scholarly journals Agrotechnical methods ofreducing root rot for cultivating spring wheat in organic farming

2020 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 01102
Alfia Razina

Energy-saving technologies of wheat cultivation limit the buffer role of the agrotechnical method in reducing the spread of root rot. This situation calls for using increased volumes of pesticides in order to decrease harvest losses arising from actions of harmful organisms, which does not allow to produce organic food.Considering this, evaluation of the efficiency of agrotechnical methods of cultivating spring wheat aimed at enhancing phytosanitary conditions of crops is very important. The goal of our work was to evaluate the role of predecessors, methods of soil preparation,organic fertilizers, new varieties of spring wheat, and the timing of planting in limiting the spread and reducing the harmfulness of root rot. Our study has been conducted in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Siberia. We have established that green manure in crop rotationandfallow arable land with introduction of 30 t/ha of organic manure fertilizer with a disc harrow to a depth of 10–12 cmreduce the spread and severity of root rot and increase wheat yields. In the plantings of the new variety of spring wheat Marsianka, the spread of the disease was reliably less,and the yield was higher compared to the control variety Tulunskaya 11. The optimal planting date for the average of two years was May 25, the crops planted then compared to those planted on May 30 were 9.4% less affected by the disease and gave a reliable increase in the harvest of 0.15 tons/ha. Our studies have shown that during production of organic wheat we can limit the spread andharmfulness of root rot withagrotechnical methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-46
A. A. Razina ◽  
F. S. Sultanov ◽  
О. G. Dyatlova

The results of studying resistance of mid-ripening spring wheat cultivars to root rot in the forest-steppe zone of Irkutsk region are presented. The study was conducted in a two-factor field experiment. Factor A – mid-ripening spring wheat cultivars: Tulunskaya 11 (control), Zoryana, Маrsianka, Stolypinka (new cultivars). Factor B – seeding dates: May 10, 20, 30, preceded by fallow. The experimental plot area was 70.0 m2. The experiment was repeated three times. Plot arrangement was randomized. Root rot prevalence was determined during the tillering phase of the crop. In 2018, the sowing dates did not affect the disease due to the long spring-summer drought (May-June) and a higher average daily temperature compared to long-term average values. In arid and cold conditions of May 2019, with the late sowing period (May 30), root rot prevalence was significantly lower than when sowing on May 10 and 20. In 2019, a higher level of the disease was registered than in 2018 by 14.3%. Significant differences in root rot prevalence in both years of research were noted between the control cultivar Tulunskaya 11 and the new cultivars of spring wheat Zoryana and Stolypinka. In the tillering phase of the latter two, disease indicators were lower by 5.6% and 10.5% in 2018, and by 8.8% and 7.9% in 2019, respectively. Маrsianka cultivar was at the control level for this indicator. The best cultivar under study was Stolypinka, which was not only less affected by root rot, but also gave a statistically significant yield increase of 0.16 t/ ha in 2018 and 0.22 t/ha in 2019.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 00034
Alfia Razina ◽  
Olga Dyatlova

We present the results of the trial of the biological drug BisolbiSan (Bacillus subtillis strain H-13, isolated by the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology) for treatment of spring wheat seeds in comparison with the widely popular chemical fungicides Maxim and Maxim Plus in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Siberia in 2016–2018. BisolbiSan contributed to a decrease in total seed contamination by 2.4 times compared to control, which was practically at the level of the chemical fungicide Maxim. Maxim and Maxim Plus oppressed the growth of the sprout and the main germ line, while BisolbiSan stimulated the growth and development of the root system, and did not inhibit the growth of the sprout. The prevalence of root rot in the variant with BisolbiSan was lower compared to control by 54 %, effectiveness of which was not significantly inferior to that of chemical protectants. In comparison with control variant, BisolbiSan increased vitreous content of grain by 16.9 %, the content of crude gluten by 3.9 %, contributed to obtaining a statistically reliable increase in the yield of 0.38 tons per hectare, which did not differ significantly from the increase in the variant with chemical protectants. In our experiment, the payback of 1 ruble of costs when treating seeds with BisolbiSan was 1.7, which is 0.5 and 0.2 rubles higher compared to Maxim and Maxim Plus, respectively. The profitability of the yield increase using BisolbiSan was 70.9 %, which is 54.5 % and 20.6 % more than when using Maxim and Maxim Plus, respectively.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 134-139
Тимошенкова ◽  
Tatyana Timoshenkova ◽  
Мухитов ◽  
Lenar Mukhitov ◽  
Самуилов ◽  

