scholarly journals Horizontal spatial correlation of reverberation for rough sea-bottom interface

2019 ◽  
Vol 283 ◽  
pp. 07005
Shanyong Yan ◽  
Changhong Wang

Correlation sonar, which estimates the velocity of vessel utilizing the principle of waveform invariance, can achieve the sampling of the horizontal spatial correlation of sea-bottom reverberation. The horizontal spatial correlation can be expressed as a correlation function and is affected by sea-bottom characteristics. The expression of the correlation function of the sea-bottom reverberation is derived, which is written as the convolution of the autocorrelation function of transmitted signal, the cross-correlation function of the backscattered impulse response from a plane interface, and the autocorrelation function of the probability density function of the sea-bottom roughness. The isotropic interface roughness of the sea-bottom leads to a circular planform of the correlation function whose width varies with roughness. The anisotropic interface roughness of the sea-bottom leads to an elliptical planform of the correlation function whose major axis is in the direction of weaker roughness. Simulation of submarine reverberation and correlation function verifies this conclusion. The model for the spatially covariant field is used to estimate the backscattering cross section which varies with azimuth angle under the condition of anisotropic seafloor roughness. It should be noted that the horizontal spatial correlation of reverberation is also related to sonar parameters and other sea-bottom characteristics.

2002 ◽  
Vol 123 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50 ◽  
E. Tago ◽  
E. Saar ◽  
J. Einasto ◽  
M. Einasto ◽  
V. Müller ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (0) ◽  
pp. 0415
Shohei ONISHI ◽  
Ryusuke II ◽  
Shumpei HARA ◽  
Takahiro TSUKAHARA ◽  

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. WA51-WA64 ◽  
Julianna Toms-Stewart ◽  
Tobias M. Müller ◽  
Boris Gurevich ◽  
Lincoln Paterson

Reservoir rocks are often saturated by two or more fluid phases forming complex patterns on all length scales. The objective of this work is to quantify the geometry of fluid phase distribution in partially saturated porous rocks using statistical methods and to model the associated acoustic signatures. Based on X-ray tomographic images at submillimeter resolution obtained during a gas-injection experiment, the spatial distribution of the gas phase in initially water-saturated limestone samples are constructed. Maps of the continuous variation of the percentage of gas saturation are computed and associated binary maps obtained through a global thresholding technique. The autocorrelation function is derived via the two-point probability function computed from the binary gas-distribution maps using Monte Carlo simulations.The autocorrelation function can be approximated well by a single Debye correlation function or a superposition of two such functions. The characteristic length scales and show sensitivity (and hence significance) with respect to the percentage of gas saturation. An almost linear decrease of the Debye correlation length occurs with increasing gas saturation. It is concluded that correlation function and correlation length provide useful statistical information to quantify fluid-saturation patterns and changes in these patterns at the mesoscale. These spatial statistical measures are linked to a model that predicts compressional wave attenuation and dispersion from local, wave-induced fluid flow in randomly heterogeneous poroelastic solids. In particular, for a limestone sample, with flow permeability of 5 darcies and an average gas saturation of [Formula: see text], significant [Formula: see text]-wave attenuation is predicted at ultrasonic frequencies.

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