Gesprekken Tussen Vrouwen en Mannen

1997 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 33-48 ◽  
Erica Huls ◽  
Christien Roovers ◽  
Hannie Spierings

With respect to gender differences in language use, two theoretical positions can be distinguished: the cultural approach and the dominance view. In the first approach, communication between women and men is regarded as a special case of intercultural communication. In the second perspective, the social superiority of men is reflected in the details of everyday conversations, while women play a more submissive role. Although these two views can be seen as complementary in many respects, there is at least one point of contrast. In the dominance view, the typically male and female conversational styles are especially prominent in cross-sex conversations. In the cultural approach, the male and female styles are not considered to be sensitive to the sex of the addressee. With these two theoretical positions in mind, we analysed interviews from Dutch talk shows and current affairs programs. In both types of interviews, politeness strategies were analysed in relation to the sex of the addressee. The interviews in the current affairs programs were also analysed with respect to turn-taking mechanisms. Results show that two analyses confirm the dominance view, while the other two confirm neither the cultural approach nor the dominance view. In conclusion, no evidence was found for the position that communication between women and men is a special case of intercultural communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Nurmaliana Sari ◽  
Sumarsih Sumarsih ◽  
Busmin Gurning

This study discusses about language use occurred by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study are male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. The data are the utterances produced by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. This research focuses on the show broadcasted on October 2016 by taking 4 videos randomly. The objective of this study is to describe kinds of the language use uttered by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. The findings showed that the kinds of language use consist of 6 parts. The dominant language use uttered by male host is expletive, because male’s utterances are frequently stated in a negative connotation. On the other hand, female host utterances are found in specialized vocabulary as the most dominant because female host has more interest in talking family affairs, such as the education of children, clothes, cooking, and fashion, etc. Women also tended to talk about one thing related to the home and domestic activities. However, the representation of language use uttered by male and female are deficit, dominance and different. Keywords: Language Use, Gender, Talk Show

1989 ◽  
Vol 67 (6) ◽  
pp. 1434-1438 ◽  
Lynn M. Brodsky ◽  
C. Davison Ankney ◽  
Darrell G. Dennis

The influence of social experience on the preferences for a potential mate in a captive population of black ducks, Anas rubripes, and mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, was examined. Birds were reared from hatching with conspecifics (i.e., female black ducks with male black ducks, female mallards with male mallards), or were cross-fostered with the other species (i.e., female black ducks with male mallards, female mallards with male black ducks). Preferences of individuals were tested in a chamber containing caged black ducks and mallards of the opposite sex. In over 90% (100/109) of the trials, males and females preferred the species that they were raised with since hatching, whether they were of the same species or not. These results demonstrate that social experience influences the social preferences of male and female black ducks and mallards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 364-372
I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri ◽  
I Dewa Ayu Devi Maharani Santika

The aims of this research is to analyse about the differences of emotional lexicon used by male and female communication in South Kuta-Bali when they used Balinese language in their daily interaction.  The scope of male and female is closely related to the social behavior which includes the social identity of male and female in society and this becomes the basis of how the language is used in this context of social. This research is interested to uncover more how people use language in terms of expressing their emotional in social interaction. This study is a sociolinguistic approach used the theory from Hickey, Raymon (2010). The data source in this study is the south Kuta community who use Balinese language in social interactions. The Data collection is done by observation, interview, recording and note taking and descriptive qualitative method is applied to analyze the data. The result of the analysis found that the emotional lexical is used by the male and female in their social interaction, it could mention that both Augmentatives and Euphemisms is used by male and female in their social interaction however the augmentative is mostly used by female in informal occasion. Balinese female often used prohibition instead of imperative in expressing her idea about ordering someone to do something. In the other hand, the male directly used imperative sentence in ordering something. He usually does not use many awkwardness to say his point in a conversation. This may be considered that the male often go to the straight point when expressing his idea. Keywords: Emotional Lexicon, Male and Female

