Ethnic Group Status Differences in the Ethnic Identity--> Prejudice Relationship

2006 ◽  
Wendy Soto ◽  
Dawn Fassih ◽  
Debby Martin ◽  
James Hsiao ◽  
Michele Wittig
Carla Houkamau ◽  
Petar Milojev ◽  
Lara Greaves ◽  
Kiri Dell ◽  
Chris G Sibley ◽  

AbstractLongitudinal studies into the relationship between affect (positive or negative feelings) towards one’s own ethnic group and wellbeing are rare, particularly for Indigenous peoples. In this paper, we test the longitudinal effects of in-group warmth (a measure of ethnic identity affect) and ethnic identity centrality on three wellbeing measures for New Zealand Māori: life satisfaction (LS), self-esteem (SE), and personal wellbeing (PW). Longitudinal panel data collected from Māori (N = 3803) aged 18 or over throughout seven annual assessments (2009–2015) in the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study were analyzed using latent trajectory models with structured residuals to examine cross-lagged within-person effects. Higher in-group warmth towards Māori predicted increases in all three wellbeing measures, even more strongly than ethnic identity centrality. Bi-directionally, PW and SE predicted increased in-group warmth, and SE predicted ethnic identification. Further, in sample-level (between-person) trends, LS and PW rose, but ethnic identity centrality interestingly declined over time. This is the first large-scale longitudinal study showing a strong relationship between positive affect towards one’s Indigenous ethnic group and wellbeing. Efforts at cultural recovery and restoration have been a deliberate protective response to colonization, but among Māori, enculturation and access to traditional cultural knowledge varies widely. The data reported here underline the role of ethnic identity affect as an important dimension of wellbeing and call for continued research into the role of this dimension of ethnic identity for Indigenous peoples.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 962-984
L. F. Fakhrutdinova ◽  
S. T. M. Shauamri

This paper presents the results of analyzing the psychological patterns of the development of ethnic identity and interethnic relations in the multinational Levant Region, where interethnic confrontation between Palestinians and Israelis has been noted in recent years. The main aim of the research is to reveal the relationship between the characteristics of Ethnic Identity and the Experience (“perezhivanie”) of Interethnic Relations of Palestinian Muslims in the multicultural Levant Region. In the process of investigating into ethnic self-awareness the authors used the Leary Test, the Semantic Diff erential of “Perezhivanie” ‘Experiencing’ Questionnaire by L.R. Fakhrutdinova aimed at studying the psychosemantic characteristics of the “perezhivanie” ‘experiencing’. The research has displayed that Ethnic Identity is a self-developing phenomenon, basically infl uenced by both the infrastructural relations and positions of ethnic self-awareness, and the processes associated with the relations of ethnic self-awareness with the external environment, with other ethnic groups. The most active points of development have been identifi ed. So, in intrastructural relations, they are active as ratios of I-real and I-mirror with a stronger position of I-ideal, since practically all dimensions of I-real and I-ideal (dominance, egoism, suspicion, etc.) have shown signifi cant diff erences that testify to the points and directions of development of ethnic self-awareness; positions in the relationship between the real self and the mirror self also exerted an active infl uence. The points of confl ict of the structures of ethnic self-consciousness were found, where, when the points of development coincided, the direction of development was diff erent. Thus, suspicion, obedience, dependence, friendliness, integrative indicators of dominance and friendliness have shown themselves to be confl ict points refl ecting confl ict zones between the infl uence of an external ethnic group (mirror self) and self-development processes manifested through the ideal self. In the situation of relations with the external environment, the most active was shown by the self-mirror, which infl uences the development of the subjectivity of the ethnic group through the components of the experience of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis. The infl uence of the real self on the characteristics of the “perezhivanie” ‘experiencing’ of the PalestinianIsraeli crisis was also manifested, and therefore, through the components of the “perezhivanie” ‘experiencing’ of this impression on the development of the self-awareness of the ethnic group.

