emotional expressions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Olena V. Bogdanova ◽  
Volodymyr B. Bogdanov ◽  
Luke E. Miller ◽  
Fadila Hadj-Bouziane

AbstractPhysical proximity is important in social interactions. Here, we assessed whether simulated physical proximity modulates the perceived intensity of facial emotional expressions and their associated physiological signatures during observation or imitation of these expressions. Forty-four healthy volunteers rated intensities of dynamic angry or happy facial expressions, presented at two simulated locations, proximal (0.5 m) and distant (3 m) from the participants. We tested whether simulated physical proximity affected the spontaneous (in the observation task) and voluntary (in the imitation task) physiological responses (activity of the corrugator supercilii face muscle and pupil diameter) as well as subsequent ratings of emotional intensity. Angry expressions provoked relative activation of the corrugator supercilii muscle and pupil dilation, whereas happy expressions induced a decrease in corrugator supercilii muscle activity. In proximal condition, these responses were enhanced during both observation and imitation of the facial expressions, and were accompanied by an increase in subsequent affective ratings. In addition, individual variations in condition related EMG activation during imitation of angry expressions predicted increase in subsequent emotional ratings. In sum, our results reveal novel insights about the impact of physical proximity in the perception of emotional expressions, with early proximity-induced enhancements of physiological responses followed by an increased intensity rating of facial emotional expressions.

2022 ◽  
Stella Gerdemann ◽  
Ronja Büchner ◽  
Robert Hepach

Children sometimes show positive emotions in response to seeing others being helped, yet it remains poorly understood whether there is a strategic value to such emotional expressions. Here, we investigated the influence seeing a peer receive deserving help or not on children’s emotions, which were assessed while the peer was present or not. To measure children’s emotional expression, we used a motion depth sensor imaging camera, which recorded children’s body posture. Five-year-old children (N = 122) worked on a task which yielded greater rewards for them compared to their peer, rendering the peer to be in greater need of help. An adult––who was unaware of the different levels of neediness––then either helped the child who had a lesser need for help (less deserving outcome) or helped the needier peer (deserving outcome). Overall, both children showed a lowered body posture, a more negative emotional expression, after not being helped and an elevated body posture, a more positive emotional expression, after being helped. Seeing their peer (less deservedly) not receive help, and to a lesser extent being observed, blunted children’s otherwise positive emotions in response to receiving help. These results are discussed in the broader theoretical context of how children’s emotions sometimes reflect their commitment to cooperative relationships with peers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107755952110634
Yael Karni-Visel ◽  
Irit Hershkowitz ◽  
Michael E. Lamb ◽  
Uri Blasbalg

Statements by alleged victims are important when child abuse is prosecuted; triers-of-fact often attend to nonverbal emotional expressions when evaluating those statements. This study examined the associations among interviewer supportiveness, children’s nonverbal emotions, and informativeness during 100 forensic interviews with alleged victims of child abuse. Raters coded the silent videotapes for children’s nonverbal emotional expressions while other raters coded the transcripts for interviewer support, children’s verbal emotions, and informativeness. Results showed that children’s nonverbal signals were more common than and preceded the verbal signs. Interviewer support was associated with children’s expressivity. When children expressed more nonverbal emotions, they were more responsive during the pre-substantive phases and more informative about the abuse. Nonverbal emotions partially mediated the association between support and informativeness. The findings underline the value of nonverbal emotional expression during forensic interviews and demonstrate how the interviewers’ supportive demeanor can facilitate children’s emotional displays and increase informativeness.

Vitaliy Babenko ◽  
Denis Yavna ◽  
Elena Vorobeva ◽  
Ekaterina Denisova ◽  
Pavel Ermakov ◽  

The aim of our study was to analyze gaze fixations in recognizing facial emotional expressions in comparison with o the spatial distribution of the areas with the greatest increase in the total (nonlocal) luminance contrast. It is hypothesized that the most informative areas of the image that getting more of the observer’s attention are the areas with the greatest increase in nonlocal contrast. The study involved 100 university students aged 19-21 with normal vision. 490 full-face photo images were used as stimuli. The images displayed faces of 6 basic emotions (Ekman’s Big Six) as well as neutral (emotionless) expressions. Observer’s eye movements were recorded while they were the recognizing expressions of the shown faces. Then, using a developed software, the areas with the highest (max), lowest (min), and intermediate (med) increases in the total contrast in comparison with the surroundings were identified in the stimulus images at different spatial frequencies. Comparative analysis of the gaze maps with the maps of the areas with min, med, and max increases in the total contrast showed that the gaze fixations in facial emotion classification tasks significantly coincide with the areas characterized by the greatest increase in nonlocal contrast. Obtained results indicate that facial image areas with the greatest increase in the total contrast, which preattentively detected by second-order visual mechanisms, can be the prime targets of the attention.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 84
Yiyuan Wang ◽  
Luke Hespanhol ◽  
Martin Tomitsch

