scholarly journals Innovative technological and technical support of grain production for the forest-steppe zone of Siberia

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 01002
Boris Dokin ◽  
Oleg Elkin ◽  
Anna Aletdinova ◽  
Argen Mozonov

The purchase of agricultural machinery should be determined by technological and technical policies. The purpose of the study is to increase the efficiency of grain production through the use of innovative resource-saving technologies and equipment. The solution of this problem includes the definition of model farms that characterize the soil and production conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Siberia, the development of mathematical tools, the calculation of promising compositions of the machine and tractor fleet and alternative options for grain production technologies, depending on the availability of agricultural producers with resources. It allowed us to establish that if a commodity producer can spend 10-12 thousand rubles per 1 ha of grain crops on chemization and has 4 machine operators per 1000 ha of grain crops, then it can work on the classical intensive technology based on dump plowing and or deep loosening; if at the same level of chemization per 1 ha of grain crops and has 3 machine operators per 1000 ha of grain crops,then it must switch to intensive resource-saving technology at minimum or zero tillage. Switching to more energy-intensive tractors and resource-saving technologies allows you to save fuel by 30-35%, personnel by 1.5-2.5 times, and operating costs by 10-15%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 03007
D.V. Eremina

The influence of various levels of mineral nutrition on the accumulation of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia is studied. The natural agricultural background of leached chernozem was taken as a control. The research was carried out at the station of the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals. In the experiment, various doses of mineral fertilizers were used, ensuring the yield of grain crops from 3.0 to 6.0 t/ha. It was found that the mass of plant-root residues of spring wheat and oats has no significant differences and depends on the level of mineral nutrition. On the natural agricultural background, the mass of plant-root residues is 3.24-3.88 t/ha. Fertilization increases the yield of grain crops to 6.0 t/ha, and also increases the amount of plant-root residues: spring wheat - 4.47; oats – 6.04 t/ha. Increasing the doses of mineral fertilizers reduces the ratio of yield to the mass of plant-root residues from 1:1.6 to 1:1.10 units. It was found that almost half of the root system of spring wheat and oats is located in a layer of 0-10 cm, while the share of roots in a layer of 30-40 cm accounts for no more than 16% of the mass.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-35
O. T. Andreeva ◽  
N. G. Pilipenko ◽  
L. P. Sidorova ◽  
N. Yu. Kharchenko

The possibility of increasing the yield of fodder-grain crops in single-species agrocenoses to provide livestock with nutritious highquality feed was studied. The results of field and laboratory studies (2016–2018) on the cultivation of traditional (barley, oats, spring and winter rye) and uncommon fodder crops (triticale, corn) sown as single crops in the forest-steppe zone of Trans-Baikal Territory are presented. The objects of the research were the following recognized varieties of the crops under study: local winter rye Zhitkinskaya, spring rye Onokhoyskaya, oats Metis, barley Anna, triticale Ukro, corn hybrid Obsky 150 CB. The experiment was conducted on meadow chernozem mealy-carbonate soil (light loam by particle size distribution). Poaceous fodder crops were assessed in terms of their adaptability to growing conditions, yield and nutritional value of grain. Their economically valuable characteristics were shown. On average over the years of research, when cultivating traditional and uncommon poaceous crops for fodder grain in single-crop sowings, triticale and corn had an advantage. The grain yield in the experiment was 3.0-5.8 t/ha, collection of fodder units – 3.39-6.13 t/ha, digestible protein 287-494 kg/ha, gross energy – 34.7-60.5 GJ/ha, availability of digestible protein – 85–77 g per one feed unit. Traditional crops were inferior to uncommon crops in terms of grain yield by 0.5-3.3 t/ ha, (on average for the variants of the experiment), feed units – by 0.99-3.73 t/ha, digestible protein – by 85-292 kg/ha, gross energy – by 0.99–35.7 GJ/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
O A Rekunova ◽  
G F Yartsev ◽  
R K Baikasenov ◽  
T P Aisuvakova ◽  
B B Kartabayeva ◽  