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 123-138

Akceptowalność słowa na M. jest przedmiotem debaty w mediach społecznościowych. Uczestnicy debaty w różny sposób formułują i uzasadniają swoje stanowiska. W artykule analizujemy wpisy na Facebooku wyodrębnione ze względu na to, że ich autorzy nie tylko odwołują się do opinii osób czarnoskórych, ale również traktują uwzględnienie takich głosów jak wyraz troski o dobro drugiej osoby. Przyjmujemy, że wypowiedzi takie mogą stanowić akty zagrożenia wizerunku adresata (FTA) i badamy, w jaki stopniu autorzy wypowiedzi stosują strategie grzeczności językowej osłabiające to zagrożenie. Analiza ma charakter wyłącznie jakościowy i prowadzona jest z perspektywy interdyscyplinarnej, łączącej socjologię i językoznawstwo. You as value in the debate concerning the lexeme Murzyn Summary: The acceptability of the Polish M-word (corresponding to the N-word in English) has been debated in the social media. In the debate, the adversaries vary not only in their views, but also in ways they formulate and justify them. In the present paper, we analyze a sample of Facebook posts in which the authors not only express the opinions of Polish Blacks as a key argument in favor of rejecting the M-word, but also argue that giving hearing to Black voices shows regard for the well-being of the Other. On the other hand, we assume that such posts may constitute Face Threatening Acts against those who consider the M-word non-offensive. Therefore, we study the degree to which politeness strategies are employed by the authors to weaken this threat. The analysis presented in the paper is only qualitative, while the adopted interdisciplinary perspective draws on sociology and linguistics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-94
Dlvin Abdullah Sadiq ◽  
Salam Nihma Hakeem

This study tackles the differences between male and female MPs’ language in Kurdistan Parliament and the reasons behind such differences. The study investigates the extent and the type of gender differences between male and female MPs in Kurdistan and how these differences may lead to misunderstandings while debating. . In addition, the study highlights the MPs’ perspective on gender stereotypes and how such perspectives may affect their interactions. A quantitative method has been used to analyze the data of the study. First, an ethnographic description of Kurdistan Parliament according to Hymes's speaking framework was given, focusing on the setting, the participants and the act sequence. Second, a questionnaire was prepared as the data collection tool of the study. Based on the analysis of the collected data, it was found out that both male and female MPs strongly agreed that gender differences in language use could lead to misunderstandings. Moreover, MPs confirmed that the Kurdish society is patriarchal, and this leads to male dominance in most of the social interactions including parliamentary debates.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 167
Innocent Sourou Koutchade ◽  
Severin Mehouenou

<p class="1"><span lang="X-NONE">This article attempts to explore male-female characters’ tenor of discourse in the novel entitled: <em>The Last of the Strong Ones</em> by Akachi Ezeigbo. According to Halliday’s (1978), the tenor of the discourse is the social role relationships played by interactants. It is associated with the grammar of interpersonal meanings which is, in turn, realized through the mood patterns of the grammar. The paper, through the analysis of mood system, modality and vocatives, reveals how male and female characters establish relationships between each other. The tenor of their discourse unveils how women are oppressed by patriarchy on the one hand, as well as how they fight against the system, on the other. From these linguistic choices, the work concludes that there exists an atmosphere of tension, distance, aggression and dominance between some characters of the novel. </span></p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-154 ◽  
Dominique Bouchet

This article explains why intercultural communication always should be studied in context and how even though misunderstanding is normally at stake in intercultural communication, one can argue that the promotion of mutual understanding actually is of mutual interest for all of humanity. Studying in context means paying attention to circumstances around the uses of signs as well as to the roles and moods of the users of signs. Promoting mutual understanding means avoiding a state of mind that implies the depreciation of the other. To be intercultural, a communication must not be infected by prejudices. Any real attempt at intercultural communication is a paradoxical procedure. It supposes that human beings who engage in it at one and the same time recognize the stranger as similar and as different. Also, it can lead to acceptance of the other and a better understanding of what communication is about as well as to rejection and obscurantism. In this paper, I argue that even though people always relate in various ways to common and different cultural backgrounds, they still have to relate to common issues that govern their ways, and that focusing on those common issues and studying the various communicative contexts and contents help promoting mutual understanding, as these activities highlight the implicit role of the value of respect in all interpersonal communication. Human beings cannot avoid evaluating situations, contexts, relations, peoples and cultures. How can we establish that mutual respect and open-mindedness are better than disdain and dogmatism? Well, precisely by affirming that human relations commonly build on the inevitability of communicating and contrasting values and norms. Meaning in interaction permanently transforms cultural elements and patterns into something new. Intercultural communication becomes more respectable when it acknowledges the variety of ways humans interact meaningfully and the plurality of their logic of (inter-)action. It is good and reasonable to value understanding because this variety and this pluralism always have kept the social alive and more than ever in our modern globalized world contribute to the creativity and interactivity of modern life. The interest of pragmatics in user attitudes, its focus on practical rather than on alethic modalities, can contribute to a more nuanced approach to intercultural communication, where the different elements of meaning in interaction can be studied in various bundles rather than in a single strand.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Nurmaliana Sari ◽  
Sumarsih Sumarsih ◽  
Busmin Gurning

