for the use of three-component array data. Detection statistics for three-component, vertical-component array, and three different three-component array approaches are compared to conventional and minimum-variance vertical-component beamforming. Problems inherent in principal-component analysis (PCA) in general and PCA of high-frequency seismic data in particular are also discussed. Multi-channel beamforming and the differences between principal component and factor analysis are discussed in the appendix.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 422
Cheng-Yu Yeh ◽  
Shaw-Hwa Hwang

A novel tone detection approach, designated as the multi-frequency detecting (MFD) algorithm, is presented in this work as an alternative to conventional single point detection approaches but it is an efficient way to achieve the aim of further computational load reduction for a dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signal detection. The idea is that an optimal phase search is performed over the frequency band of interest in each tone detection, and then the optimal frequency response of a detector is built accordingly. In this manner, a DTMF detection task is done following one-time detection computation. This proposal demonstrates an overall computational load reduction of 80.49% and 74.06% in comparison with a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) approach and the Goertzel algorithm, respectively. This detection complexity reduction is an advantage and an important issue for applying DTMF detection technique to embedded devices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (4) ◽  
pp. 555-567
Tian Ye ◽  
Stephen M Fleming ◽  
Antonia FDC Hamilton

Understanding other people have beliefs different from ours or different from reality is critical to social interaction. Previous studies suggest that healthy adults possess an implicit mentalising system, but alternative explanations for data from reaction time false belief tasks have also been given. In this study, we combined signal detection theory (SDT) with a false belief task. As application of SDT allows us to separate perceptual sensitivity from criteria, we are able to investigate how another person’s beliefs change the participant’s perception of near-threshold stimuli. Participants ( n = 55) watched four different videos in which an actor saw (or did not see) a Gabor cube hidden (or not hidden) behind an occluder. At the end of each video, the occluder vanished revealing a cube either with or without Gabor pattern, and participants needed to report whether they saw the Gabor pattern or not. A pre-registered analysis with classical statistics weakly suggests an effect of the actor’s belief on participant’s perceptions. An exploratory Bayesian analysis supports the idea that when the actor believed the cube was present, participants made slower and more liberal judgements. Although these data are not definitive, these current results indicate the value of new measures for understanding implicit false belief processing.

Stress ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 455-460 ◽  
Gregor Domes ◽  
Patrick Zimmer

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 746-755 ◽  
Olga Kostopoulou ◽  
Martine Nurek ◽  
Brendan C. Delaney

Background. In previous research, we employed a signal detection approach to measure the performance of general practitioners (GPs) when deciding about urgent referral for suspected lung cancer. We also explored associations between provider and organizational performance. We found that GPs from practices with higher referral positive predictive value (PPV; chance of referrals identifying cancer) were more reluctant to refer than those from practices with lower PPV. Here, we test the generalizability of our findings to a different cancer. Methods. A total of 252 GPs responded to 48 vignettes describing patients with possible colorectal cancer. For each vignette, respondents decided whether urgent referral to a specialist was needed. They then completed the 8-item Stress from Uncertainty scale. We measured GPs’ discrimination ( d′) and response bias (criterion; c) and their associations with organizational performance and GP demographics. We also measured correlations of d′ and c between the 2 studies for the 165 GPs who participated in both. Results. As in the lung study, organizational PPV was associated with response bias: in practices with higher PPV, GPs had higher criterion (b = 0.05 [0.03 to 0.07]; P < 0.001), that is, they were less inclined to refer. As in the lung study, female GPs were more inclined to refer than males (b = −0.17 [−0.30 to −0.105]; P = 0.005). In a mediation model, stress from uncertainty did not explain the gender difference. Only response bias correlated between the 2 studies ( r = 0.39, P < 0.001). Conclusions. This study confirms our previous findings regarding the relationship between provider and organizational performance and strengthens the finding of gender differences in referral decision making. It also provides evidence that response bias is a relatively stable feature of GP referral decision making.

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