The Effect of Hirudin, a Potent Antithrombin, on the Thromboplastin Generation Test

1967 ◽  
Vol 17 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 256-263 ◽  
M. J Caldwell

SummaryThe presence of hirudin at the time adsorbed plasma and serum were combined in TGT inhibited the formation of the prothrombin converting activity. Hirudin, a potent antithrombin, probably exerted its inhibitory effect by neutralizing any thrombin which might form. If adsorbed plasma and serum were incubated together for a period as short as 1 to 3 min before the addition of hirudin, calcium and lipid, hirudin no longer exerted the same inhibitory effect, but, in order to exert the same inhibitory effect, had to be present in higher concentration. Preincubation of factor VIII deficient plasma with serum and calcium was not effective in overcoming hirudin inhibition, but preincubation with factor IX deficient serum with adsorbed plasma and calcium was able to overcome inhibition due to hirudin equally as well as normal serum.Once again the importance of traces of thrombin in the formation of activity capable of rapidly clotting substrate plasma in TGT has been shown by using a specific thrombin inhibitor. A thrombin dependent interaction appears to take place between adsorbed plasma and serum and also between product I and phospholipid.

1966 ◽  
Vol 15 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 349-364 ◽  
A.H Özge ◽  
H.C Rowsell ◽  
H.G Downie ◽  
J.F Mustard

SummaryThe addition of trace amounts of adrenaline to whole blood in plasma in vitro increased factor VIII, factor IX and whole plasma activity in the thromboplastin generation test. This was dose dependent.Adrenaline infusions less than 22 (μg/kg body weight in normal dogs accelerated clotting, increased factor IX, factor VIII and whole plasma activity in the thromboplastin generation test and caused a fall in blood pH. In a factor IX deficient dog, there was no increase in factor IX activity. After adrenaline infusions, however, the other changes occurred and were of the same order of magnitude as in the normal. Adrenaline in doses greater than 22 μg/kg body weight did not produce as great an effect on clotting in normal or factor IX deficient dogs. The platelet count in the peripheral blood was increased following the infusion of all doses of adrenaline. These observations suggest that the accelerating effect of adrenaline on clotting is not mediated through increase in activity of a specific clotting factor.

1970 ◽  
Vol 24 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 152-160 ◽  
H Rubin ◽  
T Fernbach ◽  
N. D Ritz

SummaryOptimal concentrations of N-acetyl neuramic acid (NANA) accelerated the clotting of factor VIII deficient whole blood and plasma. There was no effect on normal plasma and certain other factor deficient plasmas.NANA increased thromboplastin formation by factor VIII deficient plasma, as measured by the Thromboplastin Generation Test.NANA possesses an inhibitory effect on rabbit brain thromboplastin and cephalin in recalcification tests, over the values of its controls, but-in sharp contrast, enhanced the effect of Russell Viper Venom (RVV) and RVV-cephalin.The amino sugar N-acetyl mannosamine, possessing common functional groups with NANA, also shortened the clotting time of factor VIII deficient whole blood and plasma.It is suggested that NANA acts as a cofactor to factor VIII which is present in trace amounts in hemophilic plasma.

1967 ◽  
Vol 17 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 365-380 ◽  
L Pechet ◽  
F Cochios ◽  
D Deykin

Summary1. One patient with multiple bleeding episodes and 4 asymptomatic relatives in 3 generations reveal a coagulation abnormality that cannot be attributed to any known coagulation factor deficiency or to a circulating inhibitor. The abnormality is characterized by deficient generations of intrisic thromboplastin and intermediate product I, and can be corrected by normal plasma and serum.2. The ability of normal blood to correct the coagulation defect in vitro is heat labile; it is not removed from plasma by adsorption with BaSO4 or Al(OH)3. Neonatal blood and blood taken from patients either receiving coumarin drugs or with severe liver disease sustain the ability to correct the described defect. Ox, rabbit and dog blood are also corrective.3. The finding of normal factors XII, XI and IX activities, as well as normal serum thrombosis accelerator (STA) activity, places this abnormality beyond the stage of factor IX activation.4. The data suggest that the familial coagulation abnormality is located in the clotting sequence either in the activation of factor VIII, or in the activation of factor X by factor VIII. Either interpretation is in agreement with the finding of abnormal intermediate product I generation, which reflects primarily the intrinsic activation of factor X.5. The frequency of this defect is unknown. Conceivably some patients considered to have factor XI (PTA) deficiency because of a plasma and serum correctable defect in their thromboplastin generation, may actually have a coagulation defect similar to that described in the Dynia family.6. It is suggested that the name “Dynia defect” be temporarily assigned to this clotting abnormality.

