The Examination of Air Blowing Method and Thermal Comfort of Variable Air Conditioning System using Coanda Effect
The “Strategic Energy Plan” implemented by the Cabinet of Japan in 2014 strives for zero energy building design for typical new construction by 2030. The present study focuses on a ductless and variable air conditioning system, using the Coanda effect, with the aim of reducing fan power, and saving of resources by reducing the space between the ceiling. In this study, we examined the air blowing method and evaluated thermal comfort using computational fluid dynamics as well as subjective perception of coolness in a midsize office. A draft zone was reduced by extending the interval between conditioned air outlets. However, if the extension of throw length was excessive, hot space would be formed near the air outlets, and there would be a risk of impacting thermal comfort. Moreover, we confirmed that the thermal comfort was generally favourable. In particular, perceived thermal comfort was better at the position in the office where the air flow landed on the upper body of the subjects. On the other hand, it decreased when the influence of the air flow was small, and at the point where air flow landed on the lower body of the subjects.