This study discusses about language use occurred by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. The research is conducted by applying qualitative descriptive design. The subjects of this study are male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. The data are the utterances produced by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show. This research focuses on the show broadcasted on October 2016 by taking 4 videos randomly. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe kinds of the language use uttered by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show, (2) to elucidate language use represented by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show and (3) to describe reasons of different language use by male and female host in Hitam Putih talk show in the ways they are. Additionally, the data are analyzed by applying theory of Interactive Model. The findings showed that the kinds of language use consist of 6 parts such as specialized vocabulary, expletives, empty adjectives, tag questions, polite form and telling joke or humor. The dominant language use uttered by male host is expletive, because male’s utterances are frequently stated in a negative connotation. There are common expressions generally referring to English expletives such as: bad language, profanity, swearwords, cursing, foul language, etc. On the other hand, female host utterances are found in specialized vocabulary as the most dominant because female host has more interest in talking family affairs, such as the education of children, clothes, cooking, and fashion, etc. Women also tended to talk about one thing related to the home and domestic activities. However, the representation of language use uttered by male and female are deficit, dominance and different. And the reason of this matter because of some factors such as psychology and different social status.Key words: Language use, Gender, Talk show

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Emma Maemunah

Keberagaman etnik dalam komunitas mahasiswa memunculkan suatu nuansa dan fenomena yang khas dan berbeda dalam penggunaan bahasa. Masyarakat multietnik cenderung menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda-beda ketika berkomunikasi dengan etnik satu dan etnik lainnya. Keberagaman etnik dan bahasa tersebut memungkinkan seseorang menjadi mampu menggunakan lebih dari satu bahasa. Komunikasi saat ini dapat dilakukan melalui berbagai media, salah satunya adalah media sosial. Banyak sekali media sosial yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, seperti facebook, twitter, bbm (blackberry messenger), line, dan whatsapp. Penelitian dengan ancangan sosiolinguistik dan metode kualitatif deskriptif ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bahasa yang digunakan dalam komunitas mahasiswa multietnik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahasa yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa multietnik di Kota Semarang dalam media sosial adalah bahasa Indonesia, bahasa daerah, dan bahasa asing. Kemultietnikan mahasiswa dengan bahasa yang berbeda mengakibatkan penggunaan campur kode. Faktor penyebab penggunaan bahasa tertentu antarmahasiswa multietnik adalah stimulus atau inisiasi yang disampaikan oleh penutur pertama. Selain itu, faktor latar atau situasi bahasa tertentu digunakan, faktor penutur dan petutur yang melakukan percakapan, maksud dan tujuan yang diinginkan oleh penutur dan petutur, bentuk pesan dan isi pesan yang dipilih oleh penutur dan petutur turut memengaruhi bahasa yang digunakan. ABSTRACT The ethnical variety in the university student community has brought a unique phenomena and different nuance in their language use. The students in the multiethnic community tend to use various languages to communicate to each other. Those various ethnics and languages would encourage the member of the community to use more than one language. In the other hand, people could communicate nowadays through all sorts of media. One of them is social media. Some of the social medias such as facebook, tweeter, bbm (blackberry messenger), line, and whatsapp could be used as mean of communication. This research uses approach in sociolinguistics and qualitative-descriptive method. The aim of this research is describing the language use in students’ multiethnic community. The result shows that the language used in multiethnic students in Semarang in social media is Indonesian, local, and foreign languages. The students in different language multiethnic community used the code-mixing. The factor that causes a certain language use in multiethnic students is the stimulus or the initiation uttered by the fi rst speaker. The other factor such as setting or situation where a certain language used, speaker, and hearer that are involved in the conversation, form and contain of the message chosen by the speaker and the hearer, have also infl uence the language used. 

Lexicon ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Nur Trihandayani Rivai

This study aims at examining the turn-taking strategies performed by male presenter, Jimmy Kimmel, and female presenter, Ellen DeGeneres, in two American TV talk shows. The data were analyzed using Stenstrom theory (1994) for the turn-taking strategies performed by both presenters. The findings revealed the following. (1) As the representation of male presenters, in conversation with male guests, Jimmy performed most of the strategies such as hesitant start, clean start, uptakes, links, alert, filled pause/ verbal fillers, silent pause, lexical repetition, a new start prompting and appealing. However, he did not apply metacomment and giving up strategy. Furthermore, in conversation with female guests, he used all the strategies, except hesitant start, metacomment, lexical repetition, a new start, and giving up strategy. (2) As the representation of female presenters, Ellen did not use metacomment, silent pause, and giving up strategies in her conversation with male guests. On the other hand, in conversation with female guests, she used all the strategies, except metacomment strategy. (3) This study also revealed that male presenters interrupted more often to female guests than to male guests, which supports the theory proposed by Zimmerman and West (1975).

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