Between Self-Interest and Reciprocity: The Social Bright Side of Self-Control Failure

Eliran Halali ◽  
Yoella Bereby-Meyer ◽  
Nachshon Meiran
2014 ◽  
Vol 143 (2) ◽  
pp. 745-754 ◽  
Eliran Halali ◽  
Yoella Bereby-Meyer ◽  
Nachshon Meiran

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 440
Irma Lia Mutiara ◽  
Blasius Boli Lasan ◽  
Triyono Triyono

<div align="center"><table width="645" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="439"><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this research was to. Learning Habits and<em> Self Management </em>of Children of Low-achieving Migrant Workers in Elementary School Students in Ponorogo<em>. </em>This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. The result shows that the learning achievement of migrant workers' children was influenced by several factors namely there were four aspects of learning habits including how to take lessons, how to study independently, how to study groups and how to study textbooks. While self-management of migrant workers' children is obtained 3 (three) aspects, they are self-encouragement, self-care and self-control. Another factor influencing the learning habits and self-management of migrant worker children is the giving of attention and affection from the family which causes children to tend to be passive. Implications of Learning Habits and Self-Management of Knowledge. workers' children in four areas of guidance and counseling namely the private field is able to regulate themselves, willingness of discipline, and have a sense of responsibility. In the social field, namely developing women to socialize and communicate with their environment, the habit of manners is high. Counselors help students to choose and determine future careers according to students' talents and self-interest. The last field is learning by providing tutoring services to students in order to obtain effective study habits to develop students' curiosity in adding knowledge.</p><p class="Abstract"><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengertahui cara belajar dan <em>self management</em> anak pekerja migran berprestasi renda pada siswa sekolah dasar di Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar anak pekerja migran dipengaruhi oleh empat aspek kebiasaan belajar, meliputi cara mengikuti pelajaran, cara belajar mandiri, cara belajar kelompok, dan cara mempelajari buku teks. <em>Self management </em>pada anak pekerja migran diperoleh tiga aspek, yaitu pendorong diri, penyususn diri, dan pengendalian diri. Faktor lain yang memengaruhi kebiasaan belajar dan <em>self management</em> anak pekerja migran adalah pemberian perhatian dan kasih sayang dari keluarga yang menyebabkan anak cenderung bersifat pasif. Implikasi Kebiasaan Belajar dan <em>Self Management</em> anak pekerja migran pada empat bidang bimbingan dan konseling, yaitu bidang pribadi mampu mengatur diri, kemauan disiplin, dan memiliki rasa tanggung jawab. Pada bidang sosial yaitu mengembangkan kemampuan bersosial dan berkomunikasi dengan lingkungannya, menjunjung tinggi kebiasaan sopan santun. Konselor membantu siswa untuk memilih dan menentukan karir di masa mendatang sesuai dengan bakat dan minat diri siswa. Bidang terakhir yaitu bidang belajar dengan memberikan layanan bimbingan belajar kepada siswa guna memperoleh kebiasaan belajar yang efektif untuk mengembangkan rasa ingin tahu siswa dalam menambah pengetahuan.</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Alexander Blaszczynski

Abstract. Background: Tensions exist with various stakeholders facing competing interests in providing legal land-based and online regulated gambling products. Threats to revenue/taxation occur in response to harm minimisation and responsible gambling policies. Setting aside the concept of total prohibition, the objectives of responsible gambling are to encourage and/or restrict an individual’s gambling expenditure in terms of money and time to personally affordable limits. Stakeholder responsibilities: Governments craft the gambling environment through legislation, monitor compliance with regulatory requirements, and receive taxation revenue as a proportion of expenditure. Industry operators on the other hand, compete across market sectors through marketing and advertising, and through the development of commercially innovative products, reaping substantial financial rewards. Concurrently, governments are driven to respond to community pressures to minimize the range of negative gambling-related social, personal and economic harms and costs. Industry operators are exposed to the same pressures but additionally overlaid with the self-interest of avoiding the imposition of more stringent restrictive policies. Cooperation of stakeholders: The resulting tension between taxation revenue and profit making, harm minimization, and social impacts creates a climate of conflict between all involved parties. Data-driven policies become compromised by unsubstantiated claims of, and counter claims against, the nature and extent of gambling-related harms, effectiveness of policy strategies, with allegations of bias and influence associated with researchers supported by industry and government research funding sources. Conclusion: To effectively advance policies, it is argued that it is imperative that all parties collaborate in a cooperative manner to achieve the objectives of responsible gambling and harm minimization. This extends to and includes more transparent funding for researchers from both government and industry. Continued reliance on data collected from analogue populations or volunteers participating in simulated gambling tasks will not provide data capable of valid and reliable extrapolation to real gamblers in real venues risking their own funds. Failure to adhere to principles of corporate responsibility and consumer protection by both governments and industry will challenge the social licence to offer gambling products. Appropriate and transparent safeguards learnt from the tobacco and alcohol field, it is argued, can guide the conduct of gambling research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 456-469
Habiba Abou Hafs ◽  
Fadila Boutora ◽  

The question of project manager competencies and especially in social projects is a key issue for social organizations seeking to progress and achieve success. If the manager has an important role to play with regard to the social organization, he’s however dependent on his behavioral, professional and personal capacities. The purpose of this paper is to show, on the basis of a quantitative study carried out among 120 managers of social projects in cooperatives located in the city of Agadir (Morocco), that the success of projects is conditioned by the leadership skills. Consequently, factors related to behavioral skills such as Solidarity; Involvement; Patience; Creativity; Empathy; Motivation; Trust; Commitment; Self-esteem; Transparency; Self-control; Discipline and other factors related to professional characteristics and personal characteristics of project managers prove a positive and significant relationship with the criterion of success studied.

Jennifer Nevile

Baroque dance was inseparable from music and theater, with its role in multimedia spectacles giving it a dramatic power and an expressive passion. It was part of politics and diplomacy; it was influenced by contemporary artistic attitudes as they pertained to the concept of beauty and artistic design principles, as well as trends in philosophic and scientific thought; and it reflected the organization of society and the social interactions of the upper levels of society. Dance taught self-control, which was itself a sign of noble virtue and a graceful bearing. While each country had its own national dance traditions, the fundamental characteristics of baroque dance was French; the practice as performed at the French court and the Opéra. The years 1630–1750 saw changes in styles and dance genres, major innovations in the methods of notating choreographies, as well as visible and substantial changes in the bodily deportment of dancers.

Morgan A. Hill ◽  
Ally Heiland ◽  
Jennifer C. Veilleux

2021 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
pp. 104155
Yael Ecker ◽  
Roland Imhoff ◽  
Joris Lammers

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