The effect of distractor emotionality, word frequency and semantic interrelatedness on word recognition

2013 ◽  
Rene Zeelenberg ◽  
Bruno Bocanegra ◽  
Diane Pecher
2019 ◽  
Vol 186 ◽  
pp. 65-109
Eun-ha Lee ◽  
Sun-jin Lee ◽  
Woo-yeol Lim ◽  
Young-joo Kim

1988 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 757-770 ◽  
J. M. Wilding

Two experiments are reported that examined the joint effects of word frequency and stimulus quality in the context of a lexical decision task. In the first experiment the interval between response to a stimulus and onset of the next stimulus was 0.8 sec, and the effect of the two factors was additive. In the second this interval was 3.3 sec, and the effect of reducing stimulus quality was greater for infrequent words than for frequent words. This is similar to the result of Norris (1984). The inability of current models of word recognition to explain this finding is discussed.

1970 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-145 ◽  
Marcel Kinsbourne ◽  
Nicholas Evens

Frequently used 5- and 6-letter words incorporate letter sequences of higher digram and trigram frequency than rare words. This could account for some or all of the frequency of usage effect on word recognition threshold.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 727-751
Yu-Cheng Lin ◽  
Pei-Ying Lin

AbstractThis study investigated the development of character transposition effects during Chinese compound word recognition via computer mouse movements instead of the conventional key presses. Empirical evidence to reveal the impacts of vocabulary knowledge, grade level, and whole word frequency on Chinese transposed-character effect is lacking. In the present study, we measured the transposed-character effect in two groups of Taiwanese children (second and fourth graders) in a mouse-tracking lexical-decision task including nonwords derived from real words by transposing two characters (e.g., “習學” from “學習” [learning]) and control nonwords in which two characters are replaced (e.g., “以修”). Our results indicate that participants showed longer mouse movement times and larger spatial attraction in recognizing transposed-character nonwords than in replaced-character nonwords, suggesting that the dominant role of whole-word representation in processing Chinese compound words. Our results also further demonstrate that how the degree of character transposition was affected by vocabulary knowledge, grade level, and word frequency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Kristin J. Van Engen ◽  
Avanti Dey ◽  
Nichole Runge ◽  
Brent Spehar ◽  
Mitchell S. Sommers ◽  

This study assessed the effects of age, word frequency, and background noise on the time course of lexical activation during spoken word recognition. Participants (41 young adults and 39 older adults) performed a visual world word recognition task while we monitored their gaze position. On each trial, four phonologically unrelated pictures appeared on the screen. A target word was presented auditorily following a carrier phrase (“Click on ________”), at which point participants were instructed to use the mouse to click on the picture that corresponded to the target word. High- and low-frequency words were presented in quiet to half of the participants. The other half heard the words in a low level of noise in which the words were still readily identifiable. Results showed that, even in the absence of phonological competitors in the visual array, high-frequency words were fixated more quickly than low-frequency words by both listener groups. Young adults were generally faster to fixate on targets compared to older adults, but the pattern of interactions among noise, word frequency, and listener age showed that older adults’ lexical activation largely matches that of young adults in a modest amount of noise.

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