A Comparison of Lexical Development in a Child With Normal Language Development and in a Child With Language Delay

1992 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 73-77
Annette Capella Vafadar
1996 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 1295-1303 ◽  
Rhea Paul ◽  
Rita Hernandez ◽  
Lisa Taylor ◽  
Karen Johnson

Children with slow expressive language development (SELD) as toddlers and a control group of children with normal language development (NL) were followed to early school age. Children with SELD were, at that point, subdivided into two groups: those who had moved within the normal range of expressive language (the History of Expressive Language Delay [HELD] subgroup); and those who continued to score below the normal range in expressive language at school age (the Expressive Language Delay [ELD] subgroup). During their kindergarten, first, and second grade years, they were administered a narrative generation task. Narratives were analyzed for MLU, lexical diversity, amount of information included, proportion of complete cohesive ties, and overall stage of narrative maturity. In kindergarten, children with normal language history scored significantly higher than those with HELD and ELD on lexical diversity and narrative stage; and higher than those with ELD in proportion of complete cohesive ties. In first grade, children with normal language history again scored significantly higher than those with HELD and ELD on narrative maturity, with no other significant differences. In second grade, there were no significant differences among the groups.

1991 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-431 ◽  
Rhea Paul ◽  
Mary E. Shiffer

ABSTRACTInitiation of communication in videotaped, unstructured mother–child interactions was examined in two groups of 2-year-olds: those with normal language development and those with late acquisition of expressive language. Results revealed that the late-talkers (LTs) expressed significantly fewer intentions, but that the difference between the two groups could be accounted for entirely by the difference in one type of intention: the expression of joint attentional intentions. Investigation of the forms of expression of intentions showed that the normal group used significantly more verbal forms of expression, as expected. The predominant form for the normal group was word combinations, while the predominant form for the LTs was vocalization. The implications of these results for understanding the mechanisms involved in early language delay are discussed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 1481-1495 ◽  
Donna J. Thal ◽  
Scott Miller ◽  
Janna Carlson ◽  
Martha Moreno Vega

Purpose: This study examined the usefulness of the Nonword Repetition Test (NRT; C. Dollaghan & T. F. Campbell, 1998) with 4-year-old children and the relationship among the NRT, language, and other aspects of mental processing. Method: The NRT was administered to 64 children at 4 years of age; 44 had a history of typical language development (HTD), and 20 had a history of language delay (HLD) at 16 months of age. Study 1 compared methods of scoring phoneme errors to determine whether the NRT was appropriate for this age group. Study 2 examined whether the NRT differentiated HTD from HLD. Study 3 examined the relations among scores on the NRT and standardized tests of language and mental processing. Results: The NRT was found to be appropriate for 4-year-old children. Although all children had normal language abilities at the time of the study, the NRT (and several aspects of language and mental processing) differentiated between HTD and HLD. Relations among the NRT and other measures of language and mental processing were different from those previously reported, an unexpected finding that is inconsistent with traditional accounts of working memory and its relation to language development. Potential explanations are explored, and some directions for future research are suggested.

1985 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-255
Penelope K. Hall ◽  
Linda S. Jordan

The performance of 123 language-disordered children on the DeRenzi and Faglioni form of the Token Test and the DeRenzi and Ferrari Reporter's Test were analyzed using two scoring conventions, and then compared with the performances of children with presumed normal language development. Correlations with other commonly used language assessment instruments are cited. Use of the Token and Reporter's Tests with children exhibiting language disorders is suggested.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Mona Sameeh Khodeir ◽  
Dina Fouad El Sayed Moussa ◽  
Rasha Mohammed Shoeib

