The Dielectric Properties of Crystalline Long-Chain n-Primary Alcohols at Low Frequencies

1951 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 365
RJ Meakins ◽  
JW Mulley

In a previous paper it was reported that certain crystalline forms of long-chain secondary alcohols show abnormally large dielectric absorption and dispersion of the dielectric constant at audio and radio frequencies. The present paper describes an extension of the investigation to n-primary alcohols and discusses the results in terms of the previously suggested theory of dielectric absorption due to the presence of hydrogen-bonded chains of hydroxyl groups. The most significant feature of the results is that the absorption is larger and occurs at much lower frequencies than for the secondary alcohols. This is considered to be due to the end-to-end arrangement of the molecules in n-primary alcohol crystals, which gives double layers of hydroxyl groups and enables the formation of more extensive hydrogen-bond chains. The dielectric constants at the lowest frequencies are almost as large as those previously reported by Hoffmann and Smyth (1949) for the " waxy " forms of n-primary alcohols. Further aspects described are the changes in dielectric properties during storage, the differences between the melted and recrystallized forms, and the effect of dispersing the molecules in an inert solid solvent. In each of these aspects the observed behaviour is similar to that previously reported for the secondary alcohols.

1952 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 661 ◽  
JS Dryden

The dielectric properties of three primary and three secondary long-chain aliphatic alcohols have been investigated within the temperature range of -20 to 70 �C. The experimental results are discussed in relation to the theory of Sack on dielectric absorption in linear polar chains and to the conclusions reached in earlier papers on the dielectric properties of these compounds. The apparent activation energies in the primary alcohols are approximately three times those in the secondary alcohols. This indicates either different mechanisms of absorption in the two types of alcohols or, if the mechanisms are the same, significant differences in the energy barriers involved.

1951 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 359
RJ Meakins ◽  
HK Welsh

Initial investigations of the dielectric properties of normal long-chain secondary alcohols were made with the symmetrical compounds because of their ready availability. The properties of long-chain polar compounds are known to vary considerably, however, with the position of the polar group in the carbon chain and it therefore seemed desirable to make dielectric measurements with some unsymmetrical alcohols. The present paper describes such an investigation of a series of dl-n-eicosanols having the hydroxyl groups in the 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-, and 10-positions, respectively. The results for the melted forms show that slight asymmetry, as in the 10-compound, has little effect on the dielectric properties, but with the more unsymmetrical 4-, 6-, and 8-compounds a considerable enhancement of the dielectric absorption is observed. This is accompanied by increased dispersion of the dielectric constant which, for the 8-compound, reaches a low frequency value of 15. Both ε" and ε' decrease during storage at room temperature. Anomalous results are obtained with dl-n-eicosan-2-ol, probably due to the molecules in the crystal lattice being alternately reversed, end-to-end. As with the symmetrical secondary alcohols, the recrystallized forms give comparatively little dielectric absorption.

1951 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 213 ◽  
RL Meakins ◽  
RA Sack

Symmetrical long-chain secondary alcohols in the solid state show very high dielectric loss at audio and radio frequencies. This can be explained by the presence of chains of hydroxyl groups linked by hydrogen bonding and capable of reversing their direction. Further evidence of hydrogen bonding is provided by a study of the melting points of the secondary alcohols and related compounds. The amount of dielectric loss depends markedly on the manner of formation of the solid, being smallest for samples formed by recrystallization from solvents at low temperatures and largest for specimens obtained by slow cooling from the melt. The alcohols of molecular chain-lengths of 13, 15,17, and 19 carbon atoms show a considerable decrease of absorption on storing at room temperature. For alcohols of between 23 and 43 carbon atoms the loss is rather smaller with a peak at higher frequencies, but remains more constant in time. These results are interpreted in terms of competing influences of van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds during crystal formation ; the former, which lead to a structure unsuitable for the formation of hydrogen-bond chains, are predominant at low temperatures, but become more rapidly neutralized by thermal motion, especially for the shorter molecules. The high temperature modification of the lower homologues is unstable at room temperature, and a molecular diffusion process causes the bond chains to break. Dilute systems of secondary alcohols with hydrocarbons or paraffin wax of similar molecular chain-length show very small dielectric loss suggesting a solid solution in which bond chains cannot be formed ; if the paraffin molecules are appreciably longer, the absorption is large and decreases on storing, presumably owing to the presence of a pure alcohol phase. I.

Synlett ◽  
2021 ◽  
Florian Sommer ◽  
Oliver Kappe ◽  
David Cantillo

Selective anodic oxidation of alcohols in the presence of other functional groups can be accomplished using nitroxyl radical mediators. However, the electrochemical chemoselective oxidation of secondary alcohols in the presence of primary alcohols is an unsolved issue. Herein, we report an electrochemical procedure for the selective oxidation of secondary alcohols using an inexpensive chloride salt that acts as redox mediator and supporting electrolyte. The method is based on the controlled anodic generation of active chlorine species, which selectively oxidize secondary alcohols to the corresponding ketones when primary hydroxyl groups are present. The method has been demonstrated for a variety of substrates. The corresponding ketones were obtained in good to excellent yields. Moreover, the chloride salt can be easily recovered and reutilized by a simple extraction procedure, rendering the method highly sustainable

