Influence of hydrocolloids (galactomannan and xanthan gum) on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of gluten-free cakes based on fava beans (Phaseolus lunatus)

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 6369-6379 ◽  
F. J. E. T. Andrade ◽  
P. B. S. Albuquerque ◽  
G. M. D. Moraes ◽  
M. D. P. Farias ◽  
D. M. A. Teixeira-Sá ◽  

Most gluten-free bakery formulations have starch sources of low nutritional value.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1213
Elena Martínez ◽  
Rita García-Martínez ◽  
Manuel Álvarez-Ortí ◽  
Adrián Rabadán ◽  
Arturo Pardo-Giménez ◽  

Cookies, which form the largest category of bakery snacks, are considered a good vehicle to introduce nutrients into the diet. In this study, to increase the nutritional value of traditional commercial cookies, wheat flour was substituted with defatted flours made from flax, sesame, chia, and poppy, which are byproducts of the oil extraction industry. The differences in the technological properties, nutritional composition, and consumer acceptance of the reformulated cookies were evaluated. The results show that the wheat cookies used as the control showed a more elastic behavior than the cookies elaborated with defatted seed flours, which showed a greater tendency to crumble. The use of defatted seed flours yielded cookies with a higher content of protein and fiber, and a lower content in carbohydrates than the wheat cookies. Consumer evaluations for the sesame and flax cookies were similar to those for the traditional wheat cookies, with positive assessments on all of the parameters evaluated. On the other hand, the cookies elaborated using chia and poppy flours received the least positive evaluations from consumers. Thus, the use of some defatted seed flours, mainly flax and sesame, is proposed as an interesting alternative to produce health-promoting cookies in order to cover the current demand for gluten-free products.


Необходимость разработки безглютеновых продуктов обусловлена ростом численности людей страдающих целиакией, распространенность которой составляет 1 случай на 100–200 человек населения. Решение проблем, возникающих при производстве безглютеновых мучных кондитерских изделий, делает актуальным поиск новых видов сырья, не содержащего глютен и способного улучшать потребительские свойства изделий. В качестве источника безглютенового сырья была выбрана гречневая мука (ГМ). Получено безглютеновое печенье из ГМ в сочетании с различными гидроколлоидами – камедями акации, трагаканта, гуаровой и ксантановой, которые по отдельности добавляли в образцы ГМ в количестве 1г/100 г, и исследовано его физико-химические и сенсорные свойства в сравнении с аналогичными свойствами печенья из пшеничной муки (ПМ). Установлено, что образцы ГМ с добавкой камедей имеют более высокое содержание влаги, а печенье, полученное из смеси ГМ с камедью по разработанной нами технологии, – большую толщину, массу и сниженную прочность при разрушении по сравнению с ГМ и печеньем, изготовленным из нее. При сенсорной оценке качества изделий, проведенной по девятибалльной гедонистической шкале, установлено, что самые высокие показатели качества имеет печенье из ПМ, самые низкие – печенье, приготовленное из ГМ. Внесение камедей улучшило сенсорные показатели изделий на основе ГМ. Лучшим признан образец печенья на основе ГМ с добавлением ксантановой камеди. Таким образом, использование гидроколлоидов улучшает водосвязывающую способность муки и сенсорные показатели изделия – цвет, аромат, вкус и дает возможность получить безглютеновое печенье достаточно высокого качества, сопоставимого с качеством печенья из пшеничной муки. The need to develop gluten-free products is due to the growing number of people suffering from celiac disease, the prevalence of which is 1 case per 100–200 people of the population. Solving the problems that arise in the production of gluten-free flour confectionery products makes it relevant to search for new types of raw materials that do not contain gluten and can improve the consumer properties of products. Buckwheat flour (BF) was chosen as a source of gluten-free raw materials. Gluten-free cookies from BF were obtained in combination with various hydrocolloids-acacia, tragacanth, guar and xanthan gums, which were separately added to BF samples in the amount of 1 g/100 g, and its physical and chemical and sensory properties were studied in comparison with similar properties of wheat flour cookies (WF). The purpose of this work is to obtain gluten-free cookies from BF in combination with various hydrocolloids – acacia gum, tragacanth, guar gum and xanthan gum, which were separately added to BF in the amount of 1 g/100 g, and to study its physical, chemical and sensory properties in comparison with similar properties of cookies from WF. It was found that the samples of BF with the addition of gums have higher moisture content, and the cookies obtained from a mixture of BF with gum according to the technology developed by us – a greater thickness, weight and reduced strength at destruction compared to BF and cookies made from it. In the sensory evaluation of the quality of products conducted on a nine-point hedonistic scale, it was found that the highest quality indicators are cookies made from WF, the lowest – cookies made from BF. The introduction of gums improved the sensory performance of BF-based products. A sample of BF-based cookies with the addition of xanthan gum was recognized as the best. Thus, the use of hydrocolloids improves the water-binding ability of flour and the sensory characteristics of the product – color, aroma, taste, and makes it possible to obtain gluten-free cookies of sufficiently high quality, comparable to the quality of cookies made from wheat flour.

