scholarly journals Evaluation performance of base course mixture containing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)

2018 ◽  
Vol 162 ◽  
pp. 01037 ◽  
Karim Al helo ◽  
Zaynab Qasim ◽  
Ahmed Majeed

This paper presented the effect of addition of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) on performance of mixture with (20%, 30%, 40% and 50%) RAP as proportion of asphalt mix. To compare with virgin mixture marshall flow and stability test was used to evaluated durability performance with (0,1,3, and 7) days immersion and Wheel Truck test was used to evaluated the resist to rutting. The best gradation and optimum asphalt content was selected according to Superpave system. Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) was used to compact mixture with 100-mm diameter. The test results indicated that addition of RAP to mixes showed significant increase on resistance of Durability and Rutting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 278 ◽  
pp. 01012
Raudhah ◽  
R. Jachrizal Sumabrata ◽  
Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo

Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) comprises removed pavement materials containing high-quality aggregates and asphalt which can be recycled as materials for new pavement construction. It is removed continually for reconstruction, resurfacing, and maintenance purposes, and if not recycled will become waste. This paper determines the influence of using different RAP percentages and asphalt content in warm mix asphalt on the Marshall test results for asphalt concrete binder course (AC-BC) using Retona Blend 55. The percentages of RAP are determined by analyzing the gradation of the existing aggregates in RAP and adding virgin aggregates so that it meets the standard gradation for AC-BC specified by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. The RAP percentages in the asphalt mixes in this study are 35%, 45%, and 51.55% of total aggregates, while the asphalt contents are 5%, 6%, and 7% of the total mix. To determine the influence of RAP percentage and asphalt content, and to discover if there is any influence from the interaction between these two factors, the analysis is performed using a factorial design. The results of this study show that variation in RAP percentages in the mix has no significant influence on stability, flow, and Marshall quotient, but there is significant influence on void in mineral aggregates (VMA), void in mix (VIM), and void filled with asphalt (VFA). Correlations of 97.5%, 80%, and 95.1%, respectively show that increase in RAP percentage increases VMA and VIM and decreases VFA. The interaction between RAP percentage and asphalt content has no significant influence on Marshall test results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 276 ◽  
pp. 03001
I Nyoman Arya Thanaya ◽  
I Nyoman Karnata Mataram ◽  
Bayu Setiawan

The availability of natural aggregate is getting limited, therefore it is required new alternative materials to substitute natural aggregates. Within this experiment reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) was used as masonry block with waste cooking oil as the binder. The objective of this experiment was to analyze the RAP asphalt content and aggregate gradation; and the samples characteristics particularly the compressive strength of masonry block minimum of 25 kg/cm2 that meet the Indonesian national standard SNI-03-0348-1989. The asphalt content of the RAP was initially extracted and tested for its aggregate gradation and specific gravity. The RAP was added 20% sand and a certain amount of waste cooking oil and evenly mixed. After that the mixture was compacted in a mould with a Marshall hummer, with compaction cycles for 15, 25, and 35 times where each cycle consists of 3 even blows. The size of the compacted samples were 20x10x8cm. After the samples were taken out from the mould, they were heated in an oven for 12 and 24 hours at 160°C and 200°C. It was found that the minimum waste cooking oil content required 4%. The best compressive strength was found on samples compacted at 15 compaction cycles and heated at 200°C for 24 hours. The un-soaked compressive strength was 80.5 kg/cm2 and 68.67 kg/cm2 for the soaked samples. In general the compressive strength well met the minimum 25 kg/cm2. Other best characteristics was found on samples heated at 160°C for 12 hours, with lowest water absorption of 5.64% and porosity of 4.53%. The Initial Rate of Suction (IRS) was 0,25~0,45 kg/m2.minute.

Emre Akmaz ◽  
Saad Ullah ◽  
Burak F. Tanyu ◽  
Erol F. Guler

Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is already being recycled as a construction and building material. One of the commonly considered applications is to create an unbound aggregate from this material. However, since the particles of RAP have binder coatings, traditional quality control procedures applied during construction such as use of a nuclear density gauge does not provide accurate results. Therefore there is a need to find another method that can be applied during construction to confirm that the placement in the field meets the design criteria. For this reason, in this study, the suitability of using light weight deflectometer (LWD) has been investigated. The presented methodology outlines how to implement the use of LWD to create a target modulus in the laboratory as part of design criteria and compare with the field measurements. In the field, depending on the thickness of the constructed aggregate layer, the LWD measurements may be influenced by more than just the layer of interest. The presented methodology also provides a solution for such multilayer conditions. Although the study primarily focuses on using RAP as the investigated material, the methodology developed in this study can be applied to any type of unbound aggregate as demonstrated in this study.