The article summarizes the results of surveys on the development of the spring wheat disease. The composition of the pathogenic complex in the Orenburg region was analyzed. The paper cites an assessment of the stability of varieties of different origin in the forest steppe and steppe zones of Orenburg Urals. The most common and harmful diseases of spring wheat were: brown leaf rust (Puccinia triticina), stem rust (Puccinia graminis), oidium (Erysiphe graminis, Blumeria graminis Speer.), helminthiasis and fusariose root rot (Bipolaris sorokiniana and Fusarium spp.). Among the samples of local breeding Orenburgskaya 13 variety was the strongly susceptible to the disease of wheat. Logachevka and Uchitel variety were mildly susceptible. Varyag variety was characterized by susceptibility to leaf rust, oidium and dust-brand. According to the complex resistance to diseases of the local races of wheat, we can allocate the following varieties: in the forest-steppe zone: Kinelskaya 59, Kinelskaya 60, Saratovskaya 55, Tulaykovskaya 5, steppe Tulaykovskaya, YuV 4 and in the steppe zone - Belyanka, Saratovskaya 70, Tulaykovskaya 10 and steppe Tulaykovskaya. The inclusion of these varieties in the hybridization will provide a more disease-resistant hybrids and new varieties of spring wheat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 01014
Alexander Toigildin ◽  
Vladimir Morozov ◽  
Mikhail Podsevalov ◽  
Irina Toigildina ◽  
Denis Ayupov

The article presents the results of a theoretical review of the role of the structure of cultivated areas and crop rotations in agriculture. Based on experimental studies, recommendations are given for optimizing the structure of cultivated areas and the system of crop rotations in the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region. The structure of sown areas and crop rotations should expand the species composition of cultivated crops, introduce intermediate crops. Our research shows that the structure of sown areas should reduce the proportion of pure fallow to 40% of the area with winter grain crops to increase the productivity of arable land, protect the soil from erosion, preserve and reproduce its fertility. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the area of perennial leguminous grasses and legume-cereal mixtures and bring their share to 25% of the cultivated area. This requires introducing grain-grass and fruit crop rotations, which will improve the ecological state of the soil and crops, and ensure the reproduction of soil fertility.

N. I. Kashevarov ◽  
R. I. Polyudina ◽  
I. N. Kazarinova ◽  
D. А. Potapov

A new cultivar of smooth bromegrass (Bromopsis inermis Leyss) Flagman was developed by methods of mass selection and polycross. Breeding and wild forms of various ecological and geographical origins are used as an initial material. The authors of the cultivar: Kazarinova I.N., Polyudina R.I., Straub A.A., Gomasco S.K. Studies were conducted on the Central experimental base of the Siberian research Institute of fodder crops of the Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia (Novosibirsk region, Novosibirsk district, Krasnoobsk). The cultivar is mid-ripening: the period from the beginning of spring aftergrowing to mowing ripeness is 63-75 days and to full maturing of seeds is 95-111 days. The yield of dry matter is 8.3 t/ha, which exceeds the standard by 8%, seed yield - 0.62 t/ha, higher than the standard by 28%. The dry matter yield of the cultivar Flagman for the fourth year of use exceeded the standard by 23% and reached to 11.4 t/ha. The 1000 seeds weight is 3.0-3.4 g. The plant height is 90-140 cm. Tilling capacity is up to 40 stems per tuft. Foliage varies from 32 to 50% depending on the age of the grass and environment conditions. The resistance of the cultivar to brown rust and helminthosporiosis is higher than of the standard. The copyright certificate No. 71916 and patent No. 9653 were received.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (44) ◽  
pp. 22-22
Alexander Saakian ◽  

