scholarly journals Automatic Lidar Calibration and Processing Program for Multiwavelength Raman Polarization Lidar

2020 ◽  
Vol 237 ◽  
pp. 08007
Zhenping Yin ◽  
Holger Baars ◽  
Patric Seifert ◽  
Ronny Engelmann

A new version of automatic lidar calibration and processing program was developed to process the data from multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar. The absolute lidar calibration and water vapor calibration algorithms were applied. The program can provide plentiful products, like aerosol backscatter and extinction coefficients, lidar ratio, Ångström exponent, volume and particle depolarization ratios, water vapor mixing ratio and aerosol target classification. Good agreement was found in the comparison with manual quality-assured profiles or radiosonde measurement. Lidar calibration based on the aerosol optical properties retrieved with Raman method, Klett method and AOD-Constrained method were implemented. Good consistency was found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 237 ◽  
pp. 06020
SiQi Yu ◽  
Dong Liu ◽  
JiWei Xu ◽  
ZhenZhu Wang ◽  
DeCheng Wu ◽  

Water Aerosol Raman Lidar-II is an active detection instrument with high temporal and spatial resolution at Nanjiao observation station, and that could continuous water vapor mixing ratio (WVMR) measurements. WVMR profiles inversion from lidar data and water ratio retrieved from radiosonde data are in good agreement. The statistical results of the vertical distribution of WVMR indicate that WVMR seasonal mean distribution is consistent with precipitation. In addition, WVMR in Nanjiao station is related to total cloud cover.

2019 ◽  
Vol 77 (3) ◽  
pp. 1081-1100 ◽  
Neil P. Lareau

Abstract Doppler and Raman lidar observations of vertical velocity and water vapor mixing ratio are used to probe the physics and statistics of subcloud and cloud-base latent heat fluxes during cumulus convection at the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site in Oklahoma, United States. The statistical results show that latent heat fluxes increase with height from the surface up to ~0.8Zi (where Zi is the convective boundary layer depth) and then decrease to ~0 at Zi. Peak fluxes aloft exceeding 500 W m−2 are associated with periods of increased cumulus cloud cover and stronger jumps in the mean humidity profile. These entrainment fluxes are much larger than the surface fluxes, indicating substantial drying over the 0–0.8Zi layer accompanied by moistening aloft as the CBL deepens over the diurnal cycle. We also show that the boundary layer humidity budget is approximately closed by computing the flux divergence across the 0–0.8Zi layer. Composite subcloud velocity and water vapor anomalies show that clouds are linked to coherent updraft and moisture plumes. The moisture anomaly is Gaussian, most pronounced above 0.8Zi and systematically wider than the velocity anomaly, which has a narrow central updraft flanked by downdrafts. This size and shape disparity results in downdrafts characterized by a high water vapor mixing ratio and thus a broad joint probability density function (JPDF) of velocity and mixing ratio in the upper CBL. We also show that cloud-base latent heat fluxes can be both positive and negative and that the instantaneous positive fluxes can be very large (~10 000 W m−2). However, since cloud fraction tends to be small, the net impact of these fluxes remains modest.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 3943-3961 ◽  
Ali Jalali ◽  
Shannon Hicks-Jalali ◽  
Robert J. Sica ◽  
Alexander Haefele ◽  
Thomas von Clarmann

Abstract. Lidar retrievals of atmospheric temperature and water vapor mixing ratio profiles using the optimal estimation method (OEM) typically use a retrieval grid with a number of points larger than the number of pieces of independent information obtainable from the measurements. Consequently, retrieved geophysical quantities contain some information from their respective a priori values or profiles, which can affect the results in the higher altitudes of the temperature and water vapor profiles due to decreasing signal-to-noise ratios. The extent of this influence can be estimated using the retrieval's averaging kernels. The removal of formal a priori information from the retrieved profiles in the regions of prevailing a priori effects is desirable, particularly when these greatest heights are of interest for scientific studies. We demonstrate here that removal of a priori information from OEM retrievals is possible by repeating the retrieval on a coarser grid where the retrieval is stable even without the use of formal prior information. The averaging kernels of the fine-grid OEM retrieval are used to optimize the coarse retrieval grid. We demonstrate the adequacy of this method for the case of a large power-aperture Rayleigh scatter lidar nighttime temperature retrieval and for a Raman scatter lidar water vapor mixing ratio retrieval during both day and night.

