scholarly journals Integration Capacity of Russia's Far East in Multipolar World

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 02004
Mikhail Sorokin ◽  
Aleksei Sorokin

The article offers to discuss the topical issues of areas and opportunities for development of the Far East of Russia in multipolar world. Today, multipolarity is a characteristic feature of globalization. The author considers the integration with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region as an opportunity to mitigate the negative demographic processes which are manifested in ongoing out-migration. Moreover, the migration outflow is five sixth. The Russian government proclaimed ’a turn to the East” in its foreign policy. The article aims at identifying new, not based on natural resources use, factors of the Far East’s integration into the Asia-Pacific region. The study shows that a relatively small population, poor transport infrastructure and lack of requirements made by a large part of population for the quality of goods and services, as well as the devaluation of the national currency, would not be the factors contributing to a great demand for the goods from the Asia-Pacific countries. It is therefore necessary to search for the integration capacity of the Russian Far East elsewhere. By summarizing scientific evidence, the author highlights that they could be natural recreational resources and participation in resolving global, including environmental, challenges.

N. V. Stapran

After the end of the Cold War Russia has significantly increased its participation in multilateral mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific region and is clearly trying to become a significant player in regional institution-building. For two post-Cold War Russia decades was involved in almost all the basic mechanisms of multilateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. However, often Russia isn't perceived by Asian partners as an equal participant in the Asia-Pacific region, it is felt particularly in the area of multilateral economic cooperation. Russia's entry into the WTO (2011) and the formation of the Common Economic stimulated Russia's engagement in multilateral economic structures. Russia's inclusion in the negotiating framework of ASEM (2010) and EAS (2011) perceives that Asian countries are willing to see Russia as a full member not only in regional processes, but also globally. The main stimulus for the revision of the Asian direction of foreign policy and the role of Siberia and the Far East appears during APEC summit in Vladivostok in 2012. The APEC summit demonstrated the geostrategic importance of the development of the Russian Far East and Siberia, as a key element of Russia's inclusion in the mechanisms of regional cooperation, on the other hand, it became clear that without the participation of foreign partners effective development of the Far Eastern territories is hardly possible. Large-scale investment and infrastructure projects in the Far East has already significantly revived the situation in the region opening new opportunities for multilateral cooperation.

Дмитрий Изотов

В рамках современного подхода к оценке гравитационных зависимостей, на основе применения метода квазимаксимального правдоподобия Пуассона, определены сравнительные значения торговых барьеров, а также сравнительный потенциал расширения торговли регионов Дальнего Востока с ключевыми экономиками Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона (далее 􀀐 АТР). При соотношении оценок, полученных в рамках традиционного и современного подходов к оценке гравитационных зависимостей, показаны схожие результаты и расхождения. Современный подход к оценке указал на заметный потенциал для расширения торговли регионов Дальнего Востока со странами Северо-Восточной Азии, что подтверждает выводы о наращивании торговых взаимодействий между крупными и близлежащими экономиками в результате либерализации торговли. The objective of the paper is to assess comparative trade barriers between the regions of the Russian Far East and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region based on the modern approach to assessing gravity models, as well as to assess the potential for increasing mutual trade. The author has shown that the countries of the Asia-Pacific region are the largest trading partners for the Russian Far East (RFE), characterizing perceptible differences in the geographical and regional structure of the trade interactions. Since the customs duties on RFE exports are high, it is the main source of the tariff burden on the mutual trade. The findings indicate the following similar results between the traditional and modern approaches: the lowest comparative value of the trade barriers is typical for the trade between the RFE and the Republic of Korea; the trade between the RFE on the one hand and China and the Republic of Korea on the other has intensified; reducing the tariff barriers was not sufficient to boost the trade between the RFE and the Asia-Pacific countries; trade restrictions initiated by the Russian side resulted in a transition from the tariff barriers to the institutional ones; the groups of the RFE regions with similar characteristics of the comparative potential for expanding trade relations with the Asia-Pacific countries were identified. The evaluation shows some differences in outcomes between the two approaches. First, under the traditional approach the trade barriers were generally overestimated, so the estimates using the modern approach were more realistic, reflecting the possible changes in the price of foreign goods. Second, using the modern assessment approach, expanding the trade between the RFE regions and the close markets in the Northeast Asia (Korea, China and Japan) has a greater potential than with the remote countries (USA and South-Asian countries). These assessments support the early findings that trade interactions between the large and neighboring economies has a high potential as a result of trade liberalization.

