A unified online test battery for cognitive impulsivity reveals relationships with real-world impulsive behaviours

Antonio Verdejo-Garcia ◽  
Jeggan Tiego ◽  
Naomi Kakoschke ◽  
Neda Moskovsky ◽  
Katharina Voigt ◽  
2020 ◽  
Antonio Verdejo-Garcia ◽  
Jeggan Tiego ◽  
Naomi Kakoschke ◽  
Neda Moskovsky ◽  
Katharina Voigt ◽  

Impulsive behaviours are a major contributor to global burden of disease. Recent research has criticised measures of cognitive impulsivity for poor reliability and inability to predict real-world behaviours. We address this concern via the development of the Cognitive Impulsivity Suite (CIS), comprising three computerised/online tasks delivered within a harmonised gamified interface. We conceptualise impulsive behaviour as arising from the failure of three distinct mechanisms: attentional control, information gathering, and shifting. Utilising the CIS, we aimed to examine: (1) construct and criterion-related validity in an online sample (N = 1056), (2) test-retest reliability and between-subjects variability in a face-to-face sample (n = 63). Results supported the theoretical architecture of the attentional control, information gathering, and shifting constructs. The three factors were differentially associated with trait-impulsivity facets, and the strength of these associations were substantially higher than previously reported. Furthermore, the CIS demonstrated incremental criterion-related validity for prediction of real-world, addiction-related problems.

2021 ◽  
Christoph Witzel ◽  
Annika Lübbert ◽  
Frank Schumann ◽  
Sylvain Hanneton ◽  
J. Kevin O'Regan

This study investigated the potential for the development of a new perceptual experience through sustained training with a sensory augmentation device. For this purpose, we developed (1) a new sensory augmentation device, the NaviEar, and (2) a battery of tests for automaticity in the use of the device. The NaviEar translates cardinal direction into sound. Because the signal of this device is comparatively simple and easy to interpret it should facilitate automatization of use. The test battery assesses different effects of automaticity (interference, rigidity of responses, dynamic integration) assuming that automaticity is a necessary criterion to show the emergence of perceptual feel, i.e. the sensory quality of a percept. We measured performance in simple training tasks, administered the tests for automaticity, and assessed subjective reports through a questionnaire. Results suggest that the NaviEar is easy and comfortable to use and has a potential for applications in real-world situations; but 5-day training with the NaviEar does not reach levels of automaticity that are indicative of perceptual feel. We propose that the test battery for automaticity may be used as a benchmark test for the possibility of perceptual feel in sensory augmentation and in sensory substitution.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Michał Białek

AbstractIf we want psychological science to have a meaningful real-world impact, it has to be trusted by the public. Scientific progress is noisy; accordingly, replications sometimes fail even for true findings. We need to communicate the acceptability of uncertainty to the public and our peers, to prevent psychology from being perceived as having nothing to say about reality.

2010 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-105 ◽  
Anne K. Bothe

This article presents some streamlined and intentionally oversimplified ideas about educating future communication disorders professionals to use some of the most basic principles of evidence-based practice. Working from a popular five-step approach, modifications are suggested that may make the ideas more accessible, and therefore more useful, for university faculty, other supervisors, and future professionals in speech-language pathology, audiology, and related fields.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-45 ◽  
Jennifer Tetnowski

Qualitative case study research can be a valuable tool for answering complex, real-world questions. This method is often misunderstood or neglected due to a lack of understanding by researchers and reviewers. This tutorial defines the characteristics of qualitative case study research and its application to a broader understanding of stuttering that cannot be defined through other methodologies. This article will describe ways that data can be collected and analyzed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-58
James W. Hall ◽  
Anuradha R. Bantwal

Early identification and diagnosis of hearing loss in infants and young children is the first step toward appropriate and effective intervention and is critical for optimal communicative and psychosocial development. Limitations of behavioral assessment techniques in pediatric populations necessitate the use of an objective test battery to enable complete and accurate assessment of auditory function. Since the introduction of the cross-check principle 35 years ago, the pediatric diagnostic test battery has expanded to include, in addition to behavioral audiometry, acoustic immittance measures, otoacoustic emissions, and multiple auditory evoked responses (auditory brainstem response, auditory steady state response, and electrocochleography). We offer a concise description of a modern evidence-based audiological test battery that permits early and accurate diagnosis of auditory dysfunction.

2006 ◽  
Vol 40 (7) ◽  
pp. 47

2007 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 26

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