2009 ◽  
Vol 137 (8) ◽  
pp. 2493-2514 ◽  
Charles Chemel ◽  
Maria R. Russo ◽  
John A. Pyle ◽  
Ranjeet S. Sokhi ◽  
Cornelius Schiller

Abstract The development of a severe Hector thunderstorm that formed over the Tiwi Islands, north of Australia, during the Aerosol and Chemical Transport in Tropical Convection/Stratospheric-Climate Links with Emphasis on the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere (ACTIVE/SCOUT-O3) field campaign in late 2005, is simulated by the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (ARW) model and the Met Office Unified Model (UM). The general aim of this paper is to investigate the role of isolated deep convection over the tropics in regulating the water content in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS). Using a horizontal resolution as fine as 1 km, the numerical simulations reproduce the timing, structure, and strength of Hector fairly well when compared with field campaign observations. The sensitivity of results from ARW to horizontal resolution is investigated by running the model in a large-eddy simulation mode with a horizontal resolution of 250 m. While refining the horizontal resolution to 250 m leads to a better representation of convection with respect to rainfall, the characteristics of the Hector thunderstorm are basically similar in space and time to those obtained in the 1-km-horizontal-resolution simulations. Several overshooting updrafts penetrating the tropopause are produced in the simulations during the mature stage of Hector. The penetration of rising towering cumulus clouds into the LS maintains the entrainment of air at the interface between the UT and the LS. Vertical exchanges resulting from this entrainment process have a significant impact on the redistribution of atmospheric constituents within the UT/LS region at the scale of the islands. In particular, a large amount of water is injected in the LS. The fate of the ice particles as Hector develops drives the water vapor mixing ratio to saturation by sublimation of the injected ice particles, moistening the air in the LS. The moistening was found to be fairly significant above 380 K and averaged about 0.06 ppmv in the range 380–420 K for ARW. As for UM, the moistening was found to be much larger (about 2.24 ppmv in the range of 380–420 K) than for ARW. This result confirms that convective transport can play an important role in regulating the water vapor mixing ratio in the LS.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 10361-10422
D. Dionisi ◽  
P. Keckhut ◽  
Y. Courcoux ◽  
A. Hauchecorne ◽  
J. Porteneuve ◽  

Abstract. A new lidar system devoted to tropospheric and lower stratospheric water vapor measurements has been installed at the Maïdo altitude station facility of La Reunion Island, in the southern subtropics. The main objectives of the MAïdo LIdar Calibration Campaign (MALICCA), performed in April 2013, were to validate the system, to set up a calibration methodology, to compare the acquired water profiles with radiosonde measurements and to evaluate its performances and capabilities with a particular focus on the UTLS measurements. Varying the characteristics of the transmitter and the receiver components, different system configuration scenarios were tested and possible parasite signals (fluorescent contamination, rejection) were investigated. A hybrid calibration methodology has been set up and validated to insure optimal lidar calibration stability with time. In particular, the receiver transmittance is monitored through the calibration lamp method that, at the moment, can detect transmittance variations greater than 10–15%. Calibration coefficients are then calculated through the hourly values of IWV provided by the co-located GPS. The comparison between the constants derived by GPS and Vaisala RS92 radiosondes launched at Maïdo during MALICCA, points out an acceptable agreement in terms of accuracy of the mean calibration value (with a difference of approximately 2–3%), but a significant difference in terms of variability (14 vs. 7–9%, for GPS and RS92 calibration procedures, respectively). We obtained a relatively good agreement between the lidar measurements and 15 co-located and simultaneous RS92 radiosondes. A relative difference below 10% is measured in low and middle troposphere (2–10 km). The upper troposphere (up to 15 km) is characterized by a larger spread (approximately 20%), because of the increasing distance between the two sensors. To measure water vapor in the UTLS region, nighttime and monthly water vapor profiles are presented and compared. The good agreement between the lidar monthly profile and the mean WVMR profile measured by satellite MLS has been used as a quality control procedure of the lidar product, attesting the absence of significant wet biases and validating the calibration procedure. Thanks to its performance and location, the MAIDO H2O lidar is devoted to become a reference instrument in the southern subtropics, allowing to insure the long-term survey of the vertical distribution of water vapor, and to document scientific themes such as stratosphere–troposphere exchange, tropospheric dynamics in the subtropics, links between cirrus clouds and water vapor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 2867-2881 ◽  
E. Hammann ◽  
A. Behrendt ◽  
F. Le Mounier ◽  
V. Wulfmeyer

