surface ozone
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-176
Suwardi Annas ◽  
Uca Uca ◽  
Irwan Irwan ◽  
Rahmat Hesha Safei ◽  
Zulkifli Rais

Air pollution is an important environmental problem for specific areas, including Makassar City, Indonesia. The increase should be monitored and evaluated, especially in urban areas that are dense with vehicles and factories. This is a challenge for local governments in urban planning and policy-making to fulfill the information about the impact of air pollution. The clustering of starting points for the distribution areas can ease the government to determine policies and prevent the impact. The k-Means initial clustering method was used while the Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) visualized the clustering results. Furthermore, the Geographic Information System (GIS) visualized the results of regional clustering on a map of Makassar City. The air quality parameters used are Suspended Particles (TSP), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Surface Ozone (O3), and Lead (Pb) which are measured during the day and at night. The results showed that the air contains more CO, and at night, the levels are reduced in some areas. Therefore, the density of traffic, industry and construction work contributes significantly to the spread of CO. Air conditions vary, such as high CO levels during the day and TSP at night. Also, there is a phenomenon at night that a group does not have SO2 and O3 simultaneously. The results also show that the integration of k-Means and SOM for regional clustering can be appropriately mapped through GIS visualization.

2022 ◽  
Gérard Ancellet ◽  
Sophie Godin-Beekmann ◽  
Herman G. J. Smit ◽  
Ryan M. Stauffer ◽  
Roeland Van Malderen ◽  

Abstract. The Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) weekly Electrochemical Concentration Cell (ECC) ozonesonde data have been homogenized for the time period 1991–2020 according to the recommendations of the Ozonesonde Data Quality Assessment (O3S-DQA) panel. The assessment of the ECC homogenization benefit has been carried out using comparisons with ground based instruments also measuring ozone at the same station (lidar, surface measurements) and with collocated satellite observations of the O3 vertical profile by Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). The major differences between uncorrected and homogenized ECC are related to a change of ozonesonde type in 1997, removal of the pressure dependency of the ECC background current and correction of internal ozonesonde temperature. The 3–4 ppbv positive bias between ECC and lidar in the troposphere is corrected with the homogenization. The ECC 30-years trends of the seasonally adjusted ozone concentrations are also significantly improved both in the troposphere and the stratosphere when the ECC concentrations are homogenized, as shown by the ECC/lidar or ECC/surface ozone trend comparisons. A −0.29 % per year negative trend of the normalization factor (NT) calculated using independent measurements of the total ozone column (TOC) at OHP disappears after homogenization of the ECC. There is however a remaining −5 % negative bias in the TOC which is likely related to an underestimate of the ECC concentrations in the stratosphere above 50 hPa as shown by direct comparison with the OHP lidar and MLS. The reason for this bias is still unclear, but a possible explanation might be related to freezing or evaporation of the sonde solution in the stratosphere. Both the comparisons with lidar and satellite observations suggest that homogenization increases the negative bias of the ECC up to 10 % above 28 km.

Prodromos Zanis ◽  
Dimitris Akritidis ◽  
Steven Turnock ◽  
Vaishali Naik ◽  
Sophie Szopa ◽  

Abstract This work presents an analysis of the effect of climate change on surface ozone discussing the related penalties and benefits around the globe from the global modeling perspective based on simulations with five CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) Earth System Models. As part of AerChemMIP (Aerosol Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project) all models conducted simulation experiments considering future climate (ssp370SST) and present-day climate (ssp370pdSST) under the same future emissions trajectory (SSP3-7.0). A multi-model global average climate change benefit on surface ozone of -0.96±0.07 ppbv oC-1 is calculated which is mainly linked to the dominating role of enhanced ozone destruction with higher water vapour abudances under a warmer climate. Over regions remote from pollution sources, there is a robust decline in mean surface ozone concentration on an annual basis as well as for boreal winter and summer varying spatially from -0.2 to -2 ppbv oC-1, with strongest decline over tropical oceanic regions. The implication is that over regions remote from pollution sources (except over the Arctic) there is a consistent climate change benefit for baseline ozone due to global warming. However, ozone increases over regions close to anthropogenic pollution sources or close to enhanced natural Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) emission sources with a rate ranging regionally from 0.2 to 2 ppbv oC-1, implying a regional surface ozone penalty due to global warming. Overall, the future climate change enhances the efficiency of precursor emissions to generate surface ozone in polluted regions and thus the magnitude of this effect depends on the regional emission changes considered in this study within the SSP3_7.0 scenario. The comparison of the climate change impact effect on surface ozone versus the combined effect of climate and emission changes indicates the dominant role of precursor emission changes in projecting surface ozone concentrations under future climate change scenarios.

