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The Civil Construction and Public Works sector in Portugal has undergone huge oscillations over the last years, reflected on the number of companies, turnover and number of direct employees assigned to the activity. This sector is an important sector for economic growth and companies must adopt strategic analysis and control tools in order to survive and remain competitive. Companies operate in a large, highly competitive and demanding market, with new players and new business models. Companies need to find new ways of competing worldwide and internationalization emerges as one of the business responses to the challenge of globalization. Sustainability is a commitment to the future, a route that organizations must travel to search the best solutions to humankind problems, whether they are economic, social or environmental.

2022 ◽  
pp. 67-78
Lungisani Dladla ◽  
Emmanuel Mutambara

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 612-622
Indra Mahdi ◽  
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab ◽  
Empung Empung ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Albi Muhammad Fauzi ◽  

The objectives of this service activity are as follows: 1). Increase public understanding of the dangers of chikungunya mosquitoes and their solutions, 2). They were suppressing the spread of chikungunya mosquitoes through fogging and implementing the recommendations for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) in the surrounding environment, 3). They are creating a drainage prototype to prevent chikungunya mosquito nests which can be used as examples for making the next prototype, 4). Increase community participation in suppressing chikungunya mosquito nests through the construction of drainage channels, 5). Improve a clean culture in maintaining the cleanliness of the drainage in the surrounding environment. The planned activities to be carried out are in collaboration with the local health center, and the Tasikmalaya city health office to reduce the number of chikungunya mosquito nests and, together with the community, build good drainage channels. The method of activity used is by bringing in experts from puskesmas, health offices, and unsil academics. Next, an approach is taken in solving problems through the 5W 1H strategy, which is solving problems from the questions: what, who, where, when, why, how. The solutions to the problems found in the field are as follows: 1). Provide a stimulus with the construction of a drainage system in accordance with the rules of the Public Works Department, 2). Cooperating with the Cigeureung Health Center by providing chemicals for fogging, 3). Counseling with the Health Center and the Tasikmalaya City Health Office regarding the dangers and solutions of diseases originating from chikungunya

Khy’sh Nusri Leapatra Chamalinda ◽  
Imam Agus Faisol

This study aims to analyze financial performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Assessment of the performance of the financial aspect is measured using three leading indicators, namely Profitability, Liquidity, and Solvency. The profitability ratio consists of the return on equity and the operating ratio, while the liquidity ratio consists of the cash and effectiveness ratio. The data type used is secondary data in the form of financial reports during the Covid-19 Pandemic, namely April, May and June 2020. The data analysis technique uses Common Size analysis. Namely, researchers measure financial statements based on Profitability, Liquidity, and Solvency Ratios, then interpret the calculation results based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 18 of 2007. The study results explain that the PDAM's financial performance in the first three months of the Covid-19 pandemic explained the different conditions in each indicator. The Profitability Ratio in the ROE aspect explains that the company's ability to generate profits using equity has not been maximized. The same thing happened to the operating ratio, which explained that operating expenses' efficiency and control strategy in April was not optimal. The liquidity ratio in the cash ratio indicator is in the excellent category. The billing effectiveness ratio for April and June is in the excellent category. The solvency ratio explains that the three months of the Covid-19 pandemic are in the excellent category.

2022 ◽  
pp. 114708
Meghna Ranganathan ◽  
Marjorie Pichon ◽  
Melissa Hidrobo ◽  
Heleene Tambet ◽  
Wastina Sintayehu ◽  

Luciana Mastrolonardo

The quality of built environment is linked to the space in-between buildings and considers its formal, environmental and use values, due to specific needs for care and project re-appropriation. Sustainable mobility, a strategic objective of the European Union, cannot ignore the quality of the public space. The New European Bauhaus draw a new strategical attention to the critical role the quality of spaces plays in building a better world. The definition of space for active mobility as environmental islands, sidewalks, pedestrian areas, cycle paths or green ways, must follow morphological, functional and organizational needs. The beauty of the space starts from a new language of the street, through qualifying the places and avoiding a passive crossing for the transport logic, but satisfying a need that goes beyond our material dimension and is inspired by creativity and culture. This qualification is represented here in the case study of an Italian Biciplan as a sector plan able to build inclusive and accessible physical spaces for the community. The lack of attention of technicians in the execution of public works leads to reconsider the importance of these issues also in education and training. The fragmentation of technological knowledge must be recalibrated to provide useful tools without forgetting the quality and the overall beauty of the places when street language improve, also for cultural reason.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-293
Rika Apriani ◽  
Ida Ayu Ari Angreni

The concept of green building must also consider the cost of building maintenance in the post-construction stage so as not to reduce the large company costs each year. Green building is defined as a high-performance building that is made environmentally friendly, economically beneficial and healthy for life and workplace. This study intends to analyze the cost of building maintenance using the concept of green building non-green building. The data used in this study is the data on the maintenance costs of green buildings and non-green buildings. This data was taken by surveying the building management directly. Based on the analysis, the difference in the cost of maintaining green buildings and non-green buildings is Rp 10,283.22/m2/year. Based on the calculation, the maintenance costs of green building and non-green building still conform the standards of the Minister of Public Works Regulation and the standard of the Minister of Finance Regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-271
Panji Estutama ◽  
Mochamad Adhi Kurniawan

This article aims to explain how the environmental carrying capacity indicators could benefit public works and housing infrastructure planning. Law No. 32/2009 about environmental protection and management stated that the government is obliged to implement the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA/KLHS) in the preparation of policies, plans, and/or programs that have the potential to cause environmental impacts and/or risks. This research aims to understand the process of using ecosystem services as part of the environmental carrying capacity. This approach would be relevant to the public works and housing infrastructure planning and is related to the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) goals in considering the environmental carrying capacity. This means that if the development of infrastructure does not meet the criteria of the environmental carrying capacity, it will cause negative impacts that could lead to futile infrastructures. The process of considering the environmental carrying capacity will be explained in quantitative methodology as an analysis process with a matrix as an overlay result. The overlay result will be interpreted as the basic information on whether a building in that location is feasible or not for carrying capacity conditions. The overlay result will be used as a basis for providing suggestions and recommendations.

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