Square-root second-order extended Kalman filter and its application in target motion analysis

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 329 ◽  
F. Daowang ◽  
L. Teng ◽  
H.Z. Tao

Target tracking using bearings-only measurements in passive mode operation of sonar is a crucial issue of underwater tracking. Target motion in underwater scenario is analyzed using bearings-only measurements and calculating parameters like range, course and speed of the target. This is called Target Motion Analysis (TMA). TMA process is highly non-linear as the measurements chosen are nonlinearly related to the selected target state vector and the traditional, optimal linear Kalman filter will not be appropriate to use. It is presumed that the target is moving in straight line path with constant velocity, so Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is simulated for several scenarios using MATLAB. Monte-Carlo runs are performed to evaluate the capability of the algorithm.

2013 ◽  
Vol 336-338 ◽  
pp. 2354-2358
Chao Ma ◽  
Chun Jie Qiao ◽  
Yue Ke Wang ◽  
Shen Zhao

The paper proposes a new method for a targets trajectory, assumed to be linear and uniform, based on the observation of its speed and bearings. After introducing the new method based on assumed model, the paper analyzes the relative error of range estimation caused by speed and bearings estimations relative error; The results of target motion analysis (TMA) is optimized by linearizing the model and using kalman filter. Pond test shows that relative error of range estimation calculated by this method is less than 10-1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-22 ◽  
Branko Ristic ◽  
Jeremie Houssineau ◽  
Sanjeev Arulampalam

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