Genetic and Pharmacological Analyses of Involvement of Src-family, Syk and Btk Tyrosine Kinases in Platelet Shape Change

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (02) ◽  
pp. 331-340 ◽  
Markus Bauer ◽  
Petra Maschberger ◽  
Lynn Quek ◽  
Stephen Briddon ◽  
Debabrata Dash ◽  

SummaryPlatelet shape change was found to be associated with an increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation upon stimulation of thrombin-, ADPand thromboxane A2-G-protein coupled receptors in human platelets and thromboxane A2 receptors in mouse platelets. By using PP1 and PD173956, two structurally unrelated specific inhibitors of Src-family tyrosine kinases, and mouse platelets deficient in the Src-kinase Fyn or Lyn, we show that Src-family kinases cause the increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation. We further detected that the non-Src tyrosine kinase Syk was activated during shape change in a manner dependent on Src-family kinaseactivation. The pharmacological experiments and the studies on Fyn-, Lyn- and Syk-deficient mouse platelets showed that neither Src-family kinases nor Syk are functionally involved in shape change. Also human platelets deficient of the tyrosine kinase Btk showed a normal shape change. Binding of PAC-1 that recognizes activated integrin αIIb β3 complexes on the platelet surface was enhanced during shape change and blocked by inhibition of Src-kinases. We conclude that the activation of Src-kinases and the subsequent Syk stimulation upon activation of G-protein coupled receptors are not involved in the cytoskeletal changes underlying shape change of human and mouse platelets, but that the stimulation of this evolutionary conserved pathway leads to integrin αIIb β3 exposure during shape change.

1985 ◽  
Vol 249 (1) ◽  
pp. H8-H13
L. D. Brace ◽  
D. L. Venton ◽  
G. C. Le Breton

We previously demonstrated that thromboxane A2 and/or prostaglandin H2 (TXA2/PGH2), ADP, and A23187 cause calcium mobilization in intact human platelets. Other studies have also shown that platelet shape change and aggregation induced by a variety of platelet agonists can be reversed by specific antagonists. In the present study, we used the fluorescent calcium probe chlortetracycline to evaluate whether the reversal of platelet activation involves a resequestration of intraplatelet calcium. It was found that the TXA2/PGH2 receptor antagonist 13-azaprostanoic acid (13-APA) reversed calcium mobilization and shape change induced by AA but not that induced by ADP. A similar specificity of action was observed using the specific ADP receptor antagonist, ATP, in that ATP only reversed ADP-induced calcium release and shape change. In contrast, prostacyclin reversed both AA and ADP-induced calcium redistribution and shape change. In the latter experiments, a net calcium sequestration was actually observed on prostacyclin addition. These findings indicate that the resequestration of released calcium leads to platelet deactivation. Furthermore, there appear to be at least two mechanisms by which a reduction in cytosolic calcium can be produced: specific interruption of the agonist-receptor interaction, for example, 13-APA antagonism of TXA2/PGH2; and stimulation of platelet adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate production by prostacyclin and consequent calcium sequestration.

1987 ◽  
H Zehender ◽  
E C Witte ◽  
K Stegemeier ◽  
A Patscheke

Azido-BSP (4-[2-(4-azido-benzenesulphonylamino)-ethyl]phen-oxyacetic acid) is a photolabile derivative of the competitive thromboxane A2 /prostaglandin H2 (TXA2/PGH2) receptor antagonist sulotroban (=BM 13.177). If protected from short wave light, azido-BSP reversibly inhibited the platelet shape change induced by the PGH2 analogue U 46619 but notthe shape change induced by ADP or PAF. Schild analysis revealed an apparent KD=0.2 μM with washed platelets. The irreversible inhibition requiredirradiation of the platelet suspensionwith UVlight (254 nm) for 5 minutes in the presenceof azido-BSP. After this treatment,the platelets were washed twice and used forplatelet function tests. Treatment with 0.5 μM of azido-BSP suppressed the U 46619(10 μM)-induced (3H)serotonin release and 1 μM of azido-BSP was necessary to block the U 46619(2 μM)-inducedaggregation.The platelet shape change induced by U 46619 (0.01μM) was only partially inhibited, even at very high concentrations (50μM) of the antagonist.This suggests that a small portion of the TXA2/PGH2 receptors could not be blocked bythe photoaffinity treatment with azido-BSP. After treatment with 1 μM azido-BSP, the shape change stimulated by ADP or PAF was not reduced. This indicates a high specificity of thephotoaffinity ligand for the TXA2/PGH2 receptor. It is concluded that UV irradiation of azido-BSP generates anitrene intermediate that covalently links to the majority of the TXA2/PGH2 receptors. Azido-BSP provides a specific tool for tagging and subsequent purification of the TXA2/PGH2 receptor of platelets.(Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grant Pa263).