Fawaz Kaseer ◽  
Edith Arámbula-Mercado ◽  
Amy Epps Martin

State highway agencies recognize the environmental and economic benefits of utilizing reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) in asphalt mixes. Currently, most agencies assume all of the RAP binder content is available for mix design purposes. However, the percentage of available or effective RAP binder in the asphalt mix is usually less than 100% and not quantified, which could yield dry asphalt mix with a high air void content, potentially leading to premature distress. The term available or effective RAP binder refers to the binder that is released from the RAP, becomes fluid, and blends with virgin binder under typical mixing temperatures. This study proposes a method to estimate the RAP binder availability factor (BAF) which can be used to adjust the virgin binder content in RAP mixes to ensure that the mix design optimum binder content is achieved. In this method, asphalt mixes were prepared so that, after mixing and conditioning, the RAP material can be separated from the virgin aggregate, which allows for a thorough evaluation of the extent of RAP binder availability in the asphalt mix. This method was verified in a preliminary experiment and then used to estimate the BAF of RAP from different sources, and a correlation between RAP BAF and the high temperature performance grade (PG) of each RAP source was established. Finally, factors affecting the RAP BAF were also evaluated such as mixing temperature, conditioning period, the use of recycling agents (or rejuvenators), and the method of adding the recycling agent to the mix.

2012 ◽  
Vol 549 ◽  
pp. 715-719
Shao Wen Du ◽  
Chao Fei Liu

In this paper, cement is used to stabilize reclaimed asphalt pavement materials (RAP) and original aggregate with the same gradation. Compressive strength, freezing-thawing resistance and fatigue life of cement recycled RAP mixture (CRAPM) and cement stabilize original aggregate mixture (CSAM) are evaluated. Test results indicate the compressive adhesive strength of cement-RAP is lower than cement-original aggregate. At the same gradation, RAP has negative effect on the freezing-thawing resistance of CRAPM, and can increase the fatigue life sensitive to stress level. Therefore, for using 100% RAP, it is necessary to increase the cement content to properly improve the strength and durability of RAPM in order to satisfy the specification of cement stabilized base materials in china.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (080) ◽  
pp. 129 ◽  
J. M. Lizárraga ◽  
A. Jiménez del Barco-Carrión ◽  
A. Ramírez ◽  
P. Díaz ◽  
F. Moreno-Navarro ◽  

The use of Half Warm Mixes with high Reclaimed Asphalt content (HWMRA) has the potential to generate significant environmental advantages such as the reduction in consumption of natural resources and the emission of gases into the atmosphere. This paper therefore focuses on demonstrating the viability of using these types of mixes in wearing courses. For this purpose, an HWMRA with 70 % and 100 % Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) and emulsion were designed in the laboratory. The performance of the mixes was then assessed and compared with that of conventional Hot Mix Asphalt. In a second stage, the mixes were manufactured in-plant, and laid and compacted in an Accelerated Pavement Test track. The cores were then extracted and tested for stiffness modulus and resistance to fatigue. The results from the tests conducted with both the laboratory specimens and the cores showed that the performance of HWMRA is comparable to that of HMA. These findings encourage greater confidence in promoting the use of these types of sustainable asphalt mixes.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2011 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Kevin C. Foye

The use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) in lieu of virgin crushed stone aggregate is becoming a widely accepted practice for a number of construction applications, particularly pavement base courses. A number of laboratory RAP studies have considered the mechanical properties of RAP bases in order to support pavement designs incorporating RAP. These studies have revealed a number of interesting relationships between RAP moisture content, compaction, and stiffness. This paper discusses the experiences of a design-build contractor integrating a geosynthetic ground improvement program with a RAP base during the reconstruction of a 1.95 ha asphalt parking lot. Field observations of base course construction with RAP explore some of the implications of laboratory findings. A number of interesting observations on the technical, construction, and economic issues resulting from the project challenges and the use of RAP are presented.

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