1949 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 405
RL Meakins

Experimental work on the dielectric properties of solid systems of long-chain polar and non-polar compounds has been performed by Jackson(l), Sillars(2), and Pelmore(3) with dilute solutions of esters in paraffin wax. In subsequent theoretical studies in this field Fr�hlich(4) adopted, as a model, a crystalline long-chain paraffin in which a small proportion of the molecules were assumed to be replaced by long-chain polar molecules. Taking Debye's theory of dielectric absorption in polar solids as a basis, this led to the derivation of a relationship between the relaxation time and the number of links in the polar molecule. In order to obtain experimental results more closely related to the theory, electrical measurements have now been made with symmetrical long-chain ketones in pure crystalline hydrocarbon solvents. The variation of dielectric constant and loss angle with frequency for these systems is found to be approximately in agreement with the Debye theory of dielectric absorption. For ketones of chain-length shorter than that of the hydrocarbon solvent the relationship between relaxation time and chain-length is of the type expected from Fr�hlich's theory, but displaced towards lower frequencies. The results show that, in applying the theoretical relationship to systems of long-chain polar and non-polar compounds, it would be necessary to determine new constants for each different type of polar compound and for each different solvent. The results of electrical measurements of ketone-hydrocarbon systems with ketones of varying chain-length (both less and greater than that of the solvent) are in accordance with conclusions from previous X-ray studies of long-chain hydrocarbons. The effects of dipole interaction on the dielectric absorption of systems of laurone and n-hexacosane, are discussed in relation to the solid-liquid phase diagram. The results of dielectric measurements with pure crystalline compounds suggest that dipole interaction and electrical cooperative effects are larger in ketones than in esters of similar chain-length.

Douglass F. Taber

Cancheng Guo of Hunan University devised (J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 2709) con­ditions for the oxidative cleavage of an alkyne 1 to the esters 2 and 3. Hirokazu Arimoto of Tohoku University found (Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 2758) that IBX oxidized a primary alcohol 4 to the acid 5 one carbon shorter. David Milstein of the Weizmann Institute of Science uncovered (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 2998) condi­tions for the direct oxidation of the cyclic amine 6 to the lactam 7, with concomitant evolution of H₂. Cyclic ene sulfonamides such as 9 are versatile synthetic intermediates. Henri Doucet of the Université de Rennes reported (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2014, 356, 119) the regioselective conversion of 8 to 9. In this case, the oxidizing agent was the organo-PdBr intermediate. There have been many reports of the functionalization of the oxygenated carbons of cyclic ethers, as exemplified by the conversion of 10 to 11, observed (J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 3847) by Jianlin Han of Nanjing University. If these methods were regiose­lective with an acyclic benzyl ether, this could be a new method for the removal of that common protecting group. Jianliang Xiao of the University of Liverpool described (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 8350) a selective benzylic ether oxidation that converted 12 to 13. Baris Temelli of Hacettepe University effected (Synthesis 2014, 46, 1407) the conversion of a primary nitro compound 14 into the corresponding nitrile 15. Jean- Michel Vatèle of Université Lyon 1 oxidized (Synlett 2014, 25, 1275) the primary alcohol 16 to the nitrile 17. Many methods have been put forward for the oxidation of primary alcohols to alde­hydes and secondary alcohols to ketones. Piperidinium oxy radicals such as TEMPO are widely used to catalyze this transformation. Yoshikazu Kimura of Iharanikkei Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. established (Synlett 2014, 25, 596) a manufacturing proc­ess for crystalline NaOCl•5H₂O that served as the bulk oxidant for the conversion of 18 to 19. Neither a ketone nor an aldehyde was chlorinated under the reaction condi­tions. Yoshiharu Iwabuchi of Tohoku University showed (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 3236) that with his piperidinium oxy radical AZADO and Cu catalysis, air could be the bulk oxidant for the otherwise difficult conversion of the amino alcohol 20 to the amino ketone 21.

1998 ◽  
Vol 123 (3) ◽  
pp. 348-356 ◽  
Robert D. Belding ◽  
Sylvia M. Blankenship ◽  
Eric Young ◽  
Ross B. Leidy

Variation in amount and composition of epicuticular wax among several apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) cultivars was characterized by gas chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Across cultivars, wax mass ranged from 366 to 1038 μg·cm-2. Wax mass decreased during the 30 days before harvest. Ursolic acid accounted for 32% to 70% of the hydrocarbons that make up the epicuticular wax. Alkanes, predominantly 29-carbon nonacosane, comprised 16.6% to 49%. Primary alcohols of the hydrocarbons ranged from 0% to 14.6% of the epicuticular wax. Secondary alcohols of the hydrocarbons were the most cultivar specific, making up 20.4% of the epicuticular wax in `Delicious' and only 1.9% `Golden Delicious' strains. Aldehydes and ketones of the hydrocarbons represented a small amount of total wax, ranging from 0% and 6.0%. Percentage of primary alcohol in the epicuticular wax increased as fruit developed. Other components showed no distinct trends with fruit development. Examination of the ultrastructure of cuticular wax using scanning electron microscopy revealed structural differences among cultivars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 141
Imen Elloumi ◽  
Ahmed Koubaa ◽  
Wassim Kharrat ◽  
Chedly Bradai ◽  
Ahmed Elloumi

The characterization of the dielectric properties of wood–polymer composites (WPCs) is essential to understand their interaction with electromagnetic fields and evaluate their potential use for new applications. Thus, dielectric spectroscopy monitored the evolution of the dielectric properties of WPCs over a wide frequency range of 1 MHz to 1 GHz. WPCs were prepared using mixtures of different proportions (40%, 50%, and 60%) of wood and bark fibers from various species, high-density polyethylene, and maleated polyethylene (3%) by a two-step process, extrusion and compression molding. Results indicated that wood fibers modify the resistivity of polyethylene at low frequencies but have no effect at microwave frequencies. Increasing the fiber content increases the composites’ dielectric properties. The fibers’ cellulose content explains the variation in the dielectric properties of composites reinforced with fibers from different wood species. Indeed, composites with high cellulose content show higher dielectric constants.

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