Police corruption: apples, barrels and orchards

2010 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-12 ◽  
Maurice Punch ◽  
Stan Gilmour
2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-450
Carlos Vilalta ◽  
Gustavo Fondevila

Estudios previos en México argumentan que la percepción de corrupción y la percepción de eficacia predicen la insatisfacción y la falta de confianza en la policía. Este artículo extiende estos estudios previos al examinar si la percepción de corrupción policial impacta el miedo al crimen entre la población adulta. Argumentamos que –más allá de los correlativos tradicionales del miedo al crimen y controlando por la intensidad de la guerra contra el crimen organizado– la evaluación de la reputación de la policía impacta la calidad de vida en la sociedad tal como lo indica el miedo al crimen. Los resultados de los modelos multinivel, basados en datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Victimización y Percepción sobre Seguridad Pública (ENVIPE, 2012–2017), confirman nuestro argumento. También hallamos que la experiencia de victimización y las incivilidades en la colonia son los principales predictores del miedo al crimen, mientras que la guerra contra el crimen organizado no mostró tener un efecto consistente.

Danny Singh

This book provides a unique study on the lower ranks of the Afghan police force due to the lack of empirical evidence of what attributes to the causes, practices and consequences of corruption in this institution. The book is divided into a number of sections. It commences with an understanding of how corruption, and narrowly police corruption, impact on the police force, state legitimacy and the strategies in place to mitigate such problems as part of broader security and post-conflict reconstruction initiatives. The theoretical framework comprises political, economic and cultural drivers of police corruption by drawing on semi-structured interviews with elites and a survey and structured interview conducted with street-level police officers. The findings infer that weak oversight and low pay are causes of police corruption which intensify bribery and roadside extortion. The lack of professionalism, partly due to short and unclear training, and patronage are deemed as meanings of police corruption. In terms of motivation, there is no sense of pride in Afghan policing to fulfil a clear mandate. Moreover, non-meritocratic recruitment is prevalent which exacerbates local influences, loyalties and job buying in either high-drug cultivating or urban areas. To curb patronage, police officers are rotated to distant provinces but economic hardship is further increased when catering for large families with fewer breadwinners. The book concludes that the problems with police corruption and failure to combat it results in low public confidence and state illegitimacy which can support violent opposition groups to create further instability in war-torn societies.

Carl B. Klockars ◽  
Maria R. Haberfeld ◽  
Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich ◽  
Aaron Uydess

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