Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (bacterial canker or blast (stone and pome fruits)).

Giorgio M Balestra

Abstract P. syringae pv. syringae occurs in many areas, from the tropics to the frigid zone (e.g. Alaska). It attacks major crops, including beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpeas, stone fruits, pome fruits, kiwi fruit and grain sorghum. The diseases caused by this bacterium are very important in many countries throughout the world. For instance, bacterial brown spot occurs wherever beans are grown, and canker diseases of fruit trees caused by P. syringae pv. syringae are widespread and may be devastating, causing great losses or requiring much effort to protect plants from them.

A. C. Hayward

Abstract A description is provided for Pseudomonas syringae. Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On a very wide range of host plants including representatives of the following genera: Chrysanthemum, Citrus, Cyamopsis, Hibiscus, Juglans, Malus, Pennisetum, Persica, Phaseolus, Piper, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa, Sorghum, Synura, Trifolium, Vicia, Vigna and Zea. Several species of Pseudomonas described in the literature are likely to prove synonymous with P. syringae and the host range is probably even wider than that given by Elliott (31: 105) p. 90. Poplar canker, at one time attributed to a forma specialis of P. syringae (32: 522), is now known to be caused by an entirely distinct pathogen, Aplanobacterium populi Ride (37: 604). DISEASE: Bacterial canker of stone fruits causing gum exudation on trunks, limbs, twigs and fruit; blighting of buds and blossom; leaf spot and shoot wilt. Also on hosts other than Prunus causing blossom blight and die-back in pear, blossom blight of apple, blast or black pit of citrus, lilac blight, bacterial brown spot of string bean and lima bean, and bacterial leaf blight of sudan grass and other Gramineae. The symptoms of blossom blight on apple ant pear have often been confused with fire blight incited by Erwinia amylovora (CMI Descript. 44) and boron deficiency (41: 46; 35: 463). The symptoms on stone fruit trees are generally indistinguishable from those incited by P. morsprunorum. The reddish-brown leaf spots on bean incited by P. syringae lack an extensive yellow halo which serves to distinguish the symptoms from those of the halo blight pathogen, P. phaseolicola (CMI Descript. 45) except under dry conditions (17: 578). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: World-wide in all the major fruit growing areas (CMI Map 336, 1957). On other hosts the distribution may be more restricted as in bacterial brown spot of bean which has been reported only from the Netherlands (34: 567), Tanganyika (34: 350) Queensland (33: 110), New South Wales (17: 578), and from parts of U.S.A. (43: 2453; 37: 63). TRANSMISSION: The pathogen is spread by wind-driven rain and is favoured by cold spring weather, rain and high humility. Penetration is through stomata or wounds caused by insects, pruning or hail (31: 63, 183; 12: 281). Frost injury is also a predisposing factor for citrus blast and blossom blight of pear (42: 177; 43, 2329). Spur and node infections of cherry are reported to occur through leaf scars in England (35: 198), but in Oregon they have been shown to originate more commonly at the base of the external bud scales (42: 270). Pseudomonas syringae is seed borne on bean and the pathogen has been found to survive in soil over one but not two winters in Wisconsin (37: 63).

2010 ◽  
pp. 34-41
Gábor Tarcali ◽  
Emese Kiss ◽  
György J. Kövics ◽  
Sándor Süle ◽  
László Irinyi ◽  

Plant diseases caused by phytoplasmas have increasing importance in all over the world for fruit growers. Lately, phytoplasma diseases occur on many fruit varieties and responsible for serious losses both in quality and quantity of fruit production. In the long-run these diseases cause destruction of fruit trees. The apricot phytoplasma disease (Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum) was first reported in Europe in 1924 from France. In 1992 the disease has also been identified in Hungary. On the base of growers' signals serious damages of "Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum" Seemüller and Schneider, 2004 (formerly: European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma) could be observed in different stone fruit plantations in the famous apricot-growing area nearby Gönc town, Northern-Hungary. Field examinations have been begun in 2009 in several stone fruit plantations in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County mainly in Gönc region which is one of the most important apricot growing regions in Hungary, named “Gönc Apricot Growing Area”. Our goals were to diagnose the occurrence of Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum on stone fruits (especially on apricot) in the North-Hungarian growing areas by visual diagnostics and confirm data by laboratory PCR-based examinations. All the 28 collected samples were tested in laboratory trials and at 13 samples from apricot, peach, sour cherry and wild plum were confirmed the presence of phytoplasma (ESFY). On the base of observations it seems evident that the notable losses caused by "Ca. Phytoplasma prunorum" is a new plant health problem to manage for fruit growers, especially apricot producers in Hungary. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 170-177 ◽  
J.L. Vanneste

In the last few years the causal agent of bacterial canker of kiwifruit Pseudomonas syringae pv actinidiae (Psa) has become a global pathogen of economic importance Since the beginning of this global outbreak many laboratories in the world have been working on Psa Today it is known that Psa is not a homogeneous pathovar and tools that allow the distinction between biovars (subpathovar classification) have been developed The whole genome sequence of several strains of Psa has now been published Some of the assumptions on the life cycle (ports of entry epiphytic survival etc) made in the early days of the outbreak have now been confirmed Although few new methods have been found to control Psa there is now a better understanding of how to reduce the incidence of this disease This paper reviews the progress made in understanding the pathogen the disease and how to control it

