Comprehensive Flood Control Measures in the Tsurumi River Basin in Japan

1997 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 252-258 ◽  
Tadahiko Nakao ◽  
Koji Tanimoto
Tomáš Mašíček ◽  
František Toman

Hydrological models provide design parameters for the design of flood control measures. Runoff from the river basin is primarily determined by the amount of rainfall and water retention of the river basin. The Fryšávka River basin was chosen to determine the potential water retention of the river basin. Before the determination of potential retention preparatory work was carried out: description of the current state of land cover based on a detailed field survey, the representation of hydrological soil groups in the basin found in BPEJ (Bonitované půdně ekologické jednotky – Valuated land–ecological units) maps, delimitation of basin parts by the digital vector layer ZABAGED altimetry (Základní báze geografických dat – Fundamental base of geographic data) – 3D contour and evaluation of basin parts by the runoff curve numbers (CN). The processing of background data was performed by the program ArcGIS 9.2 of ArcView software products using a set of integrated software applications ArcMap, ArcCatalog and ArcToolbox. To assess the potential retention, as part of the hydrologic cha­ra­cte­ri­stics of the Fryšávka River basin, the curve number method, a modification of the deterministic episode model DesQ–MAXQ, was used. The average numbers of runoff curves and the data about potential retention of river basin parts are presented in the form of map outputs.

Yoshihiro SHIBUO ◽  
Hiroshi SANUKI ◽  
Lee SUNGAE ◽  

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Debi Prasad Bhattarai

The need for water management on hydrological boundaries is mainly triggered by the growing competition for water or by the need to cooperate in an upstream downstream relation. For an institution operating on political boundaries, not coinciding with the boundaries of the river basin, it is very difficult to allocate or prioritise water or carry out flood control measures. A system of water management on political boundaries will induce the respective authorities to either monopolise the water supply sources within its area and to transfer the problem of flooding to downstream. In this article it is attempted to explore the major transboundary issues that need to be addressed in the whole Brahmaputra River basin. Sharing of resources, sharing of basic data and information and protection and preservation of ecosystem are identified as three major issues. In this context, controversial legal issues between the riparian nations in the past were also analysed which has triggered the scope for integrated approach to manage the Brahmaputra River basin. In the later part of the article, a critical analysis was made to understand the principles, approaches and instruments to address the above problems. Finally, some legal materials are presented which could be used as a basis for solving the major river basin issues.Key words: water management; diversifying water supply sources; water management strategies; NepalJournal of the Institute of Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 1, July 2009, pp. 135-141doi: 10.3126/jie.v7i1.2072

2006 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
Ana Milanovic

Lepenica river basin territory has became axis of economic and urban development of Sumadija district. However, considering Lepenica River with its tributaries, and their disordered river regime, there is insufficient of water for water supply and irrigation, while on the other hand, this area is suffering big flood and torrent damages (especially Kragujevac basin). The paper presents flood problems in the river basin, maximum water level forecasts, and flood control measures carried out until now. Some of the potential solutions, aiming to achieve the effective flood control, are suggested as well.

1986 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 229-242 ◽  
Khalil H. Mancy

The pollution burden of river discharges in the Mediterranean far exceeds all other sources, e.g. land based sources. The main contributors are the Rhone, Po and Ebro. Contributions from the River Nile are expected to be much less than those from rivers in the European continent. Recent Nile management schemes and irrigation projects in Egypt are posing direct impacts on the Mediterranean. This includes the erosion of the Nile Delta and off-shore pollution due to wastewater discharges. In view of the prevailing circulation patterns in the Mediterranean, these impacts are dominant in the South Levantin region. Cutrent practices of river management do not necessarily include the protection of marine resources. Similarly, sea protection programs do not include pollution from sources in the river basin. Marine management programs are largely concerned with pollution loads at the points of river discharge. In the case of a land-locked sea, such as the Mediterranean, it is particularly important to integrate river basin management schemes in the sea protection program. Under a suitable management plan, it could be possible to determine main sources of sea pollution within the river basin. This should serve as the basis for the implementation of control measures, since the problem is not exclusively within the river basin.