The taxonomic composition and incidence of phytopathogenic fungi on the roots of soft spring wheat Triticum aestivum L. of nine varieties of Siberian origin (Altayskaya 70, Altayskaya 75, Krasnoyarskaya 12, Novosibirskaya 15, Novosibirskaya 16, Novosibirskaya 29, Novosibirskaya 31, Novosibirskaya 41 and Svirel) cultivated using wheat and fallow as a predecessor, was studied in the area of Kansk-Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. Average incidence of fungal root infection was 24%. In plants grown using wheat as a predecessor, the incidence was statistically significantly (p <0.05) higher than in plants grown using fallow as a predecessor (27.3 versus 20.6%). Statistically significant (p <0.05) differences in the prevalence of root infection were revealed between cultivars. The maximal prevalence (33.3 and 32.3%, respectively) on average for the wheat predecessor and fallow was found for the varieties Svirel and Altayskaya 75, the minimal (16.7%) for the varieties Novosibirskaya 16 and Altayskaya 70. The complex of phytopathogenic fungi on the roots is represented by Fusarium spp., Bipolaris sorokiniana and Alternaria spp. (31.4, 44.9 and 23.7% of the pathogenic complex on average for varieties and variants, respectively). The composition of pathogens statistically significantly (p <0.01) depends on the predecessor. In the plants cultivated using wheat as a predecessor, the proportion of Alternaria spp. was higher whereas proportions of Fusarium spp. and Bipolaris sorokiniana were lower. No differences in prevalence and taxonomic composition of root infection between varieties originated from Novosibirsk territory, Krasnoyarsk territory and Altay territory were found. Keywords: SPRING WHEAT, ROOT ROT, KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY, FUSARIUM SPP., BIPOLARIS SOROKINIANA, ALTERNARIA SPP

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
V M Kosolapov ◽  
V I Cherniavskih ◽  
E V Dumacheva ◽  
M N Marinich ◽  
L D Sajfutdinova ◽  

Abstract We evaluated the stability of perennial legume and cereal grass species in artificial plant communities on permanent anti-erosion watercourses in the agroecosystems of the Belgorod region with active development of linear soil erosion. In the conditions of steppe and forest-steppe zones of the Belgorod region on permanently grassed watercourses in 2017-2019. varieties of perennial leguminous and cereal grasses: ‘Krasnoyaruzhskaya 1’ and ‘Krasnoyaruzhskaya 2’ (Medicago varia), ‘Kazatsky’ (Trifolium pratense), ‘Olshanka’ and ‘Ivica’ (Festuca arundinacea), ‘Streletsky’ and ‘Stepnyak’ (Lolium perenne)) obtained using local genetic material were studied. All varieties showed their resistance in agro-ecosystems with active development of linear erosion in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. Projective cover on watercourses in the steppe zone in all variants of experience was on average 83,4 %, in the forest-steppe zone - 86,3 %. In the third year of the tests on permanently irrigated watercourses in the steppe zone, the share of cereal and legume grass species was quite high and varied from 88 % in the variant M. varia + Onobrychis arenaria to 92 % in the variants M. varia + Bromopsis inermis and O. arenaria. In the forest-steppe zone, the share of cereal and legume grass species varied from 86 % in the variant L. perenne to 94 % in the variant L. perenne + B. inermis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03018
A.V. Surinov

The Borisovsky district of the Belgorod region, located in the south-west of the forest-steppe zone of the Central Forest Region, was chosen for the study. The study covered an 11-year period, during which 3 cycles of agrochemical soil survey were conducted in the district - in 2010, 2016 and 2020. Analyzing the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, an increase in crop yield indicators was noted. Thus, an increase in the dose of organic fertilizers (up to 1.96 t/ha) and mineral fertilizers (up to 127.2 kg/ha) made it possible to obtain 5.13 t/ha of winter wheat, 4.19 t/ha of spring barley, 7.9 t/ha of corn for grain and 3.29 t/ha of sunflower seeds. In addition, the content of macro and microelements in the soil has changed. The active fight against soil acidity affected the content of available forms of phosphorus and zinc, the indicators of which decreased slightly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03007
D.V. Eremina

The influence of various levels of mineral nutrition on the accumulation of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is studied. The natural agricultural background of leached chernozem was taken as a control. The research was carried out at the station of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals. In the experiment, various doses of mineral fertilizers were used, ensuring the yield of grain crops from 3.0 to 6.0 t/ha. It was found that the mass of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats has no significant differences and depends on the level of mineral nutrition. On the natural agricultural background, the mass of plant-root residues is 3.24-3.88 t/ha. Fertilization increases the yield of grain crops to 6.0 t/ha, and also increases the amount of plant-root residues: spring wheat - 4.47; oats – 6.04 t/ha. Increasing the doses of mineral fertilizers reduces the ratio of yield to the mass of plant-root residues from 1:1.6 to 1:1.10 units. It was found that almost half of the root system of spring wheat and oats is located in a layer of 0-10 cm, while the share of roots in a layer of 30-40 cm accounts for no more than 16% of the mass.

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