2013 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-157 ◽  
Yoshiyuki Ishiyama ◽  
Naho Yamagishi ◽  
Hideki Ogiso ◽  
Masashi Fujinaga ◽  
Yuichi Takikawa

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
pp. 882-892 ◽  
Khumbuzile N. Bophela ◽  
Yolanda Petersen ◽  
Carolee. T. Bull ◽  
Teresa. A. Coutinho

Bacterial canker is a common bacterial disease of stone fruit trees. The causal agents responsible for the disease include several pathovars in Pseudomonas syringae sensu lato and newly described Pseudomonas species. Pseudomonad strains were isolated from symptomatic stone fruit trees, namely apricot, peach, and plum trees cultivated in spatially separated orchards in the Western Cape. A polyphasic approach was used to identify and characterize these strains. Using a multilocus sequence typing approach of four housekeeping loci, namely cts, gapA, gyrB, and rpoD, the pseudomonad strains were delineated into two phylogenetic groups within P. syringae sensu lato: P. syringae sensu stricto and Pseudomonas viridiflava. These results were further supported by LOPAT diagnostic assays and analysis of clades in the rep-PCR dendrogram. The pseudomonad strains were pathogenic on both apricot and plum seedlings, indicative of a lack of host specificity between Pseudomonas strains infecting Prunus spp. This is a first report of P. viridiflava isolated from plum trees showing symptoms of bacterial canker. P. viridiflava is considered to be an opportunistic pathogen that causes foliar diseases of vegetable crops, fruit trees, and aromatic herbs, and thus the isolation of pathogenic P. viridiflava from twigs of plum trees showing symptoms of bacterial canker suggests that this bacterial species is a potentially emerging stem canker pathogen of stone fruit trees in South Africa.

1999 ◽  
Vol 181 (13) ◽  
pp. 4133-4136 ◽  
Thomas G. Kinscherf ◽  
David K. Willis

ABSTRACT Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a, a causal agent of bacterial brown spot on snap beans, swarms with a characteristic dendritic pattern on semisolid (0.4%) agar plates. Filamentation of swarming cells of B728a was not observed. Mutations in either thegacS (formerly lemA) or gacA gene of B728a eliminate the ability of this P. syringae isolate to swarm without obvious effects on bacterial motility. Three field isolates showed a similar dependence on gacS for swarming. Since gacS and gacA mutants are known to be deficient in N-acyl-l-homoserine lactone (acyl-HSL) production, a mutant was constructed by disruption of theahlI gene of B728a. This mutant did not make any acyl-HSL detectable by the Agrobacterium traG::lacZ reporter system, yet was unaffected in its ability to swarm. Other phenotypes ofgacS and gacA mutations were similarly unaffected in the ahlI mutant.

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 104 (9) ◽  
pp. 2509-2514
Venâncio Salegua ◽  
Rob Melis ◽  
Deidré Fourie ◽  
Julia Sibiya ◽  
Cousin Musvosvi

Bacterial brown spot (BBS) disease caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae is an important disease of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), with grain yield losses of 55% reported in South Africa. This study aimed to identify BBS disease-resistant genotypes from 415 Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) dry bean lines and 5 check cultivars under field conditions across three sites in South Africa: Warden and Middelburg under natural infestation and Potchefstroom under artificial inoculation. Plants at Potchefstroom were inoculated with P. syringae pv. syringae using three isolates at 21, 28, and 36 days after planting, and disease scoring was done at 7, 14, and 21 days after inoculation following a modified 1 to 9 International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) scale. The BBS severity percentage and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) were applied to quantify the reaction of bean genotypes to BBS disease. The study identified 17.2% of evaluated germplasm as resistant and 45.3% as moderately resistant. Genotypes ADP-0592, ADP-0790, ADP-0120, and ADP-0008 were selected for both resistance and high seed yield across the three environments. Genotypes ADP-0546, ADP-0630, ADP-0120, and ADP-0279 were selected for both high yield and resistance at Warden, whereas ADP-0038, ADP-0721, and ADP-0790 were selected for both traits at Middelburg, and lastly, ADP-0120 and ADP-0079 were selected for both traits at Potchefstroom. The best genotypes selected for both high yield and BBS resistance had grain yield >1.45 t ha−1 across sites and >1.85 t ha−1 at individual sites, and they out yielded the best-performing check cultivar (1.13 t ha−1) and the grand mean yield (0.87 t ha−1) across sites. The AUDPC had a strong negative correlation (r = −0.55, P < 0.001) with grain yield at Potchefstroom. Medium-seeded genotypes showed a lower AUDPC than the large-seeded genotypes, and indeterminate genotypes showed a lower AUDPC than determinate genotypes. The genotypes selected for resistance and yield can be utilized in future dry bean improvement efforts for the South African bean market.

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