Abstract The relevance of the topic of scientific research is associated with the biological characteristics of the studied grain crops in specific natural and climatic conditions. The purpose of this work was to identify the potential capabilities of various grain crops in terms of yield and quality indicators of grain in the central zone of the Orenburg region. Food security of the population in the overwhelming majority of countries is most often associated with the provision of grain. At present, despite the active introduction of modern agricultural equipment and innovative technologies into the world agricultural production, it is not possible to achieve a significant increase in gross grain harvests. The level of its production is still insufficient to fully meet the growing needs of the rapidly growing population. According to the expert assessment of domestic scientists, in the conditions of modern natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment, Russia can play an important role in stabilizing the world grain production, which has sufficiently high natural, intellectual and technical resources for this. Their effective and rational use on the basis of nature-like, ecologically-oriented agricultural technologies can make a significant contribution to increasing food stability. Meeting the needs of cultivated plants in the elements of mineral nutrition was reduced mainly to the mobilization of soil fertility, i.e. depletion of humus reserves. As a result, in most of the grain-sowing regions of Russia, and primarily in the regions of the steppe zone, its negative balance has developed. It is quite obvious that these circumstances are a serious obstacle to sustainable grain production and can lead to even greater degradation of disturbed soils, disruption of the biological balance in agroecosystems and a reduction in biological diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 282 ◽  
pp. 05006
L.V. Levshakov

The importance of sulfur for a balanced nutrition of grain crops is demonstrated. The content of mobile forms of sulfur in the main zonal soils of the Kursk region – black soil and gray forest soils is given. Gray wooded soils have a low content of mobile sulfur in most areas of the region. The availability of sulfur in black soil ranges from low to medium. Practical studies on the effectiveness of different types and forms of using sulfur-containing mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat on zonal types of soils in the south-western forest steppe of the Central Black Earth Region have been performed. Research has found that the practicability of using sulfur-containing mineral fertilizers and their agronomic effectiveness is directly associated with the content of available forms of sulfur in the arable layer of the soil. It is most effective and reasonable to use sulfur-containing mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat on gray wooded soils. The practical data obtained prove the urgency of the use of sulfur-containing fertilizers in technologies for the cultivation of grain crops on soils with inadequate content of available forms of sulfur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (89) ◽  
pp. 17-21
V. Sakhnenko ◽  
D. Sakhnenko

The peculiarities of ecology of certain types of pests breeding in field crops are highlighted. The indicators of the influence of a complex of factors on development and mass reproduction of insects under modern agricultural systems are generalized. The species composition of insect phytophages in new crops is specified. More than 20 species of pests were identified that severely damaged this crop according to the results of the monitoring of the wheat entomocomplex. The analysis of influence of temperature, air and soil on the trophic links of phytophages and development and survival of their stages was conducted. A close connection between the level of productivity and the stages of organogenesis of plants with separate stages of development of the main species of phytophages was established. The analysis of efficiency of application of modern monitoring of a complex of pests at new systems of protection of winter wheat has been carried out. Cereal flies, aphids and other pests are found are found on wheat. The basic ecological and biological peculiarities of the formation of the entomocomplex of winter wheat are determined. The peculiarity of monitoring and control of harmful insect species on winter wheat crops in the forest-steppe of Ukraine is highlighted. The analysis of the modeling efficiency of the number of harmful and useful insect for resource-saving systems of winter wheat protection is carried out. The peculiarities of biology and ecology of pests of stem and of the root system of winter wheat in the region of research are specified. The peculiarities of the formation of entomocomplexes in agrocenoses vary according to certain parameters, in particular the number of soil and interstitial phytophages, taking into account the radius of their daily displacement. It is relevant to determine the total demand of pests in feeding at the actual population of individuals at different stages of ontogenesis of grain crops for effective crop management. The application of resource saving models of the calculation of phytophage dynamics on cereal crops by hydrothermal coefficient at different periods of development of plants and phytophages in the production, which allows to determine the quantitative changes of a separate entomocomplex in grain crops in time and space. The development and introduction of integrated methods for the control of winter wheat pests according to modern agricultural systems in the forest-steppe of Ukraine, which determines the expected loss of grain in the crop fields becomes important.