1976 ◽  
Vol 35 (03) ◽  
pp. 510-521 ◽  
Inga Marie Nilsson

SummaryThe incidence of living haemophiliacs in Sweden (total population 8.1 millions) is about 1:15,000 males and about 1:30,000 of the entire population. The number of haemophiliacs born in Sweden in 5-year periods between 1931-1975 (June) has remained almost unchanged. The total number of haemophilia families in Sweden is 284 (77% haemophilia A, 23% haemophilia B) with altogether 557 (436 with A and 121 with B) living haemophiliacs. Of the haemophilia A patients 40 % have severe, 18 % moderate, and 42 % mild, haemophilia. The distribution of the haemophilia B patients is about the same. Inhibitors have been demonstrated in 8% of the patients with severe haemophilia A and in 10% of those with severe haemophilia B.There are 2 main Haemophilia Centres (Stockholm, Malmo) to which haemophiliacs from the whole of Sweden are admitted for diagnosis, follow-up and treatment for severe bleedings, joint defects and surgery. Minor bleedings are treated at local hospitals in cooperation with the Haemophilia Centres. The concentrates available for treatment in haemophilia A are human fraction 1-0 (AHF-Kabi), cryoprecipitate, Antihaemophilic Factor (Hyland 4) and Kryobulin (Immuno, Wien). AHF-Kabi is the most commonly used preparation. The concentrates available for treatment in haemophilia B are Preconativ (Kabi) and Prothromplex (Immuno). Sufficient amounts of concentrates are available. In Sweden 3.2 million units of factor VIII and 1.0 million units of factor IX are given per year. Treatment is free of charge.Only 5 patients receive domiciliary treatment, but since 1958 we in Sweden have practised prophylactic treatment of boys (4–18 years old) with severe haemophilia A. At about 5-10 days interval they receive AHF in amounts sufficient to raise the AHF level to 40–50%. This regimen has reduced severe haemophilia to moderate. The joint score is identical with that found in moderate haemophilia in the same age groups. For treatment of patients with haemophilia A and haemophilia B complicated by inhibitors we have used a large dose of antigen (factor VIII or factor IX) combined with cyclophosphamide. In most cases this treatment produced satisfactory haemostasis for 5 to 30 days and prevented the secondary antibody rise.

1980 ◽  
Vol 44 (01) ◽  
pp. 039-042 ◽  
Philip M Blatt ◽  
Doris Ménaché ◽  
Harold R Roberts

SummaryThe treatment of patients with hemophilia A and anti-Factor VIII antibodies is difficult. Between July 1977 and June 1978, a survey was carried out by an ad hoc working party of the subcommittee on Factor IX concentrates of the International Committee on Thrombosis and Hemostasis to assess the effectiveness of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates in controlling hemorrhage in these patients. The results are presented in this paper and, although subjective, support the view that these concentrates are not as effective in patients with inhibitors as Factor VIII concentrates are in patients without inhibitors.

1967 ◽  
Vol 18 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 040-056 ◽  
E. J Walter Bowie ◽  
P Didisheim ◽  
J. H Thompson ◽  
C. A Owen

SummaryPatients (from 5 kindreds) with variants of von Willebrand’s disease are described. In one kindred the depression of factor VIII was moderate (20 to 40% of normal) and transfusion of 500 ml of normal plasma led to an increase higher than anticipated and to an almost normal level of factor VIII 17 to 24 hrs later. This represents the usual type of von Willebrand’s disease.In the second kindred the concentration of factor VIII was less than 2 % of normal in the son and daughter, who had severe bleeding and hemarthroses.The third kindred was characterized by reduction of factor VIII and a long bleeding time as well as by a serum defect in the thromboplastin-generation test comparable to that seen in patients with hemophilia B, yet with normal levels of factors IX, X, and VII. The severity of the serum defect, the positive result with the Rumpel-Leede test, and the reduced platelet activity in the thromboplastin-generation test are all compatible with the diagnosis of thrombopathy or ‘‘thrombopathic hemophilia.” In two other kindreds, one patient had a long bleeding time and normal levels of factor VIII and another had a normal bleeding time and decrease of factor VIII. The last patient had the type of response to transfusion usually seen in von Willebrand’s disease.In four kindreds, platelet adhesiveness in vivo was found to be strikingly abnormal (virtually absent).It would appear, therefore, that von Willebrand’s disease forms a spectrum, and whether the kindreds reported simply reflect variations of a single genetic disease state or represent separate entities will be answered only by clarification of the underlying etiology of that disease.

