scholarly journals An application of the continuous Steiner symmetrization to Blaschke-Santaló diagrams

Giuseppe Buttazzo ◽  
Aldo Pratelli

In this paper we consider the so-called procedure of {\it Continuous Steiner Symmetrization}, introduced by Brock in~\cite{bro95,bro00}. It transforms every domain $\Omega\comp\R^d$ into the ball keeping the volume fixed and letting the first eigenvalue and the torsion respectively decrease and increase. While this does not provide, in general, a $\gamma$-continuous map $t\mapsto\O_t$, it can be slightly modified so to obtain the $\gamma$-continuity for a $\gamma$-dense class of domains $\O$, namely, the class of polyedral sets in $\R^d$. This allows to obtain a sharp characterization of the Blaschke-Santaló diagram of torsion and eigenvalue.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-33
S. Buccheri ◽  
J.V. da Silva ◽  
L.H. de Miranda

In this work, given p ∈ ( 1 , ∞ ), we prove the existence and simplicity of the first eigenvalue λ p and its corresponding eigenvector ( u p , v p ), for the following local/nonlocal PDE system (0.1) − Δ p u + ( − Δ ) p r u = 2 α α + β λ | u | α − 2 | v | β u in  Ω − Δ p v + ( − Δ ) p s v = 2 β α + β λ | u | α | v | β − 2 v in  Ω u = 0 on  R N ∖ Ω v = 0 on  R N ∖ Ω , where Ω ⊂ R N is a bounded open domain, 0 < r , s < 1 and α ( p ) + β ( p ) = p. Moreover, we address the asymptotic limit as p → ∞, proving the explicit geometric characterization of the corresponding first ∞-eigenvalue, namely λ ∞ , and the uniformly convergence of the pair ( u p , v p ) to the ∞-eigenvector ( u ∞ , v ∞ ). Finally, the triple ( u ∞ , v ∞ , λ ∞ ) verifies, in the viscosity sense, a limiting PDE system.

Masayuki Aino

AbstractWe show a Lichnerowicz-Obata type estimate for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian of n-dimensional closed Riemannian manifolds with an almost parallel p-form ($$2\le p \le n/2$$ 2 ≤ p ≤ n / 2 ) in $$L^2$$ L 2 -sense, and give a Gromov-Hausdorff approximation to a product $$S^{n-p}\times X$$ S n - p × X under some pinching conditions when $$2\le p<n/2$$ 2 ≤ p < n / 2 .

Kairen Cai

We give some estimates of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian for compact and non-compact submanifold immersed in the Euclidean space by using the square length of the second fundamental form of the submanifold merely. Then some spherical theorems and a nonimmersibility theorem of Chern and Kuiper type can be obtained.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 365-391 ◽  
Leandro M. Del Pezzo ◽  
Julio D. Rossi

2003 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Bruno Colbois ◽  
Ana-Maria Matei

AbstractWe consider a 1-parameter family of hyperbolic surfaces M(t) of genus ν which degenerate as t → 0 and we obtain a precise estimate of λAs a direct application, we obtain that the quotientTo prove our results we use in an essential way the geometry of hyperbolic surfaces which is very well known. We show that an eigenfunction for λ

Jianfeng Lu ◽  
Stefan Steinerberger

The purpose of this short paper is to give a variation on the classical Donsker–Varadhan inequality, which bounds the first eigenvalue of a second-order elliptic operator on a bounded domain Ω by the largest mean first exit time of the associated drift–diffusion process via λ 1 ≥ 1 sup x ∈ Ω E x τ Ω c . Instead of looking at the mean of the first exit time, we study quantiles: let d p , ∂ Ω : Ω → R ≥ 0 be the smallest time t such that the likelihood of exiting within that time is p , then λ 1 ≥ log ( 1 / p ) sup x ∈ Ω d p , ∂ Ω ( x ) . Moreover, as p → 0 , this lower bound converges to λ 1 .

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