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (09) ◽  
pp. 558-568 ◽  
Dheeraj Bhavanasi ◽  
Rachit Badolia ◽  
Bhanu Kanth Manne ◽  
Sumalaxmi Janapati ◽  
Carol Dangelmaier ◽  

SummaryADP-induced thromboxane generation depends on Src family kinases (SFKs) and is enhanced with pan-protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors, but it is not clear how these two events are linked. The aim of the current study is to investigate the role of Y311 phosphorylated PKCδ in regulating ADP-induced platelet activation. In the current study, we employed various inhibitors and murine platelets from mice deficient in specific molecules to evaluate the role of PKCδ in ADP-induced platelet responses. We show that, upon stimulation of platelets with 2MeSADP, Y311 on PKCδ is phosphorylated in a P2Y1/Gq and Lyn-dependent manner. By using PKCδ and Lyn knockout murine platelets, we also show that tyrosine phosphorylated PKCδ plays a functional role in mediating 2MeSADP-induced thromboxane generation. 2MeSADP-induced PKCδ Y311 phosphorylation and thromboxane generation were potentiated in human platelets pre-treated with either a pan-PKC inhibitor, GF109203X or a PKC α/β inhibitor and in PKC α or β knockout murine platelets compared to controls. Furthermore, we show that PKC α/β inhibition potentiates the activity of SFK, which further hyper-phosphorylates PKCδ and potentiates thromboxane generation. These results show for the first time that tyrosine phosphorylated PKCδ regulates ADP-induced thromboxane generation independent of its catalytic activity and that classical PKC isoforms α/β regulate the tyrosine phosphorylation on PKCδ and subsequent thromboxane generation through tyrosine kinase, Lyn, in platelets.

2015 ◽  
Vol 469 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210 ◽  
Ilaria Canobbio ◽  
Lina Cipolla ◽  
Gianni F. Guidetti ◽  
Daria Manganaro ◽  
Caterina Visconte ◽  

We address the mechanism for Src family kinases activation downstream of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in thrombin-stimulated blood platelets and we describe a novel interplay between Pyk2 and the Src kinases Fyn and Lyn in the regulation of Ca2+-dependent protein-tyrosine phosphorylation.

Blood ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. 2016-2021 ◽  
RI Parker ◽  
HR Gralnick

Abstract Platelets contain a pool of endogenous platelet-von Willebrand factor (vWF) that becomes expressed on the platelet surface when platelets are stimulated by a variety of agonists. Maximal platelet-vWF expression occurs in concert with platelet alpha-granule secretion. Aspirin (ASA) is known to impair platelet activation and alpha-granule secretion by irreversible inhibition of platelet cyclo-oxygenase. We studied native and ASA-treated platelets for their ability to mobilize and to express platelet-vWF in response to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or thrombin. We found that each agonist was effective in promoting increased platelet- vWF surface expression on native and ASA-treated platelets. ASA-treated platelets responded identically to native platelets to low (0.01 U/mL) and high (1.0 U/mL) concentrations of thrombin, while the ADP-induced increase in ASA-treated platelets was only 50% to 60% of that for control platelets. Measurement of secreted platelet-vWF and beta- thromboglobulin indicated that the increase seen with ADP was largely independent of alpha-granule secretion. Using monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) against the platelet glycoproteins (GP) IIb/IIIa and Ib (MoAbs 10E5 and 6D1, respectively), we demonstrated that the ADP-induced increase in platelet-vWF expression on control platelets primarily involved the binding of secreted platelet-vWF to the platelet GPIIb/IIIa. In contrast, the increase in platelet-vWF that occurred following ADP stimulation of ASA-treated platelets was largely insensitive to GPIIb/IIIa blockade. No effect of GPIb blockade in platelet-vWf expression was noted for either control or ASA-treated platelets. When platelet shape change was prevented by the addition of cytochalasin D, ADP-induced platelet-vWf surface expression on ASA- treated platelets was reduced by more than 80%. Our data indicate that platelets in which the cyclooxygenase pathway is blocked by the action of aspirin can increase surface expression of platelet-vWf as a consequence of platelet shape change. We speculate that this process exposes platelet-vWf bound to GPIIb/IIIa, or possibly GPIb, within the surface connected canalicular system.

