The Royal Air Force and the Future of Maritime Aviation

1999 ◽  
pp. 150-166
Christina J. M. Goulter
1946 ◽  
Vol 50 (432) ◽  
pp. 986-997
G. F. Wallace

Experience with the installation of guns in aircraft in recent years suggests that there has been little co-operation between gun designers and aircraft designers. This becomes more apparent as gun calibres increase and if satisfactory fighting aircraft are to be produced in the future, closer co-operation between gun designers and aircraft designers will be necessary. In consequence, a brief review of the progress of gun design in recent years, with special reference to its effect on installation, may be of interest.From 1918 to 1938 the standard guns used in the Royal Air Force were the Lewis gun and Vickers Maxim gun, both Army guns modified for air cooling. The installation of these guns had reached a standard form by 1918 which was adhered to for the best part of 20 years.

1947 ◽  
Vol 51 (436) ◽  
pp. 384-416 ◽  
Ralph Cochrane

The heading of this lecture is the “Development of Air Transport During the War” but because time is limited I have had to exclude any mention of the ferry organisation which was responsible for the delivery by air of many thousands of aircraft. The work has however been, described in “The Atlantic Bridge.” The period with which I propose to deal is the 21 months ending in September, 1946. In this short period, in response to the demands of war, the Transport services of the Royal Air Force flew rather more passenger miles than did British Civil Aviation in the preceding 21 years up to the same date, and carried in addition great quantities of freight and military stores. This volume of transport flying, packed into a few short months, gave rise to many problems but also afforded unique opportunities for testing out new ideas and new equipment. My purpose tonight is to give a brief account of what was accomplished, and against this background to examine some of the lessons which were learned and the ideas for the future to which they gave rise.

1982 ◽  
Vol 127 (4) ◽  
pp. 21-25
Michael Beetham ◽  
Harry Tuzo

2020 ◽  
Syeda Noor-ul-Huda Shahid ◽  
Usman W. Chohan

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