Seiichi Kagaya ◽  
Tetsuya Wada

AbstractIn recent years, it has become popular for some of countries and regions to adapt the system of governance to varied and complex issues concerned with regional development and the environment. Watershed management is possibly the best example of this. It involves flood control, water use management and river environment simultaneously. Therefore, comprehensive watershed-based management should be aimed at balancing those aims. The objectives of this study are to introduce the notion of environmental governance into the planning process, to establish a method for assessing the alternatives and to develop a procedure for determining the most appropriate plan for environmental governance. The planning process here is based on strategic environment assessment (SEA). To verify the hypothetical approach, the middle river basin in the Tokachi River, Japan was selected as a case study. In practice, after workshop discussions, it was found to have the appropriate degree of consensus based on the balance of flood control and environmental protection in the watershed.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1349-1363 ◽  
D. Nijssen ◽  
A. Schumann ◽  
M. Pahlow ◽  
B. Klein

Abstract. As a result of the severe floods in Europe at the turn of the millennium, the ongoing shift from safety oriented flood control towards flood risk management was accelerated. With regard to technical flood control measures it became evident that the effectiveness of flood control measures depends on many different factors, which cannot be considered with single events used as design floods for planning. The multivariate characteristics of the hydrological loads have to be considered to evaluate complex flood control measures. The effectiveness of spatially distributed flood control systems differs for varying flood events. Event-based characteristics such as the spatial distribution of precipitation, the shape and volume of the resulting flood waves or the interactions of flood waves with the technical elements, e.g. reservoirs and flood polders, result in varying efficiency of these systems. Considering these aspects a flood control system should be evaluated with a broad range of hydrological loads to get a realistic assessment of its performance under different conditions. The consideration of this variety in flood control planning design was one particular aim of this study. Hydrological loads were described by multiple criteria. A statistical characterization of these criteria is difficult, since the data base is often not sufficient to analyze the variety of possible events. Hydrological simulations were used to solve this problem. Here a deterministic-stochastic flood generator was developed and applied to produce a large quantity of flood events which can be used as scenarios of possible hydrological loads. However, these simulations imply many uncertainties. The results will be biased by the basic assumptions of the modeling tools. In flood control planning probabilities are applied to characterize uncertainties. The probabilities of the simulated flood scenarios differ from probabilities which would be derived from long time series. With regard to these known unknowns the bias of the simulations was considered by imprecise probabilities. Probabilities, derived from measured flood data were combined with probabilities which were estimated from long simulated series. To consider imprecise probabilities, fuzzy sets were used to distinguish the results between more or less possible design floods. The need for such a differentiated view on the performance of flood protection systems is demonstrated by a case study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-15 ◽  
Chenkai Cai ◽  
Jianqun Wang ◽  
Zhijia Li

Recently, the use of the numerical rainfall forecast has become a common approach to improve the lead time of streamflow forecasts for flood control and reservoir regulation. The control forecasts of five operational global prediction systems from different centers were evaluated against the observed data by a series of area-weighted verification and classification metrics during May to September 2015–2017 in six subcatchments of the Xixian Catchment in the Huaihe River Basin. According to the demand of flood control safety, four different ensemble methods were adopted to reduce the forecast errors of the datasets, especially the errors of missing alarm (MA), which may be detrimental to reservoir regulation and flood control. The results indicate that the raw forecast datasets have large missing alarm errors (MEs) and cannot be directly applied to the extension of flood forecasting lead time. Although the ensemble methods can improve the performance of rainfall forecasts, the missing alarm error is still large, leading to a huge hazard in flood control. To improve the lead time of the flood forecast, as well as avert the risk from rainfall prediction, a new ensemble method was proposed on the basis of support vector regression (SVR). Compared to the other methods, the new method has a better ability in reducing the ME of the forecasts. More specifically, with the use of the new method, the lead time of flood forecasts can be prolonged to at least 3 d without great risk in flood control, which corresponds to the aim of flood prevention and disaster reduction.

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 802-818 ◽  
Seong-Sim Yoon ◽  
Deg-Hyo Bae

AbstractMore than 70% of South Korea has mountainous terrain, which leads to significant spatiotemporal variability of rainfall. The country is exposed to the risk of flash floods owing to orographic rainfall. Rainfall observations are important in mountainous regions because flood control measures depend strongly on rainfall data. In particular, radar rainfall data are useful in these regions because of the limitations of rain gauges. However, radar rainfall data include errors despite the development of improved estimation techniques for their calculation. Further, the radar does not provide accurate data during heavy rainfall in mountainous areas. This study presents a radar rainfall adjustment method that considers the elevation in mountainous regions. Gauge rainfall and radar rainfall field data are modified by using standardized ordinary cokriging considering the elevation, and the conditional merging technique is used for combining the two types of data. For evaluating the proposed technique, the Han River basin was selected; a high correlation between rainfall and elevation can be seen in this basin. Further, the proposed technique was compared with the mean field bias and original conditional merging techniques. Comparison with kriged rainfall showed that the proposed method has a lesser tendency to oversmooth the rainfall distribution when compared with the other methods, and the optimal mean areal rainfall is very similar to the value obtained using gauges. It reveals that the proposed method can be applied to an area with significantly varying elevation, such as the Han River basin, to obtain radar rainfall data of high accuracy.

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