2021 ◽  
Kyla P. McDonald

The present research examined the roles of informant ethnicity and early ethnic identity development in guiding children’s selective trust across scenarios, comparing White and Chinese Canadian children with children adopted from China by White parents. Experiments 1 and 2 investigated children’s selective learning from two contrasting sources that differed in race (White versus Chinese) and spoken accent (native versus foreign accent). Experiment 1 (White experimenter) indicated that the White children preferred to learn from White informants when race was the only cue to ethnic group status; no preference was observed when race was pitted against accent. The Chinese and adopted children showed no learning preference. Children’s social preference for same-race peers was associated with a preference to learn from same-race informants. Experiment 2 (Chinese experimenter) had similar findings, except that there was no relationship between children’s racial preference and selective learning. Experiment 3 explored children’s selective credulity toward misinformation from a single source. The Chinese children were credulous toward both Chinese and White (native- or foreign-accented) informants but the White and adopted children were not credulous or skeptical, regardless of the informant’s race and accent. The present findings contribute to our understanding of how ethnic intergroup attitudes develop in children of different ethnic and social-status backgrounds, including minority-status children that reside with majority-status parents, and provide practical implications for real-world issues related to children’s eyewitness testimony in forensic contexts.

Africa ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-64 ◽  
Emily A. Schultz

Opening ParagraphThis paper explores the nature of ethnic identity in the small town of Guider in northern Cameroon. It focuses on the process of ethnic identity change, specifically upon the incorporation into the Fulbe (sing. Pullo) ethnic group of individuals who originate outside it. Ethnic group change of this kind is not unknown in Africa (see Little, 1951; Richards, 1954; Banton, 1957; Wallerstein, 1960; Burnham, 1972; Salamone, 1975; Nicolas, 1975; Vaughan, 1981). The data in this study contribute to a growing body of literature concerned with ethnic boundary crossing, but, I shall argue, they suggest that we re-examine certain widely held assumptions about ethnicity and the process of ethnic assimilation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 166
Lina Darwich ◽  
Robyn McClure ◽  
Shelley Hymel

<p>The study examined the relation between ethnic regard, a component of ethnic identity, and discrimination, and their contribution to school social adjustment among 340 Canadian youth in grades 8-9. Furthermore, the study examined how the connection between ethnic regard and school social adjustment varies as a function of ethnic group membership. Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that higher levels of ethnic regard were linked to higher levels of adjustment at school. However, further analyses showed that youth reporting high levels of ethnic regard and frequent discrimination may be more vulnerable in their schools. Additionally, youth of different ethnic groups had varied experiences. For youth of Vietnamese backgrounds, for example, a stronger sense of ethnic regard contributed to better social adjustment at school. These results, similar to previous studies, suggest that the research on the buffering effects of different components of ethnic identity remains equivocal.</p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 255-271 ◽  
Olukoya Ogen

The Akoko-Ikale constitute a significant part of the Ikale sub-ethnic group in southeastern Yorubaland. However, as far as Yoruba historiography is concerned, the Akoko-Ikale and indeed the larger Ikale nation have suffered from neglect because they remain one of the least researched groups in Yorubaland. As a result of the dearth of serious academic works on the Ikale people, official and hegemonic accounts of Ikale's origin and ethnic identity that became institutionalized during the colonial era have become the abiding mantra in Ikale contemporary historical discourse.3 For instance, the Akoko-Ikale, as well as the generality of the people of Ikale, who are culturally, linguistically, and biologically of Yoruba stock, are widely perceived to have originated from Benin and so are Edoid people.The need to address and underscore the threat to identity posed by Ikale's historigraphical neglect and its fundamentally flawed Edo identity constitutes the major plank for this study. It is against this backdrop that this paper finds it expedient to focus on the origin and ethnic identity of the Akoko-Ikale. This important Ikale sub-group is singled out for scrutiny because of my belief that a systematic attempt at tracing the origin and pattern of migration of specific and very significant Ikale lineage groups such as the Akoko-Ikale represents the best way to discredit Ikale's widely alleged Edo identity and Benin ancestry.

1992 ◽  
Vol 51 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-43 ◽  
Susan Keefe

This article integrates empirical findings from research in two cultural groups in the United States: Chicanos and Appalachians. Factor analysis of survey data concerning ethnicity gathered in the two groups produced similar factor patterns indicating three general dimensions of ethnicity: ethnic culture, ethnic group membership, and ethnic identity. Ethnic culture is the component of ethnicity that refers to the pattern of behaviors and beliefs that sets a group apart from others. Ethnic group membership refers to the network of people with whom an individual is in contact, and the ethnic affiliation of those people and the groups they form. Ethnic identity encompasses the perceptions of and personal affiliation with ethnic groups and cultures. Specifically, ethnic identity consists of: the perception of differences among ethnic groups; the feelings of attachment to and pride in one ethnic group and cultural heritage as opposed to others; and, at least where there are perceived physical differences between groups, the perception of prejudice and discrimination against one's own ethnic group. The dimension of ethnic identity is illustrated in depth with case study data collected during the Chicano research.

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