Seasonal transition and its boundary layer characteristics in Anduo area of Tibetan Plateau

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-245 ◽  
Zuo Hongchao ◽  
Hu Yinqiao ◽  
Li Dongliang ◽  
Lü Shihua ◽  
Ma Yaoming
2017 ◽  
Bin Chen ◽  
Bärbel Vogel ◽  
Xiangde Xu ◽  
Shuai Yang

Abstract. The Asian summer monsoon (ASM) is associated with an upper-level anticyclone and acts as a well-recognized conduit for troposphere-to-stratosphere transport. The Lagrangian dispersion and transport model FLEXPART forced by ERA-Interim data from 2001–2013 was used to perform climatological modeling of the summer season (May–July). This study examines the properties of the air mass transport from the atmospheric boundary layer (BL) to the tropopause layer (TL), with particular focus on the sub-seasonal variability in the tracer-independent BL sources and the potential controlling mechanisms. The results show that, climatologically, the three most impactful BL source regions are northern India, the Tibetan Plateau, and the southern slope of the Himalayas. These regions are consistent with the locations of sources identified in previous studies. However, upon closer inspection, the different source regions to the BL-to-TL air mass transport are not constant in location or shape and are strongly affected by sub-seasonal variability. The contributions from the Tibetan Plateau are most significant in early May but decrease slightly in mid-May to mid-June. In contrast, the contributions from India and the southern slope of the Himalayas increase dramatically, with peak values occurring in mid-July. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis provides further evidence that the BL sources in the ASM region vary across a wide range of spatiotemporal scales. The sub-seasonal behavior of these BL sources is closely related to the strength of persistent deep convection activity over the northern Bay of Bengal and its neighboring areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 500-515 ◽  
Yunfei Fu ◽  
Yaoming Ma ◽  
Lei Zhong ◽  
Yuanjian Yang ◽  
Xueliang Guo ◽  

Abstract Correct understanding of the land-surface processes and cloud-precipitation processes in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is an important prerequisite for the study and forecast of the downstream activities of weather systems and one of the key points for understanding the global atmospheric movement. In order to show the achievements that have been made, this paper reviews the progress on the observations for the atmospheric boundary layer, land-surface heat fluxes, cloud-precipitation distributions and vertical structures by using ground- and space-based multiplatform, multisensor instruments and the effect of the cloud system in the TP on the downstream weather. The results show that the form drag related to the topography, land–atmosphere momentum and scalar fluxes is an important part of the parameterization process. The sensible heat flux decreased especially in the central and northern TP caused by the decrease in wind speeds and the differences in the ground-air temperatures. Observations show that the cloud and precipitation over the TP have a strong diurnal variation. Studies also show the compressed-air column in the troposphere by the higher-altitude terrain of the TP makes particles inside clouds vary at a shorter distance in the vertical direction than those in the non-plateau area so that precipitation intensity over the TP is usually small with short duration, and the vertical structure of the convective precipitation over the TP is obviously different from that in other regions. In addition, the influence of the TP on severe weather downstream is preliminarily understood from the mechanism. It is necessary to use model simulations and observation techniques to reveal the difference between cloud precipitation in the TP and non-plateau areas in order to understand the cloud microphysical parameters over the TP and the processes of the land boundary layer affecting cloud, precipitation and weather in the downstream regions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. 6535-6549 ◽  
Bojan Škerlak ◽  
Stephan Pfahl ◽  
Michael Sprenger ◽  
Heini Wernli

Abstract. Upper-level fronts are often associated with the rapid transport of stratospheric air along tilted isentropes to the middle or lower troposphere, where this air leads to significantly enhanced ozone concentrations. These plumes of originally stratospheric air can only occasionally be observed at the surface because (i) stable boundary layers prevent an efficient vertical transport down to the surface, and (ii) even if boundary layer turbulence were strong enough to enable this transport, the originally stratospheric air mass can be diluted by mixing, such that only a weak stratospheric signal can be recorded at the surface. Most documented examples of stratospheric air reaching the surface occurred in mountainous regions. This study investigates two such events, using a passive stratospheric air mass tracer in a mesoscale model to explore the processes that enable the transport down to the surface. The events occurred in early May 2006 in the Rocky Mountains and in mid-June 2006 on the Tibetan Plateau. In both cases, a tropopause fold associated with an upper-level front enabled stratospheric air to enter the troposphere. In our model simulation of the North American case, the strong frontal zone reaches down to 700 hPa and leads to a fairly direct vertical transport of the stratospheric tracer along the tilted isentropes to the surface. In the Tibetan Plateau case, however, no near-surface front exists and a reservoir of high stratospheric tracer concentrations initially forms at 300–400 hPa, without further isentropic descent. However, entrainment at the top of the very deep boundary layer (reaching to 300 hPa over the Tibetan Plateau) and turbulence within the boundary layer allows for downward transport of stratospheric air to the surface. Despite the strongly differing dynamical processes, stratospheric tracer concentrations at the surface reach peak values of 10 %–20 % of the imposed stratospheric value in both cases, corroborating the potential of deep stratosphere-to-troposphere transport events to significantly influence surface ozone concentrations in these regions.