Abstract Background Pragmatics is the social use of language that draws on understanding human interactions in specific contexts and requires engagement with a communicative partner or partners. The hearing-impaired children are known to have a pragmatic language delay as hearing impairment deprived of exposure to natural communication interactions, in addition to the language delay they have. Since the age of implantation has emerged as an important predictor of language, hearing, and speech in children who use cochlear implants (CI), question aroused about the benefits of early cochlear implantation on pragmatic language development in those children. Thus, this study aims to compare the pragmatic language development of the prelingual hearing impaired children who cochlear implanted before the age of 3 years and those who cochlear implanted after the age of 3 years. Results The two study groups showed no significant differences regard their scores in the Egyptian Arabic Pragmatic Language Test (EAPLT). The two studied groups had pragmatic language scores below their 5th percentile. Among the studied groups, the scores of the EAPLT were positively correlated to the age of the children, the children’s language abilities, and the duration of the received language rehabilitation, with no significant correlation to the age of implantation. Conclusions The age of implantation has no impact on pragmatic language development in children with CI. The prelingual children with CI are susceptible to delays in the pragmatic language development that is primarily related to the age of those children and their language abilities, besides their experience in social interactions. These results should be considered in their rehabilitative plan and advocate the importance of early incorporation of pragmatic behaviors into their intervention programs.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Jennifer Keogh ◽  
Fiona Gibbon ◽  
Cara Teahan

Objective: To determine if the Core Language Screen, a widely-used language screening tool, accurately identifies language delay in children from a disadvantaged community. Method: Participants were 234 children with mean age 4;07 years attending primary and preschools in a city area designated as disadvantaged in the south of Ireland. Participants were assessed on the CLS (screen) and full CELF-P2UK (gold standard) test. Sensitivity and specificity levels of the CLS were calculated. Main results: In total, 73 (31%) children had language delay on the CELF P2UK but of this group 34 (47%) passed the CLS screen. This gives the CLS a low sensitivity level of 0.53. In contrast, only one child with normal language failed the screen. This gives the CLS an excellent specificity level of 0.99. The results revealed an unusual profile of weaker receptive compared to expressive skills in all children, although it was particularly evident in those with language delay. Conclusion: The CLS failed to identify almost half the group with delays and therefore is not an accurate language screening tool for clinical or research purposes. Further research is needed to investigate not only the poor identification accuracy of the CLS but also the children’s unusual profile of weaker receptive and stronger expressive language skills.

1971 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-122
Maarten S. Sibinga ◽  
C. Jack Friedman

The incidence of delay in language development and difficulties in speech articulation was determined in 71 children selected because of a history of prior physical immobilization. Ten children were referred for psychological evaluation after contact with a speech department, 44 presented with a variety of learning and behavioral difficulties, and 17 children were known through social contacts. Nine children were clearly brain damaged while 13 showed questionable evidence of brain damage. Language delay and speech articulation problems occurred in at least 55% of the children in the various groups. Young age (4.7 months) at the time of the initial restraint experience, but not the duration of the initial restraint experience, was positively related to the presence of language delay and articulation problems. Interference with sensorimotor function not directly involved in receptive or expressive speech functions might well he implicated in language and speech disturbances.

1975 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68 ◽  
David L. Ratusnik ◽  
Roy A. Koenigsknecht

This study was designed to evaluate the usefulness of the 40 receptive and 40 expressive items of the Northwestern Syntax Screening Test. Twenty preschoolers with normal language development, 20 preschoolers functioning within the range of normal intelligence diagnosed as language impaired, and 20 mentally retarded children comprised the three subject groups. The subjects were equated for mental age. Stable Hoyt’s reliability coefficients indicated that the Northwestern Syntax Screening Test assessed consistently the syntax and morphology used by children with atypical language development. Detailed item analysis revealed the strengths and weaknesses of both receptive and expressive items.

1989 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 587-599 ◽  
Leslie Rescorla

This paper reports data from four studies using the Language Development Survey (LDS), a vocabulary checklist designed for use as a screening tool for the identification of language delay in 2-year-old children. A survey completed by the parent in about 10 min, the LDS displayed excellent reliability as assessed by Cronbach's alpha and test-retest techniques. Total vocabulary score as reported on the LDS was highly correlated with performance on Bayley, Reynell, and Preschool Language Scale expressive vocabulary items. The LDS was found to have excellent sensitivity and specificity for the identification of language delay, with a criterion of fewer than 50 words or no word combinations at 2 years yielding very low false positive and false negative rates. Data from three of these studies demonstrate the utility of the LDS as a screening tool for children attending public and private pediatric practices. Prevalence data using the LDS are reported comparing three different severity cutoffs for more than 500 children in seven survey samples.

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