In recent years, researchers and manufacturers have started to investigate ways to enable autonomous vehicles (AVs) to interact with nearby pedestrians in compensation for the absence of human drivers. The majority of these efforts focuses on external human–machine interfaces (eHMIs), using different modalities, such as light patterns or on-road projections, to communicate the AV’s intent and awareness. In this paper, we investigate the potential role of affective interfaces to convey emotions via eHMIs. To date, little is known about the role that affective interfaces can play in supporting AV–pedestrian interaction. However, emotions have been employed in many smaller social robots, from domestic companions to outdoor aerial robots in the form of drones. To develop a foundation for affective AV–pedestrian interfaces, we reviewed the emotional expressions of non-humanoid robots in 25 articles published between 2011 and 2021. Based on findings from the review, we present a set of considerations for designing affective AV–pedestrian interfaces and highlight avenues for investigating these opportunities in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13884
Lei Li ◽  
Xue Song ◽  
Shujun Liu ◽  
Kun Huang

Travel Question and Answer (Q&A) platforms are widely used by travelers to exchange information online. This paper examined one such platform, Ctrip Q&A, to better understand the features of high-quality answers. The questions were first categorized into four types of information required by tourists (knowledge, efficiency, risk, and hedonic types) and then subdivided into more concrete elements, such as accommodation, food, and climate. The characteristics of high-quality answers on the platform were identified and a regression analysis was conducted to determine their importance. The study found that negative emotional expressions negatively impacted the quality of answers while the usefulness, richness, and amount of information had a positive effect. The usefulness of the answer content and quantity of information consistently predicted high-quality answers, whereas richness and conciseness were inconsistently related. Finally, the characteristics of high-quality answers to questions about different elements of tourism in the same category of tourist information varied significantly. This study may help travelers select and provide high-quality answers on tourism Q&A platforms. It may also assist platform operators in optimizing the features of their platforms, thereby improving user satisfaction and overall quality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 014616722110597
Christopher A. Gunderson ◽  
Alysha Baker ◽  
Alona D. Pence ◽  
Leanne ten Brinke

Emotional expressions evoke predictable responses from observers; displays of sadness are commonly met with sympathy and help from others. Accordingly, people may be motivated to feign emotions to elicit a desired response. In the absence of suspicion, we predicted that emotional and behavioral responses to genuine (vs. deceptive) expressers would be guided by empirically valid cues of sadness authenticity. Consistent with this hypothesis, untrained observers (total N = 1,300) reported less sympathy and offered less help to deceptive (vs. genuine) expressers of sadness. This effect was replicated using both posed, low-stakes, laboratory-created stimuli, and spontaneous, real, high-stakes emotional appeals to the public. Furthermore, lens models suggest that sympathy reactions were guided by difficult-to-fake facial actions associated with sadness. Results suggest that naive observers use empirically valid cues to deception to coordinate social interactions, providing novel evidence that people are sensitive to subtle cues to deception.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Wee Kiat Lau

Face masks impact social interactions because emotion recognition is difficult due to face occlusion. However, is this enough to conclude that face masks negatively impact social interactions? We investigated the impact of face masks on invariant characteristics (sex, age), trait-like characteristics (trustworthiness, attractiveness, and approachability), and emotional expressions (happiness and excitability). Participants completed an online survey and rated masked and no-masked faces. The same face remained masked or no-masked throughout the survey. Results revealed that, when compared to no-masked faces, masked happy faces appeared less happy. Face masks did not negatively impact the ratings of other characteristics. Participants were better at judging the sex of masked faces. Masked faces also appeared younger, more trustworthy, more attractive, and more approachable. Therefore, face masks did not always result in unfavorable ratings. An additional post hoc modeling revealed that trustworthiness and attractiveness ratings for masked faces predicted the same trait ratings for no-masked faces. However, approachability ratings for no-masked faces predicted the same trait ratings for masked faces. This hinted that information from masked/no-masked faces, such as from the eye and eye region, could aid in the understanding of others during social interaction. Future directions were proposed to expand the research.

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