Андрей Коржук ◽  
Andrey Korzhuk

<p><span>The article is devoted to the issues of economic development of the Far Eastern territories of Russia. The Russian Far East occupies a rather advantageous economic and geographical position in Russia and the Asia-Pacific region since it borders with China, Japan and the United States. The purpose of the research is to determine the main directions for improving the economic development of the Far Eastern coastal territories, to compare the development of the coastal territories of the Far East, namely, the territory of Primorsky Krai with other countries, to provide a comparative analysis and draw certain conclusions. The area of the region makes up 36 % of the whole Russian territory while its population is only 4 % of the country’s population, which is due to severe weather conditions and weak economic development. The gross regional product to the Far East accounts for 5.7 % of the GRP of Russia. The paper features foreign experience in the development of coastal territories in the USA, China, Japan and Canada. It can be concluded that Russia significantly lags behind these countries in terms of GDP, exports, involvement in trade with the Asia-Pacific Region, and the sale of manufacturing </span><span>products. A comparative analysis showed that the industrial structure of Russian coastal areas is </span><span>similar only with those of Canada in raw material orientation of shipped goods, population of the port cities, whereas the indicators of the volume of Far Eastern cargo transportation in Russia lag behind all the countries examined. Apparently the main areas of development of the Far Eastern territories are: structural changes in the economy; attracting foreign investment in the creation of both mining, logging, and processing industries; development of transport infrastructure.</span></p>

Amir A. Khisamutdinov

The article considers the Russian printing in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China, Japan, Korea, USA, etc.). The author offers the review of literature published in Russian in these countries, basing on the materials of the Russian North-East Asian collection of Hamilton Library of the University of Hawaii (Honolulu, USA), which is one of the best collections in the world on this subject. The article reports on the history of the Russian collection and its creators. The author discusses the terms “Russian book Diaspora” (publishing emigrant activities within the same country — China, Japan, USA, etc.) and “Russian book community” (publishing activities of people from Russia within the same city, such as Harbin, Shanghai, Tokyo; organizations or groups of individuals, etc.). Special attention is paid to the bibliographic description of this collection, which was first published in 2002 in the publishing house of the Russian State Library “Pashkov Dom” (“Russian print in China, Japan and Korea: Catalogue of the collection of Hamilton Library of the University of Hawaii”) and reprinted in the expanded version in 2016 under the title “Russian print in the Asia-Pacific region” (in 4 parts). The article also reports on other foreign collections that contain emigrant publications, including those printed in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (the libraries of the University of California in Berkeley, the Hoover Institute for war, revolution and peace, and the Museum of Russian culture in San Francisco). The author presents the data on the work of scientific centre of the University of Hawaii for the study of the USSR / Russia “Soviet Union in Pacific Asia Rim”. The article analyses international cooperation of the University of Hawaii library with Russian libraries, in particular, its relations with the libraries of the Russian Far East. The author describes the project of the University of Hawaii Library to create the electronic library catalogue with complete bibliographic and historical information about each edition of the collection and to expand the exchange of literature and information.

Subject Russian Far East policy. Significance Moscow presented a new policy for the accelerated economic development of Russia's Far East at the East Economic Forum in Vladivostok on September 3-5. The event attracted 32 foreign delegations, the largest of which were from China, South Korea and Japan. More than 80 contracts were signed with domestic and foreign investors. Developing the region is in line with Moscow's geopolitical pivot towards the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, partly spurred by Western sanctions. Impacts Lack of qualified human resources in the region hinders development. Investment projects are likely to concentrate around natural resources, but they are expected to include processing. Failure by Russia and Japan to negotiate a solution to the Kuril Islands (Northern Territories) row will hinder ties and cause tensions.

S. Sevast'yanov

Since late 80-s of XX century active integration processes are undergoing in the Asia-Pacific region. Asian countries are trying to minimize the negative effects of the shocking changes in the system of international relations and of the global or regional economic crises. United States are quite actively involved in the regional integration. By using the “old” and creating “new” associations USA try to oppose the growing influence of China here. Russia, for its part, is also looking for the effective ways to connect to the Asian integration projects that can improve the socio-economic situation of the population of the Far East and will enable us to make a significant contribution to the development of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-39
Yu. A. Levin ◽  
A. O. Pavlov

Introduction. The article analyzes the experience of creating and functioning zones of preferential economic regimes in the Asia-Pacific region. It is shown that in order to create better conditions for doing business on their territory, attract foreign and domestic investment, introduce innovative technologies, increase production volumes, increase the degree of localization and import substitution, increase exports of products and services, create new jobs. The APR countries are focused on the development and implementation of preferential economic regimes.Materials and methods. The methodological basis for the study of the formation and functioning of zones of preferential regimes are General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, analogy) and special methods for analyzing the enclave approach, the theory of growth poles and growth triangles. The materials of the Far East development Corporation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation of the Far East and the Arctic development on the analysis of the practice of applying preferential regimes operating in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad were used.Research result. The creation of preferential economic regimes with developed infrastructure in the last four decades in the Asia-Pacific countries has become a widespread practice that has allowed to expand the sales market, getting closer to the direct consumer, and minimize the costs associated with production and logistics through tax incentives and preferences.Discussion and conclusion. The Russian Far East, which is part of the Asia-Pacific region of the world, is inferior to the economic zones of the Asia- Pacific countries in terms of infrastructure quality and logistics development. It is concluded that additional measures are needed to support preferential regimes, increase investment attractiveness and improve the investment climate to ensure the competitiveness of the Far East in the Asia-Pacific region of the world.

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