Effects of a Supplemental Spanish Phonological Awareness Intervention on Latinx Preschoolers' Dual Language Emergent Literacy Skills

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 1283-1300
Xigrid T. Soto ◽  
Andres Crucet-Choi ◽  
Howard Goldstein

Purpose Preschoolers' phonological awareness (PA) and alphabet knowledge (AK) skills are two of the strongest predictors of future reading. Despite evidence that providing at-risk preschoolers with timely emergent literacy interventions can prevent academic difficulties, there is a scarcity of research focusing on Latinx preschoolers who are dual language learners. Despite evidence of benefits of providing Latinxs with Spanish emergent literacy instruction, few studies include preschoolers. This study examined the effects of a supplemental Spanish PA and AK intervention on the dual emergent literacy skills of at-risk Latinx preschoolers. Method A multiple probe design across four units of instruction evaluated the effects of a Spanish supplemental emergent literacy intervention that explicitly facilitated generalizations to English. Four Latinx preschoolers with limited emergent literacy skills in Spanish and English participated in this study. Bilingual researchers delivered scripted lessons targeting PA and AK skills in individual or small groups for 12–17 weeks. Results Children made large gains as each PA skill was introduced into intervention and generalized the PA skills they learned from Spanish to English. They also improved their English initial sound identification skills, a phonemic awareness task, when instruction was delivered in Spanish but with English words. Children made small to moderate gains in their Spanish letter naming and letter–sound correspondence skills and in generalizing this knowledge to English. Conclusion These findings provide preliminary evidence Latinx preschoolers who are dual language learners benefit from emergent literacy instruction that promotes their bilingual and biliterate development.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Sara A. SMITH ◽  
Sarah SURRAIN ◽  
Gigi LUK

Abstract The current study explores variation in phonemic representation among Spanish–English dual language learners (DLLs, n = 60) who were dominant in English or in Spanish. Children were given a phonetic discrimination task with speech sounds that: 1) occur in English and Spanish, 2) are exclusive to English, and 3) are exclusive to Russian, during Fall (age m = 57 months) and Spring (age m = 62 months, n = 42). In Fall, English-dominant DLLs discriminated more accurately than Spanish-dominant DLLs between English-Spanish phones and English-exclusive phones. Both groups discriminated Russian phones at or close to chance. In Spring, however, groups no longer differed in discriminating English-exclusive phones and both groups discriminated Russian phones above chance. Additionally, joint English-Spanish and English-exclusive phonetic discrimination predicted children's phonological awareness in both groups. Results demonstrate plasticity in early childhood through diverse language exposure and suggest that phonemic representation begins to emerge driven by lexical restructuring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-176 ◽  
Clariebelle Gabas ◽  
Leesa Marante ◽  
Sonia Q. Cabell

Purpose Emergent literacy skills involve both the code-related and oral language skills that serve as the foundation for successful reading and writing development. Code-related skills have been found to be highly predictive of decoding skills for preschool children and continue to exert a strong influence through the early elementary grades. Likewise, early oral language skills make important contributions to later reading comprehension. Accordingly, the preschool period is a critical time for supporting and facilitating growth in children's emergent literacy skills. Speech-language pathologists working in preschool settings can play an integral role in enhancing literacy instruction through their specialized knowledge of linguistic concepts and language development. The following article aims to provide practitioners with evidence-based strategies for supporting the development of preschoolers' emergent literacy skills in the context of shared book reading and making experience books. The article also outlines recommendations for fostering effective collaborations with teachers to provide high-quality classroom experiences for all preschool children. Conclusion Providing preschool children with a print-rich environment along with clear and explicit explanations, scaffolding, and ample opportunities for practice can help to enhance the quality of language and literacy instruction. Although this article specifically focuses on shared book reading and making experience books, it is important to note that the strategies discussed here apply to a variety of activities. Speech-language pathologists are encouraged to actively collaborate with teachers to integrate these strategies into various classroom activities to optimize learning and promote children's emergent literacy skills.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Sonia Q. Cabell ◽  
Laura M. Justice ◽  
Timothy R. Konold ◽  
Anita S. McGinty

Oriana Incognito ◽  
Giuliana Pinto

AbstractThe negative influence of economic and socio-cultural disadvantages on students’ literacy performance has been widely documented. However, the ability of schooling to counterbalance the predictive effect exerted by inequality in the family context has been less investigated. This study aims to longitudinally investigate the relative weight of the child’s family context, i.e., parents’ occupation and education levels; home literacy; and the school context, in terms of didactical intervention, on emergent literacy skills. A total of 193 children in the last year of preschool participated in the longitudinal research. Each child was administered socio-economic measures (parental education [PE] and home literacy [HL] levels) and, at the beginning and end of the school year, tasks to assess his or her emergent literacy skills (phonological awareness and textual and notational skills). General linear model analyses were carried out. The results of the initial assessment showed that PE level was a powerful predictor of performance that was associated with significantly lower performance in children from disadvantaged backgrounds in all the tested skills. After a year of schooling, all participants benefitted from the teaching received, with significantly increased performance in phonological awareness, notational skills and textual competence. In addition, by comparing the scores of the three groups at the end of the school year, we verified that teaching exerted varying degrees of influence depending on the student group and tested ability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-23
Jin Hee Hur ◽  
Patricia Snyder ◽  
Brian Reichow

Children who are dual language learners (DLLs) often have more difficulty acquiring English early literacy skills than their English monolingual peers. Much remains to be learned about efficacious early literacy instructional interventions and their effects on English early literacy skills of DLLs. The purposes of this systematic review were to describe key features of English early literacy interventions provided to children who were DLLs and their effects on English early literacy skills. We conducted an electronic database search and used additional methods to identify 25 studies. Studies varied in defining and characterizing children who were DLLs, including whether they were simultaneous versus sequential DLLs and how information was gathered about primary and secondary language exposure. Use of bilingual and monolingual instruction showed promise for enhancing English early literacy skills, although mixed findings were common when both language and code-related outcomes were measured. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 347-371 ◽  
Lillian K. Durán ◽  
Daphne Hartzheim ◽  
Emily M. Lund ◽  
Vicki Simonsmeier ◽  
Theresa L. Kohlmeier

Purpose The purpose of this systematic review was to determine what bilingual or home language interventions have been found to be effective for 2- to 6-year-old dual language learners who have language impairment (LI) or are at risk for LI. Method We conducted ancestral searches and searches of electronic databases, hand-searched article bibliographies, and searched 19 journals for experimental, quasiexperimental, or single-subject studies. Results The review yielded 26 studies that were coded for quality, frequency and duration of the intervention, number of participants, location of intervention, interventionist, language(s) of intervention, and reported or calculated effect sizes. Studies were grouped by those that focused specifically on at-risk populations and those that focused on children with LI. Emerging trends provide support for bilingual and/or home language interventions for both children with LI and those at risk for LI. Conclusions There were relatively few studies that met inclusion criteria, and the average quality rating for a study was 6.8 out of 9.0 possible points. More high-quality research is needed, particularly with populations that speak languages other than Spanish. Clinicians need more evidence-based recommendations to improve the language and literacy outcomes of the diverse range of dual language learners served in the United States and abroad.

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