Maria Josilene de Oliveira Sousa ◽  
Fernandes Antonio de Almeida ◽  
Maria Lucia Tiburtino Leite ◽  
Wéverson Lima Fonseca ◽  
Kilson Pinheiro Lopes ◽  

Fava bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.), is a rustic species and has great adaptability to arid regions of Brazil and stands out for its social importance and high levels of protein. Even so, the culture presents low productivity due to several factors, such as the quality of the seed. In this sense, the objective of this study was to evaluate the fungitoxic action of organic products, namely vinasse, cassava wastewater and agave extract, isolated and mixed, for treatment of beans seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial 8 x 2 (eight byproducts x two seed groups) with five replications. The seeds were evaluated for hysiological and sanitary quality, properly incubated in Petri plates on a triple layer of filter paper, sterilized and moistened with distilled water, where the assessments of the incidence of plant pathogens were performed after 7 days of incubation. Through the results, it is observed that the seeds of red fava bean were the most tolerant to organic products, without compromising the physiological quality. In general, the byproducts have significantly reduced the incidence of fungi identified in red and white fava bean.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 515-522
Numfon Rakkhumkaew ◽  
Yuparat Boonsri ◽  
Arunwadee Sukchum

The aim of this study was to develop gluten-free bread formulations based on small broken riceberry flour, by using different ratios of rice flour and xanthan gum. Small broken riceberry and rice flour could be classified as low in amylose content (15.70 g and 20.50 g/100 g dry matter for small broken riceberry and rice flour, respectively). Additionally, small broken riceberry flour contained a total phenolic and total anthocyanin content approximately 500 times higher than that of rice flour. The addition of increased amounts of small broken riceberry flour and xanthan gum resulted in darker coloured gluten-free bread. However, there was no significant difference regarding moisture and specific volume. The increase of small broken riceberry flour and xanthan gum also led to a significant increase in the firmness of bread crumbs. The sensory evaluation showed differences in flavour, texture and overall liking, since adding small broken riceberry flour tended to make gluten-free bread more favourable. Bread containing rice flour and small broken riceberry flour in the ratio of 30:70 and 1.0% xanthan gum was selected on the basis of the sensory quality. Moreover, such bread also contained high levels of total phenolic and anthocyanin content.

2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 1269-1278 ◽  
Jatinder Pal Singh ◽  
Amritpal Kaur ◽  
Narpinder Singh

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Aliffah Nurria Nastiti ◽  
Juliana Christyaningsih

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have digestive disorders, therefore their diet should be gluten-free and casein-free. Gluten-free and casein-free foods tend to be low in protein. ASD children who apply a gluten-free diet and casein have a lower calcium intake and low in bone density. Catfish flour with high protein and calcium content were expected to increase the nutritional value (protein and calcium) of cookies which gluten-free and casein-free. This study was aimed to determine the effect of catfish flour substitution towards acceptance and nutritional value of gluten and casein free cookies as an alternative snack for ASD children. This study was experimental research with Completely Randomized Design. Panelists of this study were children with ASD (4-6 years) and their parents as many as 40 people. There were 4 formulas in this study, F0 was control, and 3 substitution formulas. Percentage of Flour substitution were, F2 (2%: 2%); F3 (4%: 4%); and F5 (6%: 4%). Kruskal Wallis test showed no significant difference in the level on acceptance level in taste and aroma between F0, F3, and F5. The acceptability and nutritional value's ranking showed the best formula was F5. 100 grams of F5 cookies (protein: 6.75 g; calcium: 247.51 mg) can fulfill 19% of the protein and 24.8% calcium of children RDA (4-6 years). Gluten-free and casein-free cookies with catfish (Formula 5) with enough protein and high calcium can be an alternative snack for ASD children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Dewni Gunasekara ◽  
Ashani Bulathgama ◽  
Indira Wickramasinghe

Hydrocolloids can act as gluten substitutes to form the structural equivalents of the gluten network in gluten-free bakery products. “Purple yam” (Dioscorea alata) is one of the underutilized yams in Sri Lanka with high nutritional potential. The overall objective of this study was to develop gluten-free muffins using “Purple yam” (Dioscorea alata) flour with hydrocolloids (pectin, xanthan gum, and guar gum) and investigate the nutritional composition and selected properties of the muffins. The texture profiles of gluten-free muffins were analyzed through the following parameters: hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, etc. The chromameter values were obtained and sensory evaluations for gluten-free muffins were carried out. The highest moisture content was recorded in pectin-incorporated muffins ( 17.70 ± 0.50 % ). The protein content of all three types of muffins was around 5%. The highest fat content was recorded in pectin-incorporated muffins ( 19.26 ± 0.51 % ). The ash content of all three types of muffins was around 2%. Potassium was the most predominant element found in each muffin. The hardness of guar gum-incorporated muffin ( 6379.3 ± 135.9   g ) was greater than that of the pectin-incorporated one ( 6082.3 ± 23.4   g ). Xanthan gum-incorporated muffins had significantly decreased cohesiveness ( 0.19 ± 0.04 ). The highest springiness was obtained in pectin-incorporated muffin ( 37.13 ± 1.61   mm ). The descending order of the chewiness of muffin is pectin − added > xanthan   gum − added > guar   gum − added sample. According to the sensory evaluation, pectin-incorporated muffin was the best as it had obtained the highest sum of ranks for appearance, color, taste, after taste, and overall acceptability.

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