2020 ◽  
pp. 226-237
Liudmyla Yakovets

The article presents the results of ecotoxicological assessment of grain production of agrocenosis according to the content of organochlorine pesticides. The aim of the research is the ecotoxicological assessment of the grain production of agrocenoses by the content of pesticide residues in the conditions of the forest-steppe right-bank. Field studies were conducted on the territory of agricultural enterprises of Shargorodsky, Peschansky and Kalinovsky districts of Vinnitsa region, located in the forest-steppe right-bank. Laboratory analyzes of soil, grain and seeds of field crops of agroecosystems were carried out in certified laboratories (Scientific-measuring agrochemical laboratory of Vinnitsa National Agrarian University and the laboratory of the testing center of Vinnitsa branch of the State Institution «Soil Protection Institute of Ukraine»). The studies determined the danger of contamination of grain products of agrocenosis with pesticides and their negative impact on the soil-plant system. The research results showed that due to the resource-saving level of chemicalization when growing field crops, the average humus content in the soils of right-bank forest-steppe agroecosystems was 2.3−3.4 %, nitrogen, which is easily hydrolyzed − 63.0-77.0 mg/kg, mobile phosphorus − 120-180 mg/kg, exchange potassium − 68-94 mg/kg, while the hydrolytic acidity was 2.5-3.5 mg. equiv. / 100 g of soil and pH (salt) − 5.0-7.2. The agrochemical parameters of soils of agroecosystems, where intensive levels of chemicalization of agriculture are used, the elemental content, in particular in the available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, was 1.4-1.6 times higher, but the hydrolytic acidity was almost halved and the soil pH increased. It was found that when growing winter wheat using resource-saving technologies, the pesticides load per 1 ha of agroecosystem is 3.53 l/ha, and for intensive technologies – 4.73 l/ha. When growing spring barley, respectively, 3.53 l/ha and 4.03 l/ha, and corn - 0 and 0.85 l/ha. In general, the cultivation of winter wheat by intensive technologies causes an increase in pesticides load per 1 ha of agroecosystem by 25.4 % compared to resource-saving technology, the cultivation of spring barley by 12.4 %, and corn by 98.8 %. It was established that in the forest ecosystems of the right-bank steppe at different levels of chemicalization of agriculture, the actual fluctuations in the agrochemical parameters of the soil depended on the field and predecessor crop rotation, and the content of organochlorine pesticide residues differed within the error and did not exceed their maximum permissible concentrations. The content of residual trace amounts of γ - HCH in the grain and seeds of the studied cultures was less than 0.02 mg/kg with a MPC of 0.5 mg/kg, DDT − less than 0.02 mg/kg with a MPC of 0.2 mg/kg. Key words: grain products, pesticides, organochlorine pesticides, agrocenosis, pollution.

I. P. Bogomolova ◽  
I. N. Vasilenko ◽  
A. V. Bogomolov

The article on the basis of scientific methods, theories and approaches provide findings of the research of acute trends and promising lines in development of enterprises in grain-productive sub-complex in view of adapting and applying resource-saving technologies. For example, the authors study principles of using resource-saving technologies in grain production, promising technological solutions of strategic economic and technical direction, reasons blocking the introduction of resources-saving technologies in the process of grain-crops production, as well as a set of resource-oriented measures as an integral part of the organizational and economic mechanism adjusted to modern methods of grain production. Advantages of resource-saving technologies were analyzed in comparison with traditional ways of grain-crops production (both economic and agro-ecological). The authors ground the necessity to use the model of segregated technological flows control in modern technology of grain processing. They provide a thorough analysis of raw protein components market for production of well-balanced fodder in view of adjustment and use of managerial resources-saving approaches and on this basis they draw constructive conclusion and proposals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 (11-12) ◽  
pp. 82-87
A. L. Toygildin ◽  
M. I. Podsevalov ◽  
I. A. Toygildina ◽  
V. N. Austin

In the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Volga region, winter wheat occupies the largest area among grain crops, which is associated with its relatively high productivity, economic efficiency and the ability to unload the peaks of field work in the spring. Winter wheat makes fuller use of the bioclimatic potential of productivity, especially in the arid conditions of the region. Despite the fact that the adaptive-integrated approach to the joint use of agricultural techniques and chemicalization means when growing grain crops provides significant and stable yield increases, they require regular study to adjust agricultural technologies. The article presents the results of 3-year studies in a stationary field experiment to assess the influence of predecessors, methods of basic soil cultivation and plant protection on the spread of diseases and weeds, as well as on the yield of winter wheat. Studies have shown that the placement of winter wheat after clean fallow helps to reduce the infestation of crops, and after cruciferous predecessors (white mustard, spring rape)— the spread of root rot (Bipolaris sorokiniana (Helmintosporium sativum)) and leaf rust (Puccinia recondita). Winter wheat yield after different predecessors varied from 5.16 t/ha for pure fallow to 3.77–4.04 t/ha after nonfallow predecessors with a significant increase in adaptive-integrated plant protection by 0.37 t/ha (9.2%) and insignificant — for combined tillage in crop rotation — by 0.19 t/ha (4.6%).

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