Abstract. The temperature measurements of the rotational Raman lidar of the University of Hohenheim (UHOH RRL) during the High Definition of Clouds and Precipitation for advancing Climate Prediction (HD(CP)2) Observation Prototype Experiment (HOPE) in April and May 2013 are discussed. The lidar consists of a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm with 10 W average power at 50 Hz, a two-mirror scanner, a 40 cm receiving telescope, and a highly efficient polychromator with cascading interference filters for separating four signals: the elastic backscatter signal, two rotational Raman signals with different temperature dependence, and the vibrational Raman signal of water vapor. The main measurement variable of the UHOH RRL is temperature. For the HOPE campaign, the lidar receiver was optimized for high and low background levels, with a novel switch for the passband of the second rotational Raman channel. The instrument delivers atmospheric profiles of water vapor mixing ratio as well as particle backscatter coefficient and particle extinction coefficient as further products. As examples for the measurement performance, measurements of the temperature gradient and water vapor mixing ratio revealing the development of the atmospheric boundary layer within 25 h are presented. As expected from simulations, a reduction of the measurement uncertainty of 70% during nighttime was achieved with the new low-background setting. A two-mirror scanner allows for measurements in different directions. When pointing the scanner to low elevation, measurements close to the ground become possible which are otherwise impossible due to the non-total overlap of laser beam and receiving telescope field of view in the near range. An example of a low-level temperature measurement is presented which resolves the temperature gradient at the top of the stable nighttime boundary layer 100 m above the ground.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 1143-1157 ◽  
Katrina S. Virts ◽  
John M. Wallace

Abstract Satellite observations of temperature, optically thin cirrus clouds, and trace gases derived from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC), Cloud–Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO), and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) are analyzed in combination with Interim European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) wind and humidity fields in the tropical tropopause transition layer (TTL), using the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) as a carrier signal. MJO-related deep convection induces planetary-scale Kelvin and Rossby waves in the stably stratified TTL. Regions of ascent in these waves are associated with anomalously low temperatures, high radiative heating rates, enhanced cirrus occurrence, and high carbon monoxide and low ozone concentrations. Low water vapor mixing ratio anomalies lag the low temperature anomalies by about 1–2 weeks. The anomalies in all fields propagate eastward, circumnavigating the tropical belt over a roughly 40-day interval. Equatorial cross sections reveal that the anomalies tilt eastward with height in the TTL and propagate downward from the lower stratosphere into the upper troposphere. As MJO-related convection moves into the western Pacific and dissipates, a fast-moving Kelvin wave flanked by Rossby waves propagates eastward across South America and Africa into the western Indian Ocean. The region of equatorial westerly wind anomalies behind the Kelvin wave front lengthens until it encompasses most of the tropics at the 150-hPa level, giving rise to equatorially symmetric, anomalously low zonal-mean temperature and water vapor mixing ratio and enhanced cirrus above about 100 hPa.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 13693-13727
M. Ghysels ◽  
E. D. Riviere ◽  
S. Khaykin ◽  
C. Stoeffler ◽  
N. Amarouche ◽  

Abstract. In this paper we compare water vapor mixing ratio measurements from two quasi-parallel flights of the Pico-SDLA H2O and FLASH-B hygrometers. The measurements were made on 10 February 2013 and 13 March 2012, respectively, in the tropics near Bauru, Sao Paulo St., Brazil during an intense convective period. Both flights were performed as part of a French scientific project, TRO-Pico, to study the impact of the deep-convection overshoot on the water budget. Only a few instruments that permit the frequent sounding of stratospheric water vapor can be flown within a small volume weather balloons. Technical difficulties preclude the accurate measurement of stratospheric water vapor with conventional in situ techniques. The instruments described here are simple and lightweight, which permits their low-cost deployment by non-specialists aboard a small weather balloon. We obtain mixing ratio retrievals which agree above the cold-point tropopause to within 1.9 and 0.5 % for the first and second flights, respectively. This level of agreement for measured stratospheric water mixing ratio is among the best ever reported in the literature. Because both instruments show similar profiles within their combined uncertainties, we conclude that the Pico-SDLA H2O and FLASH-B datasets are mutually consistent.

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