2022 ◽  
pp. 323-333
Rohit Sharma ◽  
Kamna Sachdeva ◽  
Anu Rani Sharma

2022 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-162
V. S. TIWARI ◽  

  ABSTRACT. Concentration of ozone near the ground has been recorded at Pune (India) since 1972 with the help of a continuous surface ozone recorder using electro-chemical sensor. The analysis of the records of winter season indicates a sharp rise in ozone amount in the forenoon around 1000 to 1200 LST. Prior to 1985  this forenoon: higher value in surface ozone concentration was followed by another maximum in the afternoon hours coinciding with the maximum temperature epoch of the day. After 1985 the surface ozone data  indicates that the forenoon peak value has become invariably higher than the afternoon value. Due to increasing concentration of anthropogenic gases in the atmosphere there is a possibility of photochemical production of ozone in the troposphere which may give rise to higher  surface ozone values,  when the meteorological conditions are favourable for the accumulation of such gases which are involved in ozone production.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-108

A systematic programme of monitoring surface ozone and its precursor gases CH4, CO and NOx (NO + NO2) at some selected sites in the Indian region was started under ISRO's geosphere biosphere programme in 1991. Measurements have been made at Ahmedabad an urban polluted site, Gadanki a rural relatively clean site, Gurusikhar a high altitude site representative of the free troposphere and Trivandrum a coastal (relatively clean) site influenced by marine air. The data has been used to study different features of troposphere chemistry in the tropics. Some of the results from this programme relevant to the climate change problem are presented in this paper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 18589-18608
Youwen Sun ◽  
Hao Yin ◽  
Xiao Lu ◽  
Justus Notholt ◽  
Mathias Palm ◽  

Abstract. Following a continuous increase in the surface ozone (O3) level from 2013 to 2019, the overall summertime O3 concentrations across China showed a significant reduction in 2020. In contrast to this overall reduction in surface O3 across China, unexpected surface O3 enhancements of 10.2 ± 0.8 ppbv (23.4 %) were observed in May–June 2020 (relative to 2019) over the Sichuan Basin (SCB), China. In this study, we use high-resolution nested-grid GEOS-Chem simulation, the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning method, and the exposure–response relationship to determine the drivers and evaluate the health risks due to the unexpected surface O3 enhancements. We first use the XGBoost machine learning method to correct the GEOS-Chem model–measurement O3 discrepancy over the SCB. The relative contributions of meteorology and anthropogenic emission changes to the unexpected surface O3 enhancements are then quantified with a combination of GEOS-Chem and XGBoost models. In order to assess the health risks caused by the unexpected O3 enhancements over the SCB, total premature mortalities are estimated. The results show that changes in anthropogenic emissions caused a 0.9 ± 0.1 ppbv O3 reduction, whereas changes in meteorology caused an 11.1 ± 0.7 ppbv O3 increase in May–June 2020 relative to 2019. The meteorology-induced surface O3 increase is mainly attributed to an increase in temperature and decreases in precipitation, specific humidity, and cloud fractions over the SCB and surrounding regions in May–June 2020 relative to 2019. These changes in meteorology combined with the complex basin effect enhance biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), speed up O3 chemical production, and inhibit the ventilation of O3 and its precursors; therefore, they account for the surface O3 enhancements over the SCB. The total premature mortality due to the unexpected surface O3 enhancements over the SCB has increased by 89.8 % in May–June 2020 relative to 2019.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-136

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