1979 ◽  
Vol 42 (05) ◽  
pp. 1355-1367 ◽  
C V Prowse ◽  
A Chirnside ◽  
R A Elton

SummaryVarious factor IX concentrates have been examined in a number of in vitro tests of thrombogenicity. The results suggest that some tests are superfluous as in concentrates with activity in any of these tests activation is revealed by a combination of the non-activated partial thromboplastin time, the thrombin (or Xa) generation time and factor VIII inhibitor bypassing activity tests. Assay of individual coagulant enzymes revealed that most concentrates contained more factor IXa than Xa. However only a small number of concentrates, chiefly those that had been purposefully activated, contained appreciable amounts of either enzyme.

1962 ◽  
Vol 08 (02) ◽  
pp. 270-275 ◽  
David L Aronson ◽  
John W Preiss ◽  
Michael W Mosesson

SummaryThe molecular weights of AHF (factor VIII) and of PTC (factor IX) have been estimated by their sensitivity to inactivation by 7 kilovolt electrons. The molecular weight of AHF was found to be 180 000 by this method and that of PTC was found to be 110 000.

1985 ◽  
Vol 54 (04) ◽  
pp. 776-779 ◽  
U Hedner ◽  
L Tengborn

SummaryImmune tolerance has by several methods been induced in haemophiliacs with antibodies. A conversion of “high responders” into “low responders” was previously reported after repeated moderate factor IX doses over periods of 7-10 days in combination with cyclophosphamide and steroids in two patients with haemophilia B and inhibitors. This paper reports similar results in a heamophilia A patient by giving factor VIII, cyclophosphamide, and steroids during relatively short periods of time (7-8 days). The anamnestic response markedly decreased already following the first treatment and never exceeded a level of 1 u/ml (˜ 3 BU/ml) even when boosted with ordinary factor VIII doses for only 3 days. It is concluded that the markedly decreased secondary antibody response is most probably the result of factor VIII given at short intervals (twice a day) for periods of up to about one week when given in combination with cyclophosphamide and steroids. The same effect may be achieved by other methods. The treatment schedule suggested in the present paper is, however, simple and avoids long periods of high antibody levels. Furthermore, the total factor VIII dose used is lower than suggested in most other treatment schedules, which makes the treatment substantially less expensive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (14) ◽  
pp. 7647
E. Carlos Rodríguez-Merchán ◽  
Juan Andres De Pablo-Moreno ◽  
Antonio Liras

Hemophilia is a monogenic mutational disease affecting coagulation factor VIII or factor IX genes. The palliative treatment of choice is based on the use of safe and effective recombinant clotting factors. Advanced therapies will be curative, ensuring stable and durable concentrations of the defective circulating factor. Results have so far been encouraging in terms of levels and times of expression using mainly adeno-associated vectors. However, these therapies are associated with immunogenicity and hepatotoxicity. Optimizing the vector serotypes and the transgene (variants) will boost clotting efficacy, thus increasing the viability of these protocols. It is essential that both physicians and patients be informed about the potential benefits and risks of the new therapies, and a register of gene therapy patients be kept with information of the efficacy and long-term adverse events associated with the treatments administered. In the context of hemophilia, gene therapy may result in (particularly indirect) cost savings and in a more equitable allocation of treatments. In the case of hemophilia A, further research is needed into how to effectively package the large factor VIII gene into the vector; and in the case of hemophilia B, the priority should be to optimize both the vector serotype, reducing its immunogenicity and hepatotoxicity, and the transgene, boosting its clotting efficacy so as to minimize the amount of vector administered and decrease the incidence of adverse events without compromising the efficacy of the protein expressed.

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