2020 ◽  
Mo Wang ◽  
Baiqing Xu ◽  
Song Yang ◽  
Jing Gao ◽  
Taihua Zhang ◽  

<p>Black carbon (BC) can change the energy budget of the earth system by strongly absorbing solar radiation: both suspended in the atmosphere, incorporated into cloud droplets, or deposited onto high-albedo surfaces. BC’s direct radiative forcing is highly dependent on its vertical distribution. However, due to large variabilities and the small number of vertical profile measurements, there is still large uncertainty in this forcing value. Moreover, the vertical profile of BC and its relative elevation to clouds determine BC’s lifetime in the atmosphere and its transport and removal processes. In November-December 2017, a series of tethered balloon flights was launched at the Southeast Tibet Observation and Research Station for the Alpine Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. A cylindrical balloon with a diameter of 7.9 m and maximum volume of 1250 m<sup>3</sup> was used. A 7-channel Aethalometer was installed in the gondola attached to the balloon, together with several other instruments including a GPS for altitude, and sensors for temperature and relative humidity. The airborne Aethalometer measured BC mass concentration (ng/m<sup>3</sup>) on a on a 1-second timebase at 7 wavelengths ranging from 370 nm to 950 nm. Meanwhile, another Aethalometer was used to monitor BC mass concentration near the surface, at a height of about 10 m above the ground. From the tethered balloon flights, we derived three profiles designated as ‘F1’, ‘F3-ASC’, and ‘F3-DES’. The maximum height for the F1 flight was 500 m a.g.l., namely 3800 m a.s.l.; while the maximum height for the F3 flight was 1950 m a.g.l., namely 5250 m a.s.l. Based on the potential temperature and relative humidity data, the profiles were divided into three layers: the stable boundary layer (SBL), the residual layer (RL), and the free troposphere (FT). The vertical distribution of BC shows a prominent peak within the SBL. The mean BC concentration in SBL (1000±750 ng/m<sup>3</sup>) was one order of magnitude higher than in RL and FT, which were 140±40 ng/m<sup>3</sup> and 120±40 ng/m<sup>3</sup>, respectively. The BC concentration measured in the present study in FT over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau is comparable to measurements in Arctic regions, but lower than values in South Asia. Analysis of the wavelength dependence of the data yields an estimate of the biomass burning contribution. This showed a maximum value in SBL of 44±37%, and was 16±6% in RL and 13±5% in FT. Analysis of 24-hour isentropic back trajectories showed that BC in SBL and RL was dominated by local sources, while in the FT, BC is mainly influenced by mid- to long-distant transport by the westerlies. In addition, analysis of the variations of BC concentration and biomass burning contribution on a high-resolution time scale showed that BC concentrations and the nature of their sources are largely influenced by air mass origins and transport. To our knowledge, this is the first ever in situ measurement of BC concentration over the Tibetan Plateau in the atmospheric boundary layer and free troposphere up to 5000 m a.s.l.</p>

PLoS ONE ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. e56909 ◽  
Xuelong Chen ◽  
Juan A. Añel ◽  
Zhongbo Su ◽  
Laura de la Torre ◽  
Hennie Kelder ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 90C (0) ◽  
pp. 145-155 ◽  
Kenichi UENO ◽  
Shiori SUGIMOTO ◽  
Hiroyuki TSUTSUI ◽  
Zeyong HU ◽  

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 24809-24853
N. K. Heath ◽  
H. E. Fuelberg

Abstract. The Asian summer monsoon is a prominent feature of the global circulation that is associated with an upper-level anticyclone (ULAC) that stands out vividly in satellite observations of trace gases. The ULAC also is an important region of troposphere-to-stratosphere transport. We ran the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model at convective-permitting scales (4 km grid spacing) between 10–20 August 2012 to understand the role of convection in transporting boundary layer air into the upper-level anticyclone. Such high-resolution modeling of the Asian ULAC previously has not been documented in the literature. Comparison of our WRF simulation with reanalysis and satellite observations showed that WRF simulated the atmosphere sufficiently well to be used to study convective transport into the ULAC. A back-trajectory analysis based on hourly WRF output showed that > 90% of convectively influenced parcels reaching the ULAC came from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and the southern slope (SS) of the Himalayas. A distinct diurnal cycle is seen in the convective trajectories, with their greatest impact occurring between 1600–2300 local solar time. This finding highlights the role of "everyday" diurnal convection in transporting boundary layer air into the ULAC. WRF output at 15 min intervals was produced for 16 August to examine the convection in greater detail. This high-temporal output revealed that the weakest convection in the study area occurred over the TP. However, because the TP is at 3000–5000 m a.m.s.l., its convection does not have to be as strong to reach the ULAC as in lower altitude regions. In addition, because the TP's elevated heat source is a major cause of the ULAC, we propose that convection over the TP and the neighboring SS is ideally situated geographically to impact the ULAC. The vertical mass flux of water vapor into the ULAC also was calculated. Results show that the TP and SS regions dominate other Asian regions in transporting moisture vertically into the ULAC. Because convection reaching the ULAC is more widespread over the TP than nearby, we propose that the abundant convection partially explains the TP's dominant water vapor fluxes. In addition, greater outgoing longwave radiation reaches the upper levels of the TP due to its elevated terrain. This creates a warmer ambient upper level environment, allowing parcels with greater saturation mixing ratios to enter the ULAC. Lakes in the Tibetan Plateau are shown to provide favorable conditions for deep convection during the night.

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