Enhanced fatigue resistance and lattice dynamics induced by the strong local strain in Fe-doped KTa1-xNbxO3 single crystal

Xiaolin Huang ◽  
Peng Tan ◽  
Yu Wang ◽  
Yao Zhang ◽  
Xiangda Meng ◽  

Improvement of durability is greatly important for the practical applications of lead-free-doped piezoelectric materials. However, the promotional mechanism of anti-fatigue properties and the impact on local structures from ion dopants...

2006 ◽  
Vol 510-511 ◽  
pp. 842-845 ◽  
Noriko Bamba ◽  
Kentaro Kato ◽  
Toshinori Taishi ◽  
Takayuki Hayashi ◽  
Keigo Hoshikawa ◽  

Langasite (La3Ga5SiO14: denoted by LGS) single crystal is one of the lead free piezoelectric materials with high piezoelectricity that is maintained up to its melting point (1470°C). Although LGS single crystals have usually been grown by Czochralski (CZ) method in oxygen contained atmosphere to prevent evaporation of Ga, they were grown by the vertical Bridgman (VB) method in Ar atmosphere without oxygen, and their properties were evaluated in this work. Transparent and colorless LGS single crystals were successfully obtained without Ga evaporation by the VB method in Ar atmosphere, and their resistivity at room temperature was much higher than that grown by conventional CZ method. Piezoelectric constant d11 of the crystal grown by the VB method was 6 x 10-12 C/N, which was close to that of the crystal grown by CZ method. The colorless transparent LGS single crystal turned to orange and its resistivity decreased by annealing in air. Since an orange-colored transparent LGS single crystal has been grown by conventional CZ method, this indicates that color change and the resistivity decrease of LGS crystal is caused by extra interstitial oxygen atoms in the crystal.

2011 ◽  
Vol 492 ◽  
pp. 189-193
Qiang Chen ◽  
Jin Xu Li ◽  
Li Hui Zhang ◽  
Yang Bai ◽  
Yan Jing Su ◽  

(K,Na)NbO3-based piezoelectric ceramics are promising candidates for practical applications of lead-free piezoelectric materials due to their excellent piezoelectric properties. In this paper, lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (K0.44Na0.52Li0.04)(Nb0.86Ta0.10Sb0.04)O3(KNL-NTS)were successfully fabricated by traditional ceramics processing. The effects of sintering temperature on the structure, density and electrical properties of KNL-NTS ceramics were investigated. Crystal phases of both calcined powders and KNL-NTS ceramics have orthorhombic structure similar to that of KNbO3 ceramics. The piezoelectric coefficient first increases and then decreases with sintering temperature in the 1100-1180 °C range. KNL-NTS ceramics sintered at 1160 °C shows the maximum piezoelectric coefficient of about 199 pC·N-1and the maximum remnant polarization of 18.75 μC·cm-2, with the corresponding 10.95 kV·cm-1coercive field and 4.74 g/cm3density.

2019 ◽  
Chris Bowen

The effective electromechanical properties andanisotropy factors of novel lead-free 1–3-type compositesare studied to demonstrate their large piezoelectricanisotropy and considerable level of electromechanicalcoupling. The composites studied contain two single-crystal components and a polymer component. The firstpiezo-active component is a domain-engineered [001]-poled single crystal based on ferroelectric alkali niobates-tantalates, and this component is in the form of a system oflong rods that are parallel to the poling axis OX3. Thesecond single-crystal component is a system of spheroidalpiezoelectric Li2B4O7 inclusions aligned in a continuousand relatively large polymer matrix. The single-crystalrods are surrounded by a single crystal / polymer matrix,and the connectivity of the composite is 1–0–3. It is shownthat the conditions d * /| d * | 3 5, which indicates a large 33 31degree of anisotropy of the piezoelectric coefficients, and k* /|k* |35and k*/|k*|35,whichindicatealargeanisotropyof the electromechanical coupling factors, can be achievedsimultaneously in specific ranges of the component volumefractions and inclusion aspect ratios. Moreover, in thesame volume-fraction and aspect-ratio ranges, largeelectromechanical coupling factors (k* » k* » 0.8–0.9) are 33 talso achieved. In this context, the important role of the elastic properties of the continuous anisotropic matrix is discussed. The properties and anisotropy factors of the lead-free 1–3-type composites are compared to similar parameters of conventional lead-containing piezoelectric materials, and the advantages of the composite system studied are described.

Crystals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 378
Li Zhao ◽  
Zhiwei Hu ◽  
Hanjie Guo ◽  
Christoph Geibel ◽  
Hong-Ji Lin ◽  

We report on the synthesis and physical properties of cm-sized CoGeO3 single crystals grown in a high pressure mirror furnace at pressures of 80 bar. Direction dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements on our single crystals reveal highly anisotropic magnetic properties that we attribute to the impact of strong single ion anisotropy appearing in this system with TN∼33.5 K. Furthermore, we observe effective magnetic moments that are exceeding the spin only values of the Co ions, which reveals the presence of sizable orbital moments in CoGeO3.

Naveen Kumar Tailor ◽  
Partha Maity ◽  
Makhsud I. Saidaminov ◽  
Narayan Pradhan ◽  
Soumitra Satapathi

Z. Chen ◽  
B. Lei ◽  
Q. Zhao

Based on space curve meshing theory, in this paper, we present a novel geometric design of a circular arc helical gear mechanism for parallel transmission with convex-concave circular arc profiles. The parameter equations describing the contact curves for both the driving gear and the driven gear were deduced from the space curve meshing equations, and parameter equations for calculating the convex-concave circular arc profiles were established both for internal meshing and external meshing. Furthermore, a formula for the contact ratio was deduced, and the impact factors influencing the contact ratio are discussed. Using the deduced equations, several numerical examples were considered to validate the contact ratio equation. The circular arc helical gear mechanism investigated in this study showed a high gear transmission performance when considering practical applications, such as a pure rolling process, a high contact ratio, and a large comprehensive strength.

2012 ◽  
Vol 445 ◽  
pp. 195-200
Murat Aydin ◽  
Yakup Heyal

The mechanical properties mainly tensile properties, impact toughness and high-cycle fatigue properties, of two-phase Al-20Zn alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation (SPD) via equal-channel angular extrusion (ECAE) using route A up to 2 passes were studied. The ECAE almost completely eliminated as-cast dendritic microstructure including casting defects such as micro porosities. A refined microstructure consisting of elongated micro constituents, α and α+η eutectic phases, formed after ECAE via route A. As a result of this microstructural change, mechanical properties mainly the impact toughness and fatigue performance of the as-cast Al-20Zn alloy increased significantly through the ECAE. The rates of increase in fatigue endurance limit are approximately 74 % after one pass and 89 % after two passes while the increase in impact toughness is 122 %. Also the yield and tensile strengths of the alloy increase with ECAE. However, no considerable change occurred in hardness and percentage elongation of the alloy. It was also observed that the ECAE changed the nature of the fatigue fracture characteristics of the as-cast Al-20Zn alloy.

2007 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-32 ◽  
Miloš Dušek ◽  
Christopher Hunt

2008 ◽  
Vol 517 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-33 ◽  
Dong Wang ◽  
Hiroshi Nakashima ◽  
Masanori Tanaka ◽  
Taizoh Sadoh ◽  
Masanobu Miyao ◽  

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