Endocrinology ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 154 (10) ◽  
pp. 3925-3930 ◽  
Xiuyan Feng ◽  
Meilin Zhang ◽  
Rongbin Guan ◽  
Deborah L. Segaloff

The LH receptor (LHR) and FSH receptor (FSHR) are each G protein-coupled receptors that play critical roles in reproductive endocrinology. Each of these receptors has previously been shown to self-associate into homodimers and oligomers shortly after their biosynthesis. As shown herein using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer to detect protein-protein interactions, our data show that the LHR and FSHR, when coexpressed in the same cells, specifically heterodimerize with each other. Further experiments confirm that at least a portion of the cellular LHR/FSHR heterodimers are present on the cell surface and are functional. We then sought to ascertain what effects, if any, heterodimerization between the LHR and FSHR might have on signaling. It was observed that when the LHR was expressed under conditions promoting the heterodimerization with FSHR, LH or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulation of Gs was attenuated. Conversely, when the FSHR was expressed under conditions promoting heterodimerization with the LHR, FSH-stimulated Gs activation was attenuated. These results demonstrate that the coexpression of the LHR and FSHR enables heterodimerizaton between the 2 gonadotropin receptors and results in an attenuation of signaling through each receptor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 346-356 ◽  
Xi Wen ◽  
Xuehua Xu ◽  
Wenxiang Sun ◽  
Keqiang Chen ◽  
Miao Pan ◽  

A dogma of innate immunity is that neutrophils use G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) for chemoattractant to chase bacteria through chemotaxis and then use phagocytic receptors coupled with tyrosine kinases to destroy opsonized bacteria via phagocytosis. Our current work showed that G-protein–coupled formyl peptide receptors (FPRs) directly mediate neutrophil phagocytosis. Mouse neutrophils lacking formyl peptide receptors (Fpr1/2–/–) are defective in the phagocytosis of Escherichia coli and the chemoattractant N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP)-coated beads. fMLP immobilized onto the surface of a bead interacts with FPRs, which trigger a Ca2+response and induce actin polymerization to form a phagocytic cup for engulfment of the bead. This chemoattractant GPCR/Gi signaling works independently of phagocytic receptor/tyrosine kinase signaling to promote phagocytosis. Thus, in addition to phagocytic receptor-mediated phagocytosis, neutrophils also utilize the chemoattractant GPCR/Gi signaling to mediate phagocytosis to fight against invading bacteria.

1992 ◽  
Vol 282 (2) ◽  
pp. 545-550 ◽  
J L Bueb ◽  
A Da Silva ◽  
M Mousli ◽  
Y Landry

The natural polyamines spermine and spermidine, the biosynthetic precursor putrescine and their analogues cadaverine and tyramine stimulate the GTPase activity of purified GTP-binding proteins (Go/Gi) from calf brain reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles. The order of potency was spermine greater than spermidine greater than putrescine = cadaverine greater than tyramine. The physiological relevance of this observation was assessed, showing the same order of potency of polyamines in the stimulation of peritoneal and tracheal rat mast cells. The activation of rat mast cells by polyamines was inhibited by benzalkonium chloride or by a 2 h pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin. The increase in inositol phosphates evoked by polyamines was also inhibited by pertussis toxin. Therefore we propose that intracellular polyamines might control the basal level of second messengers and modulate extracellular signals transduced through G-protein-coupled receptors.

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