russian academy of sciences
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Ishihama Yumiko ◽  
Inoue Takehiko

This article discusses three Tibetan letters held by the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences and originally collected by the Russian Orientalist Fyodor Shcherbatskoy. The three letters are attributed to the well-known figure of Agvaan Dorzhiev, the Buryat who became an aide of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, but the authors determine that only the third letter is actually by Dorzhiev, while the other two were composed by a Kalmyk leader. The article discusses the historical significance of each of the letters and provides an annotated translation of them.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1215 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

International Workshop NMC 2021 Navigation & Motion Control 20-24 September 2021, Russia The International Workshop “Navigation and Motion Control” (NMC) is organized by the State Research Centre of the Russian Federation – Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, with participation of ITMO University and St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University. Also, the Workshop would not have been held without support of the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control and its President, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Vladimir G. Peshekhonov. List of Logo, Image, MEMBERS, The editors are available in this pdf.

2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 012048
L D Bondar ◽  
A V Kurguzova

Abstract This work is aimed at detectinginformation from the field of mineralogy in the documentary heritage of the first scientific expedition to Siberia by D. G. Messerschmidt. The analysis was made of an expedition diary, the original of which is kept in the St. Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, – the fragmentsthat describes Messerschmidt’s Siberian route, coinciding with the future route of P. S. Pallas, who visited many of the Siberian regions that Messerschmidt had explored half a century before. Messerschmidt recorded data on several groups of minerals, including salts, metals, clays, micas, etc.The question of Messerschmidt’s creation of his mineralogical collections, as well as their systematics and cataloging deserves special study. The analysis of the results of the Messerschmidt’sobservations provides material for establishing the influence on Pallas of the first German scientist traveler, despite the fact that Pallas knew well Messerschmidt’s scientific heritage and made his efforts to make it public.

2022 ◽  
Vol 962 (1) ◽  
pp. 011001

Abstract Proceedings of the II All-Russian Conference with International Participation «Evolution of Biosphere and Technogenesis» «Biosphere and Technogenesis – 2021» Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS Chita, Russian Federation, 30 August – 2 September, 2021 On behalf of the Organising Committee and the Editors of this volume, we are delighted to present the Proceedings of the IInd National conference with international participation, titled “The Evolution of the Biosphere and Technogenesis”, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Natural Resources Ecology and Cryology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which was held in the city of Chita, Russia (August 30 – September 2, 2021). The Conference was organized by the Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology SB RAS, with the support of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Daursky Nature Reserve and other organizations. The main subjects of the conference were as follows: 1. The Evolution of the biosphere (geological, paleontological, biological and climatic aspects). 2. Technogenesis and the evolution of the environment (ecological, economic and social aspects). Within the framework of the conference, the VIIIst National Symposium with international participation “Mineralogy and geochemistry of the landscape of mining areas” was been organized. A dynamic balance in the biosphere is based on a system of cycles created and maintained by it. These gyres cover not only the near-surface zone of the Earth – the exosphere, but also the deep horizons. The evolution of the biosphere as a self-developing system is part of the evolution of the Earth from the origin of life to the appearance of man and the formation of the technosphere. Understanding both the general trend of evolution and its individual stages is important not only in terms of fundamental knowledge, but also in practical terms for predicting the future of humanity and the entire biosphere. The intensification of the technogenic impact on the biosphere, which, as V.I. Vernadsky wrote, by the beginning of the 20th century had reached the scale of geological processes, threatens its stability. List of Conference Organizers is available in this pdf.

Konstantin Gorlov ◽  
Andrey Gorodilov ◽  

In the fall of 2019, the archaeological expedition of the Institute of History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out excavations in the Lomonosov district of the Leningrad region, in the village of Kovashi. During the course of the excavations, a previously unknown burial ground of the 15th—16th centuries was investigated, including at least 97 burials. Among the burial items, the most significant ones are 33 coins of Novgorod and Pskov Republics’ emission, of Principality of All Rus during the reigns of Ivan III, Vasily III and Ivan IV. The composition of the numismatic collection from the burials of the Kovashi burial ground reflected the most important changes that took place in the financial sphere of the Novgorod Republic during the period of its independence ceding to Moscow. Coins found in the tombs have become the leading chronological indicator, allowing us to refine both the dating of individual graves containing money and the functioning of all of the burial ground by following the process of its development. Fixation of the “obol of the dead” among the population of the Vodskaya Pyatina supplements the available data on the burial rites of the local population and their idea of the afterlife.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 006-024
Sophia A. Panteeva ◽  
Igor M. Shiriaev ◽  

The article aims to review studies of various aspects of the Russian innovation system, which were conducted under the auspices of the leading sociological centers of the Russian Federation, in order to identify and compare the heuristic potential of the methodical and methodological approaches and models applied, as well as to conduct a secondary analysis of the empirical data obtained through them. Materials of research conducted at the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Association of Innovative Regions of Russia are used in the present study. A secondary analysis of the considered empirical data and approaches to their analysis in the context of improving the heuristic potential of the narrative institutional analysis of the Russian innovation system is carried out. The paper demonstrates that the consistency of narratives and studied data, including indicators of official statistics, is ambiguous. The article considers the interrelation of indicators and narratives about certain problematic issues such as the volume and sources of innovation funding, the importance of intellectual property rights registration for the innovation implementation, the need for long-term planning for the implementation of innovations, the state's focus on stimulation of innovation, the most and least innovative industries and types of economic activities.

Aleksandr A. Frenkel ◽  
Boris I. Tikhomirov ◽  
Yakov V. Sergiyenko ◽  
Anton A. Surkov

The article deals with the formation and use of the business activity index for the analysis, forecasting and regulation of the development of the Russian economy. The possibilities of forming the Business Activity Index of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences by basic spheres of the economy (Index of the Institute of Economics RAS) are analyzed and its advantages are substantiated in comparison with the Index of Output of Goods and Services by the basic types of economic activities of Rosstat (Rosstat Index). The analysis of the dynamics of the IE RAS Index and the Rosstat Index after the socio-economic crisis of 2014–2015 until the second half of 2021, including the period of the coronavirus pandemic, has been carried out. A list of macroeconomic indicators characterizing the level of business activity in the spheres of the national economy included in the IE RAS Index is presented. Analysis and comparison of the dynamics of the IE RAS and Rosstat indices showed that the main advantages of the IE RAS Index lie in a more accurate determination of the timing of the onset and overcoming of crisis processes, as well as the depth of their impact on socio-economic development. Particular attention is paid to the analysis and comparison of the dynamics of business activity in the post-crisis and pandemic periods. It was found that the maximum drop in business activity, caused largely by restrictive measures in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, was observed in 2020. It is noted that the maximum growth in business activity for the period under review fell on the first half of 2021. This growth is confirmed by the dynamics of business activity indices according to the methodology of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Rosstat. The paper concludes that the IE RAS Index provides a more accurate integral assessment of the macroeconomic dynamics of business activity; it is proposed to widely use it in state accounting and management, forecasting and strategic planning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 30-31
Article Editorial

Galina Afanasyevna Melnichenko is a well-known Russian endocrinologist-researcher, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author and head of fundamental and applied research. G.A. Melnichenko is one of the leaders in creating a methodology for organizing the endocrinological service of the Russian Federation. G.A. Melnichenko made a great contribution to the formation of modern ideas about the role of autoimmune and iodine deficiency states in the development of thyroid pathology. Leading Russian specialist in diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, orphan endocrinopathies, adrenal pathology, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 70-105

The article is devoted to the first research vessel “Vityaz” of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS, until 1991 – IO of the USSR Academy of Sciences). The history of the vessel is briefly told, information about “Vityaz” cruises is selectively given, photographs stored in the Museum of the History of IO RAS and documents from the personal archives of IO RAS employees participating in “Vityaz” cruises are given. Some of the photos and documents are published for the first time.

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